R&R: News and Observer Missing Golden Opportunity

If you listened closely, you probably heard an odd buzz floating through the air around the state of North Carolina yesterday. I know that I contributed to it. What you were hearing was the elevated voices of the collective non-UNC-graduates in the area expressing their astonishment with what greeted them in their Sunday newspapers (followed by snide remarks highlighting the very reason why incompetent and biased newsrooms are insolvent and dying under the weight of their own performance).

When I opened Sunday’s Charlotte Observer with more anticipation for a Sunday paper than I’ve felt in years, I was as flabbergasted with what I saw…as well as with what I didn’t see. I wasn’t alone – as this thread, and this thread and this thread highlighted on our message boards yesterday.

I don’t know the composition of Sunday’s N&O; but, the MAIN story on the FRONT PAGE of Sunday’s Charlotte Observer was that DEAN SMITH is getting old. God bless Dean Smith; but, really? We need thousands of words on the front page to tell us that an 80 year old man has deteriorating health and memory? Perhaps the very fact that it is an epiphany to the news room that an 80 year old is losing his memory helps explain why the average subscriber isn’t understood by today’s newspapers.

I could spend my afternoon developing a long entry on this topic…but, a lot of quality talent comprises the NC State ‘blogosphere’ and there is no reason for us to re-create the wheel that ‘Riddick & Reynolds’ has already started building with this piece:

I was too young and too far removed to remember how the N&O damaged its relationship with State fans. I was 12 in 1989, living outside of the N&O’s subscription zone in rural Cumberland County. When I enrolled at State, I began to hear the pointed opinions on the paper from State fans and alums. I read up on it, trying to get a better understanding of what they were feeling, but honestly there’s a difference between re-reading accounts and articles years later versus waking up every morning in the midst of the story to see a new scandalous article (the vast majority of which would later be proven false). I suppose I’m afforded a somewhat-less vitriolic viewpoint of the N&O as a result.

Flash forward some 20 years from the Valvano mess to today, where the UNC football program currently finds itself vigorously being investigated by the NCAA. No one on UNC’s campus is talking, but there are a lot of folks in the national media–particularly Joe Schad of ESPN–beating the bushes and talking to soures, trying to turn up the latest news of this potentially devastating investigation. And yet in the Sports section of the Sunday issue of the N&O, here’s an inventory of what ran related to area colleges:

* Dean Smith’s memory is fading but his legacy is solid
* Smith’s impact still felt in Chapel Hill
* Arm palsy doesn’t keep UNC prospect from football success
* Heels return to winning formula
* Pack’s recruiting is lagging behind

Two Dean Smith pieces, a story on how well UNC football recruiting is going, another fluff piece on UNC recruiting and a story on how State’s recruiting is struggling.

Noticeably missing? Anything at all related to the NCAA investigation.

And instead of going into “SEE DER’S YER N&O BIAS AGAIN RAWR!!!!11″ beast mode, I think the N&O is missing out on a golden opportunity here.

For so long, they have been called “biased” by many State fans (and surely some of the 12 Duke fans in the area, as well). Many realize that the McCarthy family no longer owns the paper, so most have given up the cries of “conspiracy,” but I’m sure there are still small pockets that believe that.

The N&O can prove these folks wrong by stepping up to the plate to cover this investigation thoroughly. That doesn’t mean Section A-1, front-page, above-the-fold smear pieces, but it does mean taking the initiative to take the point on covering it.

What does that mean? It means running a continuing series of articles to keep folks informed about the latest news. It means devoting a reporter to the story to dig for FACTS–not speculation–whenever they present themselves. It means being the place the rest of the college football world turns to for information on the story in their backyard, rather than having to rely on national folks like Joe Schad.

Now, let’s be clear what I am NOT asking: I’m not asking for the “an-eye-for-an-eye” treatment. I’m not asking for huge, A-1 pieces based on speculation and subsequent retractions buried in the classified section. That’s not “journalism:” that’s muck raking.

But the relative “radio silence” we’ve seen from the N&O to this point isn’t cutting it. This is THE biggest story in Triangle sports, bar none. Not the NC Pro Am. Not Dean Smith (bless his heart). Not in-state football recruiting. This is what folks are calling in to talk about and clicking on the N&O site to search for. Today, four days after the news broke, the initial investigation story that ran on Friday is still the 4th-most emailed story on their site.

A lot of conversation around this topic is floating around the local media Twitter community and it is nice to see some recognition of the issue. (Link to SFN’s Twitter page)

For example, Adam Gold tweeted – “I disagree with @joeovies on that one, there are NO good reasons why the story was ignored on Sunday. None. Bush league.”

We’ll take that. And, we’ll take your comments in our comment section as well as our message forums that have been really hot in the middle of a normally slow summer. Check us out by clicking here and contribute to the conversation!

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Big Four Rivals Media UNC Scandal

22 Responses to R&R: News and Observer Missing Golden Opportunity

  1. Sw0rdf1sh 07/19/2010 at 2:37 PM #

    As someone who grew up on the N&O, I can’t recall the last time I even went to their website for “News” on anything.

    Once again it is clear why.

  2. wufpup76 07/19/2010 at 2:38 PM #

    I bet choppack has something to say on this :).

  3. NCStatePride 07/19/2010 at 2:40 PM #

    The saddest thing about this is that I bet there will be dedicated reporters put on this story. They will write their first peice titled something like: “Rumors Surround UNC Agent Scandal.” It will describe the facts briefly, but mostly cover the ‘outlandish’ claims of ‘various troublemakers’. They will then publish a follow-up peice explaining how ‘even at the best institutions can a few bad apples get into the mix.’

    The biggest outrage will be when the N&O and Charlotte Observer (AKA, the Daily Tar Heel: Southern Edition) writes a final investigative peice explaining how this is really the fault of the NCAA and their attempts to cover up their own hypocrisy. The Carolina Media will basically use the partial truth that the NCAA turns a cheek to cheating to make the case that their Association ‘enabled’ these Carolina players and allowed the agents to tempt the Carolina players and ignored their advances towards college players.

    Mark my words, the N&O and C.O. WILL address this event. They simply haven’t figured out the spin. Well, guys, there it is. Write away.

  4. Alpha Wolf 07/19/2010 at 2:50 PM #

    One would think that in the day of declining revenues, readership and most certainly prestige, that the N&O would be inclined to take the leadership role in a journalistic investigation of the possible goings-on at UNC. UNC is, after all, a paragon of virtue in the sinister world of collegiate athletics. Exposing a little light into events that disprove that would be gold for them.

    You would think.

    Instead, however, we got a heart-warming story about a Carolina player as the lead on yesterday’s sports page.

    That is not journalism, it is public relations.

    My how times have changed. In the days of the Valvano Scandal, no rumor was too illegitimate to not be dutifully reported by their newspaper, nor was any “source” too disreputable to be quoted, usually under the guise of anonymity. Stories were printed, and retractions made days later, quite often, literally in the obituaries.

    That too was not journalism, it was malevolent lies disguised as facts. In short, it was character assassination.

    I had thought the N&O had changed, but apparently, their management has decided to prove to the young NC State contingent what we older folks have spoken of at length for years.

    N&O, your silence speaks volumes.

  5. James C. 07/19/2010 at 2:52 PM #

    SFN: Thanks for the love. I felt like it needed to be addressed, as fairly as possible.

  6. graywolf 07/19/2010 at 2:56 PM #

    And we hear over and over that they are not bias…….yeah right!

  7. StateFans 07/19/2010 at 3:10 PM #

    I have been taking up for the N&O side of things for the last 10 years. Certainly haven’t been able to do the same thing on the Charlotte Observer side of the house.

    But, this has been real sad the last week.

  8. Oldwolf 07/19/2010 at 3:25 PM #

    some one needs to respond on the R&R site to rspond to this comment posted to the piece:

    Twenty-one years is a long time for these “State” fans to have a grudge against the N&O. Scrutinizing UNC is not going to make what happened in 1989 go away or even make it right, in anyone’s eyes. If there is something to be said about UNC than there is no doubt that the N&O will be right there with coverage for all of us to see. How does one person writing an article speak for hundreds or thousands of “State” fans? There are more people interested in news of events currently surrounding us keeping us up-to-date on important information than those overly concerned with whether or not the N&O is covering a story that may or may not be true about college football. I think everyone needs to let the NCAA conclude its investigation before people start jumping to conclusions.

  9. Oldwolf 07/19/2010 at 3:26 PM #

    Oh , I see Raymond already responded now

  10. choppack1 07/19/2010 at 4:19 PM #

    As someone who was State from 88-93 – I can tell you that the media bias was real and it was incredibly damaging to NC State.

    And I think it’s right here to call for fairness, not revenge. Two wrongs don’t make a right…and I do think the N&O was right to investigate the NC State program. There was plenty wrong at that time w/ the basketball program.

    A few weeks ago, the N&O wrote an article about Tracy Smith parking in a handicapped spot. Supposedly, the “source” for this story was someone driving through campus.

    It was inexcusable for the paper to totally ignore the ongoing investigation Sunday. There’s a reason why many of us have very little faith in journalists for the mainstream media…and Sunday was an example why.

    The “new media” has provided at least 2 leads which could end up being much more serious than the current investigation. If serious problems are revealed as a scope of this investigation – it will prove what NC State fans have thought for years – that our local media cannot be trusted as an outlet for the truth. And for the media – this is about as damning as saying you can’t trust a bank with your money.

    And I’d argue that if this investigation even results in the suspension of Austin – UNC should be in some type of trouble if they didn’t alert the NCAA first. Once again – there has been ample evidence that something is amiss in the blogosphere for several months. And if UNC ignored these signs, if the NCAA acts as they did w/ NC State – there was a lack of institutional control.

  11. packplantpath 07/19/2010 at 4:29 PM #

    This is the same paper that had an article about how we “might” be “running the risk of” a violation of NCAA rules regarding athletes in the College Inn a while back.

    Is anybody surprised? Not me.

  12. Plz2BStateFan 07/19/2010 at 4:44 PM #

    UNC Alum with Tons of money and regional power: “Dont you dare run that damn story.”

    N&O Director: “Yes, master!”

    UNC Alum with Tons of money and regional power: “What did I tell you about thinking for yourself.”

    N&O Director: “Sorry, master!”

    UNC Alum with Tons of money and regional power: “Now rub my feet.”

    N&O Director: “Damnit!”

    But seriously, you know they have a story written. They just are holding onto it.

  13. choppack1 07/19/2010 at 5:03 PM #

    good point packplanth – I had totally forgotten about that.

  14. WIFF 07/19/2010 at 5:34 PM #

    Ok. This is ridiculous. I’ve seen multiple articles throughout the internet with information attributed to the N&O. (According to the Raleigh News & Observer, star defensive tackle Marvin Austin and wide receiver Greg Little have been interviewed for possible improper involvement with sports agents. http://cbs4.com/sports/north.carolina.tar.2.1812783.html)

    Yet, the N&O still does not have a single story about the investigation on the entire page of their College Sports section online. The top story on that page is “NCAA questions South Carolina player”. http://www.newsobserver.com/sports/college/

  15. I-Like-Tacos 07/19/2010 at 6:47 PM #

    “God bless Dean Smith; but, really? We need thousands of words on the front page to tell us that an 80 year old man has deteriorating health and memory?”

    A-freakin-men. You can’t say this to any UNC fan without them thinking saying are some evil insensitive dick, and I am tired of it. I feel for the guy and his “real” family, I really do, but it has gotten to the point where they feel we owe him something…you know because he’s “done so much for the game” crap they always are shoving.

  16. hoop 07/19/2010 at 8:04 PM #

    They finally have a news story on this. Get this hard hitting article title:
    “UNC football to hold team meeting”

    And inside this jewel:
    Team spokesman Kevin Best, however, said that the Tar Heels have meetings all the time, and that this one was not specifically called because of the investigation.


  17. Lumpy 07/19/2010 at 8:27 PM #

    I’m trying to think of one reason, just for fun, other than the local media being completely in the bag for UNC that there would be this type of blackout on a story broken nationally. Still trying.
    Anyone else really enjoying Barry “The- Whole-Arena-Was-Chanting-I-Killed-Your-Grandfather-Even-Though-That-Doesn’t-Really-Sound-Like-A-Chant-And-I-Wasn’t-Even-There” Saunders having to deal with this? Cant wait to hear his article on how the NCAA is racist.

  18. StateofthePack 07/19/2010 at 9:07 PM #

    I finally drew my line in the sand in regards to the N&O a few months back. It’s been three months since I visited their site, years since I bought one of their papers and I have not missed a single beat of staying current on the area’s local sports headlines. There are many local blogs and reputable newspapers that give equal coverage to all teams such as the Fayetteville Observer and Wilmington Star News. There is a reason print is going the way of the dinosaur and in the capital city I don’t think it is a bad thing. No print media is definitely better than one that does a half ass job, or is continually slanted with bias towards one individual or institution of higher learning. Thanks to the contributors of this blog and all the other State websites that get the truth out to the masses.

  19. Oldwolf 07/20/2010 at 7:38 AM #

    and now, an apology article in the N&O about how tough it is now to for the schools to keep up with agents, etc – http://www.newsobserver.com/2010/07/20/589055/stakes-high-for-agents-athletes.html
    Setting the stage for not blaming the holes!

  20. Scooter 07/20/2010 at 8:27 AM #

    I live in the Triangle and, even putting aside the perception bias, the N&O is, in general, a poorly written paper and it is no surprise that the paper is struggling. In terms of sports, it shouldn’t be a surprise that the paper is catering to UNC fans — they know which fan base is bigger. It makes sense for them to focus on UNC and protect what bottom line they have. As a State fan, I’ve always thought they might as well print it on carolina blue paper and it’s not worth wiping with.

  21. RegularExpression 07/20/2010 at 8:51 AM #

    OldWolf, nail…head. My guess is they are trying to set the stage for the “the system is broken” argument. If even UNC runs afoul of the NCAA, there must be something wrong with the system.

    At first I thought the deafening silence of the N&O concerning this must be as a result of a gentleman’s agreement between UNC’s media relations and N&O editors. But I can’t imagine either party could be that clueless about how today’s media works. They can’t think that if they don’t report it won’t get reported can they?

    And I notice the Durham paper has been silent on this as well.

  22. turfpack 07/20/2010 at 9:41 PM #

    If you ignore it it will go away……NOT!!!!!!!!!!
    Sad thing is… some UNC fans were not that surprised…they said they knew something was going on and it was just a matter of time.

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