The Hits Just Keep Coming: UNC-CH presser tonight — 9 UNC players had papers written for them — By Butch’s nanny!??

Link to 99.9. Ovies and Gold about to interview IC’s Greg Barnes. Literally starting right now(4:10 pm).

Inside Carolina is reporting that

Officials from North Carolina uncovered the academic issues in its own review, pertaining to a tutor, and self-reported the findings to the NCAA.

Sources report the various players involved were relegated to the scout team at practice on Wednesday.

At this point in time, no other details have been given, nor have the names of the players involved.  Undoubtedly, that will come sometime soon, as the local media simply cannot ignore this third line of inquiry by the NCAA into problems with the UNC football program – even if the Carolina reported itself.

UPDATE: Joe Schad of ESPN reported: Marvin Austin, Bruce Carter and Robert Quinn were among the names involved.

Also, while rogue players interacting against NCAA rules is one thing, or an assistant coach’s potentially rule-breaking recruiting is another, this matter simply has to strike at the heart of the dreaded phrase: “lack of institutional control.”  After all, the heart of all academic institutions is not athletics, it is, well, academics, right?

Taken individually, the problems with the football program at UNC may seem small and inconsequential.  If one looks holistically, however, it certainly seems that the Tar Heel football program is operating outside the lines. Whether or not the NCAA agrees, whenever it releases its findings, remains to be seen.

Update: Mark Armstrong of WTVD Channel 11 has reported that a press conference will be held by UNC this evening:

Confirmed: big guns out tonight at UNC – Butch, Baddour, Thorp. This is not a drill.

@ABC11_WTVD is told the #UNC Newser will be about “everything” the NCAA Probe and the Academic Infractions

The event, which will have head football coach Butch Davis, Athletic Director Dick Baddour and Chancellor Holden Thorp has been termed “an update on the NCAA investiagation.”  Apparently, those who walk on the thick carpet in the halls of power at UNC have decided to break their self (not NCAA) imposed silence on the THREE (and counting) controversies surrounding Tar Heel football.

Also, one can also safely assume this: if Baddour and Holden are planning to share the stage with Butch Davis, then Davis is still in their good graces and that he has their backing…at least for the moment and at least in public.



UNC put standout players on scout team on Wednesday as UNC inquiry expands beyond agents and parties
9 minutes
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UNC is investigating if approximately 9 players including standouts had papers written by a former tutor
10 minutes ago via txt

Something interesting to consider: The UNC System Honor Code.

B. Academic Dishonesty

1. Plagiarism in the form of deliberate or reckless representation of another’s words, thoughts, or ideas as one’s own without attribution in connection with submission of academic work, whether graded or otherwise.

2. Falsification, fabrication, or misrepresentation of data, other information, or citations in connection with an academic assignment, whether graded or otherwise.

3. Unauthorized assistance or unauthorized collaboration in connection with academic work, whether graded or otherwise.

4. Cheating on examinations or other academic assignments, whether graded or otherwise, including but not limited to the following: a. Using unauthorized materials and methods (notes, books, electronic information, telephonic or other forms of electronic communication, or other sources or methods), or
b. Representing another’s work as one’s own.


9. Assisting or aiding another to engage in acts of academic dishonesty prohibited by Section II.B.

Penalties?  They are there too:

4. Penalties of Record that are reflected both on a student’s academic transcript (during the period they remain in effect) and in a student’s disciplinary record s provided under governing policies, including the following:

a. Probation for a definite or indefinite period, including probation with associated conditions or requirements. Probation means that a student may remain at the University but may be required to satisfy specified conditions or requirements, report regularly to the Judicial Programs Officer, and be barred from holding any office or participating in any activity in which the student represents the University or University-recognized student organizations either within or outside the University community. The sanction of probation prohibits graduation until the period of probation has ended and the student has complied with all requirements as established by the Honor Court and the Judicial Programs Officer.

b. Suspension including the following forms of suspension with associated conditions or requirements:

i. Suspension for a Definite or Indefinite Period means that the student is removed from good standing and must leave the University for a definite or indefinite period. Suspension anticipates that the student may eventually return if applicable conditions are satisfied. Academic work completed at another institution during a period in which a student is under suspension from the University may not be transferred toward the degree, but applicable health care or insurance benefits may be continued.

ii. Permanent Suspension from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill means that the student is removed from good standing and must leave the University permanently without an expectation that the student may eventually return to the Chapel Hill campus. A student permanently suspended from the campus is not barred from seeking admission to another UNC system university, if that university wishes to permit such application following disclosure of the student’s disciplinary record at UNC-Chapel Hill. Permanent suspension may only be imposed with the concurrence of the Chancellor and will remain in effect until the Chancellor who imposed or approved the sanction or his or her successor concludes on the basis of the former student’s petition and any supportive documentation that the individual should be given a new opportunity to pursue higher education at UNC-Chapel Hill.

c. Expulsion if approved by the Chancellor. Expulsion means that a student is removed from the University permanently and may not be admitted to any UNC system university, unless and until the Chancellor who imposed or approved the sanction or his or her successor concludes on the basis of the former student’s petition and any supportive documentation that the individual should be given a new opportunity to pursue higher education within the UNC system.

In short it cannot be overstated that this strikes at the very core of the mission of any institute of higher learning: that is, to educate. If indeed there was a widespread pattern of academic fraud (and how can 6-9 football players having their schoolwork completed by a tutor be described as anything but that) then probation would not be an equitable penalty. Suspension or expulsion certainly would be.  A common, regular Joe Tar Heel would be out on his ear after being caught for this, and it would be absolutely incomprehensible if Marvin Austin or any other football hero weren’t given exactly the same treatment.  Call it what you like, but academic fraud is one of the worst of the worst sins a student can do in school, and it seems more and more than a good number of UNC football players have done exactly that.

UNC Scandal

125 Responses to The Hits Just Keep Coming: UNC-CH presser tonight — 9 UNC players had papers written for them — By Butch’s nanny!??

  1. Daily Update 08/26/2010 at 3:13 PM #

    Holy shit!?!?! Ovies and Gold are already moving on to other things? This should be interesting.

  2. Alpha Wolf 08/26/2010 at 3:14 PM #

    Nothing to see here, move along, move along! 🙂

  3. Daily Update 08/26/2010 at 3:16 PM #

    I wonder if this is the reason for the Brandon Willis transfer. Something stunk with that.

  4. StateFans 08/26/2010 at 3:17 PM #

    Can’t wait for the “Poole Commission” to get re-established. I’m ‘shocked’ it hasn’t already happened.

  5. Alpha Wolf 08/26/2010 at 3:19 PM #

    The only Poole Commission you will see is the one that will put the pool Psycho T jumped into a couple years ago into the Carolina Hoops Hall of Fame.

  6. packbackr04 08/26/2010 at 3:26 PM #

    cant wait to see this get swept under the rug/

    does anyone know the names of players involved in this?

    is it true UNC has called a press conference tonight?

  7. Alpha Wolf 08/26/2010 at 3:28 PM #

    ^ I just updated the main article with details.

  8. TAEdisonHokie 08/26/2010 at 3:29 PM #

    Total of 9 UNC players involved in having a tutor write their papers….6 are stars on the defensive side of the ball.

  9. packbackr04 08/26/2010 at 3:30 PM #

    thanks. i assume noone knows which players are involved in this? is it the same guys, new ones, etc.

  10. GoldenChain 08/26/2010 at 3:31 PM #

    “Taken individually, the problems with the football program at UNC may seem small and inconsequential. If one looks holistically, however, it certainly seems that the Tar Heel football program is operating outside the lines.” Alpha

    Sorry Alpha, can’t agree. From day one I’ve said that the NCAA nailed USC for just one player having an agent, this unx case has at least two, w/the possibility of one being a ‘runner’. Plus whoever else w/agents, plus the recruits leaving for ‘who knows why’, PLUS this new academic stuff. And unx doesn’t have the gravitas of a USC in football anyway.
    If I may be so bold, I think more accurately said: “If the agent problems were not bad enough on their own, add the extra issues with recruits and then academic improprieties and the weight becomes overwhelming.”

  11. Alpha Wolf 08/26/2010 at 3:35 PM #

    ^ We’ll see, but I think we are agreeing, and simply differ on the verbiage.

  12. Homeboy 08/26/2010 at 3:36 PM #

    only 9? That ain’t major college football. That’s I-AA bush league stuff.

    in major college football, only 9 players actually DO write their own papers…real SEC stuff.


  13. TAEdisonHokie 08/26/2010 at 3:40 PM #

    UPDATE from HokieHaven!!:

    “NEW INFORMATION: UNC believes this academic situation is similar to the FSU situation. As far as Scout team goes, pretty much “the entire 1st team defense was chalked” at practice on Wednesday along with a few 2’s. The most interesting thing is that it is almost completely isolated to the defense. This looks VERY serious. Self-reporting may or may not help UNC here since NCAA had for cause to be on campus for agentgate. I have heard that some of the players were bragging on FB and Twitter about the academic issue and this was flagged by NCAA during their review of agentgate.”

    POP that CORN!! GRAB those BREWSKIES!!

  14. GoldenChain 08/26/2010 at 3:41 PM #

    It might have been premature to be doing the “death penalty” talk before but you might start hearing that phrase now….

  15. packplantpath 08/26/2010 at 3:42 PM #

    This is reportedly Sean Draughn’s tweet:

    “Is it bad that I hardly ever know the name of my classes or the professors name??”
    about 5 hours ago via ÃœberTwitter

    His Twitter feed is locked for me. Anybody confirm?

  16. Daily Update 08/26/2010 at 3:46 PM #

    Hokie: Is that premium or can we link that?

  17. Alpha Wolf 08/26/2010 at 3:49 PM #

    Guys, I know it is dry and legalese, but I thought it would be informative to add the relevant portions of the UNC honor code into the main article.

  18. TAEdisonHokie 08/26/2010 at 3:49 PM #

    Daily Update: Unfortunately, it’s a premium site. The post came from a guy who has a direct link inside the UNC program. Those folks are NOT happy!

  19. Daily Update 08/26/2010 at 3:51 PM #

    ^OK. Thanks.

  20. TAEdisonHokie 08/26/2010 at 3:51 PM #

    packplantpath – Draughn’s account is definitely locked. I bet all of the UNC players have been ordered off all social media platforms.

  21. TheCOWDOG 08/26/2010 at 3:52 PM #

    Let’s see…Saunders gets suspended and the next thing ya know…

    Half of the D over there is on the hook. Daddio is pissed and his kid ain’t goin’ down alone. I’m begining to think that my Gamecock boy was right.

    All this stuff has obviously been known by alot of select kids for a long time. Loose flappers. Just couldn’t keep ’em shut.

    Again, do not forget who the NCCA compliance honcho is.

    Time warp: ” Yes Paul, Cleveland isn’t Miami, I’m all yours”.

  22. GAWolf 08/26/2010 at 3:53 PM #

    As much as the folks over in Chapel Hill love their basketball, admittedly for good reason mind you, they may very well just pull the plug on football altogether if this cancer carries over into Roy’s program. It’s malignant… and aggressive.

  23. SeaWolf 08/26/2010 at 3:58 PM #

    ROFL. From kbtarheel on IC:

    “Sounds like ALL of the players need to take a COMMON SENSE coarse.”

  24. Daily Update 08/26/2010 at 4:00 PM #

    Greg Barnes says as few as 6 and as many as 12 players involved. He also said that it definitely involved the stars on UNC’s defense.

  25. SeaWolf 08/26/2010 at 4:03 PM #

    From “willbrinson” on twitter:

    “@schadjoe Also, Joe, hearing “double the number” and “it’s a ton more than a paper” re: 9 peeps.”

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