NC State vs Xavier in Dayton on Tuesday at 9:10pm [Updated 6:55pm]

NC State will play Xavier in the “First Four” in Dayton on Tuesday night at 9:10pm.

With a win, State travels to Orlando to play St. Louis on Thursday.

Ultimately, things shook out just like we said yesterday when we said that NC State would be either the last team in the field or the last team out.

We also told you this morning that this analysis was the most appropriate and accurate of all of the bubble analysis out there. BOOM! I hope you listened to us, we would have saved you an awful lot of heartburn (and time) following the morons who don’t know how to add and subtract. You are welcome. 🙂

For fun, allow me to highlight that NC State is in the same bracket with Herb Sendek’s Arizona State Sun Devils…who, for even MORE FUN, is playing RICK BARNES’s Texas Longhorns. WOW!! Someone get me out of 2005!!

In all of this, I can’t help but LOVE the egg on the face of some of the expert ‘Bracketologists’, most notably Joe Lunardi of ESPN. Lunardi was so dismissive about NC State that he not only refused to acknowledge State as a ‘First Four Out’; he moved the Pack completely out of consideration and added salt into his own wound by keeping FSU as one of the first teams to miss the Tourney. That is the same FSU that NC State defeated head to head on our way to finishing ahead of in the ACC as we’ve been on fire the last three weeks. Sorry, Joe

But, of all of the douchebags that live ‘out there’ in pundit-land, nobody has as much egg on their face as ESPN’s Jeff Goodman who was adamant all weekend that NC State would have to win the ACC Tournament to advance to the NCAA Tournament. Not only was Goodman wrong about that proclamation, he missed it by a full two rounds as State needed two LESS wins than he projected.

Earlier today Goodman again proclaimed that the Pack wouldn’t make the tournament.

His reaction when NC State was selected?

The take-away from all this should be obvious — keep listening to us.

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13-14 Basketball


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    I think it should be a requirement that everyone drink Budweiser till we are eliminated or win the whole dam thing.

    Yeah…..I don’t want it that bad.


    Don’t forget Xavier has faced a dominant scorer in McDermott twice and won one time. This will not be new to them. What the rest of the team does and the defense will determine the outcome.


    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>MISTA WOLF wrote:</div>
    I think it should be a requirement that everyone drink Budweiser till we are eliminated or win the whole dam thing. I commented on the “So You’re saying we have a chance” thread that we would be a play in 12 seed aroun noon today. That was my 1st Budweiser. I have now moved on to liquor. Go Pack!

    Beer then liquor, never been sicker.

    Don’t believe all them wise tales now!!! I have experienced the truth behind that line and I guess you have too my friend.


    Happy to be dancing, and a couple thoughts (not that anyone cares about my thoughts).

    UVA deserved a #1 for winning the ACC and the tourney. I would be curious how many years the reg season and tourney does not get a #1. Probably rare if ever. Yes, the ACC is down this year but winning both merits a #1. Plus, many were saying Duke would have been a #1 if they had won, and therefore, UVA deserves the #1.

    As for us, RDU to Dayton is an easy flight, and hopefully we get Dayton to Orlando,another easy flight. Dont over look Xavier but the way this team is playing right now, I would not want to look across the bracket from us. Freeman was huge against Duke and that will help him. Cat was elevating on his J and hitting it – that too will be crucial for the confidence and game moving forward. Vandy and Buckets are glad to have one more shot, and my guess is Pops will tell Jr to take over like he did for the back end of the season.

    I am happy to see NCCU in and look out – those guys have won like 20 in a row. That team will not be an easy out and could surprise the #3 seed.

    Seedings to me are overrated too – if you want to win it all, you have to beat good teams along the way. An 8 seed has to beat a 1 in the 2nd round, but a 6 seed would have to beat the 1 to go to final four. Point is, no matter when you play them, you have to beat them along the way. Only relevance to seeding is to say “we made the sweet 16” but the goal really is to win it all.


    Had an obnoxious so called carowina friend ragging me after our loss yesterday. His comments “Start the bus”, and “Can you say NIT.” Messaged him back and told him he knew where he stick his NIT! We are dancing.


    Shit, I like our draw better than the asterisks…even with the extra game!


    Defense, defense, defense. This game will come down to how well we defend and rebound, period. We’ll score it. Since Buckets has rightfully gotten 20-30 shots per game, we’ve cut down on the turnovers, and Turner was inserted in the lineup, our offensive efficiency has skyrocketed. Unfortunately, as BJD95 has pointed out, 3-4 of our starters are also among our poorest defenders, and they’re not strong rebounders either. We still stink on that end, whether we’re in zone or man. Gott’s team have typically hit brickwalls in the Dance because you face teams, like Xavier, who can score and defend well. Unless we’re absolutely on fire, I think we’ll be in for a struggle. But getting to the Dance this year as a pleasant surprise, so I hope the players enjoy it.


    Not to gripe, I’m ecstatic we’re in. But I was curious, checked Kenpom, and we’re the 9th worst defensive team in the tourney. Top third on offense.


    Agree, watch out for the Chanticleers. I think UVA is the first #1 to go down, if not round 1, 2nd round. I still like Wichita State even with that bear of a bracket.


    If UVA defends the way they have, oh, the past 3 months, then they are moving on easily. That thing is rock solid.


    On the way home from gf’s … hear on the radio that Lunardi will be on, and Goodman is on same show (hahaha!)

    Run upstairs to listen, Lunardi and Goodman crying about SMU – even though scheduling is a known variable that can be controlled.

    Gottfried coming up at the top of the hour. The whining about our inclusion from Lunardi and Goodman is priceless. Nothing against Lunardi, but Goodman can suck it. Fun times! 🙂


    If UVA defends the way they have, oh, the past 3 months, then they are moving on easily. That thing is rock solid.

    Let’s see how they officiate in the tournament. That might have an effect on Virginia’s chance at advancing.


    “After watching Central’s season they turned out to be a decent team.”

    After the Central loss, somebody made the point that the loss was not a surprise. With the coach and returning players, Central was a good team and the loss was not a bad loss.

    That same person was castigated by several posters here, in a u*nc-syracuse obnoxious arrogant kind of way.

    Two letters for you. F U


    It’s awesome we get to dance in a down year.

    UVA is a legit 1 seed. Duke played WELL today and was simply beat by a better team. They can win it all.


    I would be curious how many years the reg season and tourney does not get a #1. Probably rare if ever.

    It happened just last year with Miami, who received a #2 seed. I think that’s the only time it’s happened, though.


    UVA was a bit disrespected in the polls for the majority of the ACC regular season. But then they castrated Cuse, winning the ACC outright. I think they moved up to fifth. Then following up with the tourney title with impressive wins over Pitt and Duke (they controlled that game from start to finish) sealed the deal. They earned it.


    UVa may not be the best team in the tournament, but they may be the toughest team to beat.


    You MIGHT remind your UNC fan that HIS team will be going to RDU rather than the leisurely ride over to the PNC. Pitt sent them to the airport.

    As to US….I had a sneaking suspicion (wish I was that psychic about the stock market…) that we would get in. Had not ruled out a “play in”. Interesting that we are playing for a #12 seed rather than a #16.

    I know that AD Yow and staff were burning LOTS of broadband sending stuff to the NCAA committee after the wins during the tourney. Looks like all the stuff they sent (maybe they have pictures of certain members and their mascots) worked. Wellman must have also had a hand in this.

    He probably had two stickies on his phone….Figure out HOW to State IN….and Fire Bzzz…

    I have NOT heard any inside stuff….just a gut reaction.

    BTW….did you guys notice that King Karl was always scheduled in a NON-WP game and that Karl did NOT make the Final Sunday game. I have NEVER found any data that goes far enough back to find TWO consecutive years where Karl did NOT have every ACC Team and MANY of them several times.

    GO PACK….having minor surgery on Wednesday AM…will stay up late and hopefully BE HAPPY. Dayton is not that bad a place to play and YES, it is a bit of an inconvenience to have the play-in, but I will GLADLY give up the opportunity to go to the NIT games at the PNC.

    Those NCAA Participation Banners are NICE.

    It will ALSO be nice to see one hanging in Reynolds….for the Ladies.


    “After the Central loss, somebody made the point that the loss was not a surprise. With the coach and returning players, Central was a good team and the loss was not a bad loss.

    That same person was castigated by several posters here, in a u*nc-syracuse obnoxious arrogant kind of way.”

    One thing I like about this time is the cream rises. These guys deserve some props. I appreciate good play – even when by the “blews”.


    Yep. Happy for their coach. He’s earned some spotlight time.



    I was a person that didn’t think that the Central loss was as bad at the time as most everyone seemed to think. With a young team, that is exactly the type of team that I expected to beat us early in the year. Good for them for winning their conference and helping us out some.

    I’m getting a big kick right now at how pissed Joe Lunardi is that we got in. Crying that SMU should have gotten in, and that he didn’t even have us as next four out. Guess what Joe, kenpom isn’t the end all, be all when it comes to tourney selection. Neither is the BPI stat that ESPN seemingly just made up for no reason several years ago. I think more than anything Joe is just upset that whichever member of the selection committee it is that feeds him his info mislead him. Stats are good, and can be useful, but as I’ve tried to tell you guys all season, watch the games with your eyes and you will see what this team is capable of.


    If you’re REALLY happy you can go here…

    Note: even if you don’t like the song the concept and technical execution is cool.


    ^Yeah that is a pretty cool idea 🙂

    It’s my theme song right now b/c I’m on cloud 9 … hope the guys on the team are as well.

    They should be – fought hard and persevered all season. Well done.


    12/12 matchup on a Tuseday night. None of the national blabber mouths will be able to get the words “NC State Wolfpack” and “TJ Warren” out of their fat heads for the next two days. I don’t mind us being the only game in town on a Tuesday… I’ll catch ‘Justified’ some other time.

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