Technician Disappoints Again: “No Daily Tar Hell”. Students Respond

The Technician had it’s chance for redemption after letting down so many NC State fans who appreciated the tradition of printing a Daily Tar Hell, the spoof of UNC’s student paper. You can revisit the story from last year on our entry here along with a response from the former editor of the Technician

We made it. It has been six days since we didn’t publish The Daily Tar Hell, and with the exception of one man who wrote to tell me he “died a little inside” due to the absence of the spoof paper, it appears life will go on.

Nevertheless, I’ve been told I “owe fans, students, and alumni an apology,” so if you are among those who share that sentiment, stop reading this now.

I am not sorry, and I owe nothing to anyone who only picks up the paper once a year to read a joke edition.

He continues

However, the truth is if I had nothing better to do than to twiddle my thumbs or troll the Wolfpack Students Facebook page, I would still be too busy to produce a spoof paper.

Why? Because that’s not my job, and anyone who thinks otherwise is mistaken.

Nowhere does my job description say I am required to produce a paper mimicking The Daily Tar Heel. I didn’t decide to work for a newspaper to write jokes, and contrary to the beliefs of some people, neither did the majority of the editors who came before me.

You can read more here but I don’t know why you would.

The new editor preemptively wrote a column letting us know he wouldn’t be doing a DTH either. You can find that here 

Although I am not worthy of a qualified opinion on the subject as I am just some dude, I think Owen Good and Nate Johnson, who are both respected and experienced media folks, have an opinion worth noting.

All is not lost though, we all owe a little appreaciation to the students who are doing what they can to create their own DTH

It is still a work in-progress but you can following along here


The reaction from fans today wasn’t any better. I guess others, like myself, clung to the hope that maybe they had a change of heart and realized they let down a large portion of the fanbase by killing yet another NC State tradition.

Some former Technician staff members weighed in on Twitter.

About JackWolf

I'm an unapologetic NC State fan but also consider myself a rational one. Hit me up on twitter if you want to talk @NCStateFootball

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    The Technician had it’s chance for redemption after letting down so many NC State fans who appreciated the tradition of printing a Daily Tar Hell, the
    [See the full post at: Technician Let’s Us Down: “No Daily Tar Hell”. Students Respond]


    Sounds to me like the EIC was intimidated by the challenge to keep it going.


    So….a tradition at NC State that was enjoyed by a lot of students and alumni was done away with for no good reason. Color me shocked.


    It is a lot to live up to. But putting them together were some of the greatest times in college.

    Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy. Mao Zedong


    This year’s issue practically wrote itself. We always looked forward to the DTH edition. It’s a real shame that traditions like this are being lost.


    I just read the current editor’s article about why he and his staff didn’t do the spoof issue. Regarding his comment that “We aren’t humorless (see Monday’s headline), but we know we aren’t humorists, and we aren’t going to try.” I suggest he go all in and remove the editorial cartoons from the paper as well.

    Seriously, satire has been used for a long, long time – to great effect.

    (Sorry – this is from Wikipedia but it’s a good definition)
    “Satire is a genre of literature, and sometimes graphic and performing arts, in which vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, ideally with the intent of shaming individuals, corporations, government or society itself, into improvement.[1] Although satire is usually meant to be humorous, its greater purpose is often constructive social criticism, using wit as a weapon and as a tool to draw attention to both particular and wider issues in society.”

    If the abuse of power and academic shenanigans over on the Hill aren’t a worthy target, then I don’t know what is. I suggest that the Technician editor and reevaluate their mission.


    They could have started the article like this. Bernie Madoff metaphorically passes the torch to the next generation of frauds. “I used to believe there couldn’t be a scam artist that topped my Ponzi Scheme. When they read my charges aloud in the courtroom it was hard not to blush. It was at that moment I reveled in my own glory thinking I had reached the cynical pinnacle by lying, cheating, and stealing billions of dollars from elitists. I never hurt anyone it was all for the best right? ME!

    Then I read about the University of North Carolina’s systemic academic fraud scandal collecting millions of dollars in tuition assistance from the state of NC, misleading millions around the country into believing they were watching student athletes on their college gridiron and in the dean dome. They were good, I mean they even had me fooled. That’s why I have to pass the torch to the BOG, to ESPN, to all the people that are able to pull of this scam in front of everyone’s eyes and without retribution”

    Bernie went on talk about how he wished he spent his younger years studying at UNC Chapel Hill, watching the administrators every single move, learning their ways, and perfecting his craft. He later went on to say that he believes he would have been found completely innocent if he ran his ponzi scheme from Chapel Hill instead of Manhattan. In disbelief he said in desperation, “I got convicted with alot less evidence against me and in a fraction of the time”.

    UNC administrators were hush hush about their side of the story stating that after the statute of limitations runs out they will publish a book entitled, “I’m not saying we did it, but if we did, here’s how — wink wink”

    El Lobo Loco!

    I guess satire requires some effort, which is something the technician has lacked for the last few years
    Either that or the “journalists” think too much of themselves, and forget that life has a lighter side and you better enjoy it while you are in college
    That little crass joke on Monday can’t make up for this


    Technician: “Nous ne sommes pas Charlie”


    Boy, Technician staff must have changed from the days when I was on staff (late 80s–with Tim Peeler, et al). Doing the Daily Tar Hell was the highlight of the year. The current staff appear to be WAY too serious (or seriously lacking in creativity…)


    Maybe they are too freakin’ Politically Correct!

    "Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!


    You’re in my era, class of 89. Those dern kids these days, they won’t get off my lawn and they won’t do a DTH. I’m ashamed and proud of some of the things I/we wrote back then.

    Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy. Mao Zedong


    Apparently the new breed of “journalist” at NC State should be getting their “journalism” degree 25 miles to the west. Journalist. Whatever.


    Anybody wanta bet a dollar that half of the Technician staff cannot “swim across the pool and back”…

    It’s the NEW N.C. State….

    #NCSU-North Carolina's #1 FOOTBALL school!

    For every repudiation there often lies opportunity.

    I could see an independent student publication similar to “The Onion News,” maybe “The WOLFPACK RAMP” – a la Ramps (Allium tricoccum), published once a month during the school year being very popular on campus. Because of the popularity of satire it could potentially create a lot of ad revenue also. There’s nothing like it published now, right?

    There’s the opportunity here!


    Anybody wanta bet a dollar that half of the Technician staff cannot “swim across the pool and back”…

    It’s the NEW N.C. State….

    Without the “Dude at the Pool” fishing them out with the stick! Happened right in front of me in Freshman Orientation when you had to “qualify out of Beginning Swimming”…

    "Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!


    ^^ RAMP Festival !!!

    #NCSU-North Carolina's #1 FOOTBALL school!

    Thumbs up to that Bill.


    Anyone else remember that edition from the mid-80s with the heads of Steve Hale, JR Reid, etc. superimposed on the Playgirl magazine pictures? The most un-PC thing I ever saw, questioning the “manliness” of the UNC team (and UNC in general)… I kick myself for not keeping a copy of that one.

    Does the UNC paper still do a Technician knock-off – Tractor Pull Weekly or something like that if I remember correctly?


    They weren’t superimposed on Playgirl mag pictures.

    Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy. Mao Zedong


    44rules, Some “other” magazine, huh?

    Wait! were they pictures the Technician staff posed or? It has been so long…


    Speaking of alternative student publications, does anyone remember “The State Sentinel”? I still have a few issues of it. One in particular is the 3-23-74 NCAA Basketball Special Edition which featured full page black and white drawings of Sloan, Thompson, Towe, and Burleson. They competed with the Technician for awhile, and I recall the back and forth between the two in their issues. Funny stuff back then.

    john of sparta

    pack92 is on the right track.
    essentially, it’s a “jobs” thing.
    journalism jobs in NC are a UNX thing.
    a UNX grad will review your resume.
    a UNX grad will interview you.
    (same as Pack grads will at NCDOT, Duke Energy, etc.)
    so…these current NCSU journo students don’t want to defend a DTHell.
    yeah, it’s not a “biggie”, but it breaks the tie as to who gets the job.


    No comment on who the actual “bodies” were. Fifth Amendment and all that crap. And I never had a problem working with ex-UNC people when I was back in the journo industry.

    Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy. Mao Zedong


    Politically correct, stupid, uncreative and lazy would describe the Tech. folks.

    I recall a few issues called the Dainty tar hole, of course that was dropped in fear of the sodomites.

    How many of you recall the Miss Moo U pagent?

    Banned as sexist in 89 at a school which was 68% male.

    I had a fraternity brother entered under the name of Sofonda Peters.

    Peace out


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