Lee Fowler

The Relevancy of Irrelevancy – Is Lack Of Athletic Success Limiting The University?

Some of the comments on the recent Monday Morning entry got me to thinking about the possible effects of our lack of athletic success on the university as a whole. I have to believe that athletics is a big component of the marketing and identity of a university (and you can make a fair case […]

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Fowler, Sendek, Amato and the GSR (Updated @ 1:15pm)

NC State is currently tied for the worst record in the Atlantic Coast Conference football season as the program heads towards its longest consecutive streak of non-winning seasons since the 1950s. The Wolfpack has been picked to finish 12th out of 12 teams from almost every imaginable source for the upcoming basketball season continuing a […]

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10/15/2005: Letter to the Wolfpack Nation from NCSU Director of Athletics Lee Fowler

Raleigh, NC – Dear Wolfpack Fans: I know this is a time of great frustration and disappointment for all of you who care deeply and passionately about Wolfpack football. As Athletic Director, I can say that we all feel badly about losing–our coaches, our players and our staff, as well as our thousands of fans. […]

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State actually wins a team championship in an ACC sanctioned event (ie: not Bass Fishing) [Updated noon]

As resident SFN Statistician, WV Wolf, posted much fo the following on our message boards this weekend: NC State’s Men’s Cross Country team won the ACC Championship this weekend. (Link to ACC.com) This is State’s first ACC Title since winning the ACC Wrestling Championship on March 3, 2007; spanning a stretch of 973 days. In […]

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The Unholy Trilogy and Other Groups of Distinction

On a blog entry on Buster Sports, author Dave Nathan has discovered what he believes to be the three worst college football and basketball teams from 2006 to 2009. There are three BCS schools that have had 3 straight losing seasons in football while also missing the NCAA men’s basketball tournament. Of course, NC State […]

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