Mark Gottfried

State Firmly Ranked in “Ridiculously Early” 2015/16 Top 25 Hoops Polls

Expectations are going up — way up — for Wolfpack hoops next season. It seems as soon as the last notes of “One Shining Moment” are played in the NCAA Tournament, pundits start releasing their “way too early” polls for next season.  Usually, the top of their lists features blue-blood programs and others that have […]

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2014-15 Basketball – A Note of Thanks

Before I sink back into my natural state of deep wolven depression, I wanted to express my sincere thanks to the players and coaches who made the wild ride of this past season possible. It came with its bumps and bruises, fits and starts, but perhaps most importantly for a program that had staggered blindly in the wilderness for so very long – we learned how to love again. That’s the first prong of why last night hurt so much, we really loved this bunch of wolves.

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Yes, Tomorrow Is Very Important

No doubt, you’ve heard the concept of “house money” applied to the 2014-15 Wolfpack. Although the players aren’t just “happy to be here (in the Sweet Sixteen)” there is a consistent undercurrent in the media that State made its bones by knocking off Villanova and can now run along while the big boys finish their apéritifs.

I humbly suggest we yank away the tablecloth instead.

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Calling Dr. Heimlich – a study in Wolfpack basketball

If you think blown leads and huge deficits don’t anger fans then you haven’t been following the Pack this season. Just take a look at the fiascoes over the past couple of weeks if you don’t believe me. I don’t know about some of you but it sure does feel like State teams coached by […]

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