We Told You The Truth, As You Can Now See

I don’t hate saying this, but: we told you so.

It’s a simple statement of fact to say so out loud. For over a year, this website and its authors have dutifully reported stories told to us concerning Lee Fowler’s increasingly tenuous hold on his job in confidence — that is, “off-the-record, no names, but here is what’s happening…”

Some of those stories came from high up in the Wolfpack Club, others from within the Athletic Department, and still more from within the Board of Trustees itself.  To a man or woman, those folks were and are folks close to the Lee Fowler situation, people in the room who know what was said, what was not said, what was happening and what was not happening.

We wrote what we could about what we heard, honoring the requests of where the info was coming from to not name sources. Readily recognizing that things constantly change, we were more interested in being honest about what was developing in real time than being right about predicting the future.

As with dozens of other stories through the years that we have broken, analyzed and developed – we never made anything up, we never over-inflated things and we never tried to create a story where there wasn’t one.

If anything, we tried to separate information from possible disinformation, tried to make sure we heard things from at least two independent places before passing it on, and – maybe most importantly – made sure that SFN never became an unwitting PR outlet for political infighting that was going on in the hallowed conference rooms of the University.

In short, and this is important: we told you the truth.

Now that the whole story is coming into the light, the media are reporting that Lee Fowler knew that he was going to be dismissed in March, when interim chancellor Jim Woodward told the Athletic Director that he would not be retained.  This news leaked out back then – not in complete detail, but enough of it to paint a clear picture – and we reported it when we were sure of its veracity.  If you recall, Fowler told ESPN’s Andy Katz that ‘the Internet had fired him seven times’ – while he knew he was losing his job!

For our trouble and diligence, we took a lot of crap from message boards, from radio talk show hosts, from the press and indirectly from Lee Fowler himself.  The normal riposte was “there goes HateFans Nation again, banging their anti-Fowler drum” or some other close derivative, usually followed by some sophomoric insult or two.  I would say that they hurt our feelings, but when you know you are right, your feelings don’t get hurt.

We objectively knew the performance of NC State’s athletics across the board — and documented them time after time for you so you could form your own opinion.  We objectively knew that people with power inside the University actively wanted change — because some of them told us — directly, I might add — exactly that, in their own words.  They wanted better for our beloved school, and they were trying to change the leadership so that could happen.

But, there was one tenant of our blogging that many of our critics never understood — we don’t share because we wish they were true; we share things that we know are true. So, without second thought, we stuck by our guns because the truth cannot be changed or refuted…and now many of our readers are recognizing the work we did.

Many have asked if this website would have a reason to exist once Lee Fowler is gone from NC State.  The short answer is YES.  The long answer is HELL YES! In fact, the site’s highest traffic happens during and after NC State’s biggest wins.

And, we will exist without charging you $100 a year for a “Premium Subscription” only to remain 100% devoid of news, information, analysis and opinion while completely ignoring the #1 topic facing NC State Athletics for years. When will fans who use the internet realize that more often than not, you are what makes a community “Premium”. That is why our message forums have taken off so effortlessly.

That reason: to tell you the truth.

Our author team is comprised of over a dozen individual contributors. So, there is no unanimous, centralized “StateFansNation” position on most topics. We may not always hold opinions with which you agree and we expect and hope that you as our reader would hold different opinions from the person writing a given article.  But you can be sure of one thing: if we say that we have heard something, we have heard something.  If we think that a given coach is doing a good job or a bad job, that’s what we think.  And if you disagree with us, we have always given you an avenue to respond, and not one that’s hidden away in private.  The comments are for all to see, and more often than not, a discussion with a given article’s author(s) would happen when a disagreement broke out.

We firmly believe that the ultimate fairness in any walk of life is truth, and that’s what StatefansNation stands for, period.

Some say that now that Lee Fowler is leaving, this site will lose its raison d’être, its reason for being.  That’s not so.

We’ll be here in the future to talk about NC State’s athletic and academic endeavors, to host a community of passionate fans, and we will be more than happy to report and comment on the good times as well as the bad.  We’d most certainly rather spend our time talking about success rather than failure, but either way, you’re going to the talk in a straight forward, honest manner that does not insult your intelligence or make trade-offs based on word count and MTV-like sound bites.

We’re looking forward to NC State moving forward, to hiring an Athletics Director focused on success, achievement and superior results.  That’s what the school asks each and every one of its undergraduates to focus upon before they are given a degree, and it is reasonable for NC State fans and alumni to demand that from their school’s athletics.  In fact, they should never demand anything less. We never will.

NC State has incredible potential to be a powerhouse in college sports, and perhaps now that potential will begin to be realized.  There’s a lot of work to be done, work by our leaders, work by our teams and, yes, work by our fans too.  Let’s all look forward to a brighter future, one filled with loud cheers and success where ever NC State plays.

About StateFans

'StateFansNation' is the shared profile used by any/all of the dozen or so authors that contribute to the blog. You may not always agree with us, but you will have little doubt about where we stand on most issues. Please follow us on Twitter and FaceBook

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82 Responses to We Told You The Truth, As You Can Now See

  1. state99 05/05/2010 at 3:57 PM #

    Love the site and appreciate all you guys do. Thanks!

  2. ThomYorkepack 05/05/2010 at 4:03 PM #

    SFN has never ‘attacked’ anyone, only levied fair criticism of those that abjectly deserved it. The idea of calling just analysis and appraisal of folks that have abysmally bad records of achievement ‘attacks’ is absurd.

    Certainly if TOB and Sid continue to under perform in their respective sports, I would expect–and hope–for nothing less from SFN, because the kind of perspective on NC State athletics that is provided by SFN is simply not available on the ‘pay’ sites.

  3. Lunatic Fringe 05/05/2010 at 4:04 PM #

    I guess if expecting results and accountability (the lack of both in our athletics program has been repeatedly backed up with quantifiable data on this site) are what it means to be a member of HateFansNation than pass me the HaterAid.

    I might spike mine a bit tonight in honor of cinco de mayo.

  4. tractor57 05/05/2010 at 4:18 PM #

    I can’t say I always agree with the opinions expressed here but I think there is a demonstrated concern for concern for State – be it athletics or academics or general administration.
    I rarely bother to read other sources from information concerning State athletics. Here I find interesting discussion, debate, news and an occasional conspiracy to brighten the day.
    If this site has shown a negative tone one could reasonably say is it because the athletic department has royally sucked for decades.

    I’m generally an optimist and now I see the glimmers of positive actions with regard to my alma mater.

    As long as Wolfpack athletics exist I hope SFN does as well.

  5. Master 05/05/2010 at 4:53 PM #

    Let’s get a few things straight.

    I never called this site hatefansnation, I said it’s been called that.

    Also, I have a ton of top level information that I have known well in advance including My CoCain being fired, Amato being fired, TOB signaling he wanted the job and Jed being nudged towards the door. Would that info be best served to the public in a raw format of informed speculation or held back so the powers-that-be can make their move when the time is right? I chose the later.

    Finally, I don’t agree that losing on the field makes us all a bunch of cranky people… unless you have a small life built on the success of your school’s athletic program. So I don’t think a web site reflects the performance of your team – just the mindset of those who find comfort in ruminating with those who they know will agree with them. Thus, the culture of this web site reflects the predominate comfort level of expressing it’s viewpoint. I believe that viewpoint is negative and the culture of this website reflects it. I’m far from alone in this view.

    Frankly, I think there are a lot of seriously smart people here who don’t like losing. But not everyone throws rocks and bottles when we lose. Are we just pollyannas?

  6. VaWolf82 05/05/2010 at 5:36 PM #

    Finally, I don’t agree that losing on the field makes us all a bunch of cranky people

    You’re making a huge assumption here. You are attaching emotions to people that you have never met or talked to.

    I am not cranky and neither are those authors that I’ve talked to or passed e-mails with. Facts are neither positive nor negative…they simple are. Analyzing and writing about poor performance will never be pretty….but it simply is what it is.

    But not everyone throws rocks and bottles when we lose. Are we just pollyannas?

    Some surely are.

  7. Old MacDonald 05/05/2010 at 5:56 PM #

    “I believe that viewpoint is negative”

    Maybe that viewpopint reflects the performance of our athletic department over the past 20 years, which performance is among the very worst in the nation — notwithstanding tremendous fan support (in every way) wildly out of proportion with the total shit product.

  8. drgreenhouse 05/05/2010 at 6:29 PM #

    How can anybody not recognize that this site is a “labor of love?” I’ve read countless articles here that have been positive reflections of the university, much better than what our own athletic PR department has produced. What really gets your critics goats is that they get paid to do this for a living yet StateFans Nation generates a far superior product.

  9. VaWolf82 05/05/2010 at 6:47 PM #

    But not everyone throws rocks and bottles when we lose.

    If you’re accusing SFN of doing this…then maybe you would care to link an entry that demonstrates this behavior.

  10. packfan03 05/05/2010 at 8:53 PM #

    StateFansNation.com –

    I may not always agree with you, but I appreciate the work you do. I know it’s not easy to fit “running a non-profit” website into your days.

    Now, for those of you that think this site is dedicated to “hating”…it’s obviously not. Sure, there are some cantankerous posters on here (you know who you are), but most sites out there have them. I do believe there are a few dedicated to the ousting of Lowe, but there are plenty that post on this site in support of him. It’s healthy to have different opinions – and with our current standing in the ACC, how couldn’t we?

    StateFans provides a valuable niche to NC State Athletics – a statistical perspective to our successes and failures. Appreciate it. Don’t let the negative posters get to you. Join, post your thoughts, and have a discussion. The senior members of this site are rational and want the best for our university.

    I do too, I just don’t always agree with them.

  11. WolftownVA81 05/05/2010 at 8:55 PM #

    I have to really laugh at some of these posts that are critical of SFN. Some people just can’t deal with reality. I’m pretty sure the majority of any long time readers of this site would agree that the analysis are objective and fair. At times the criticism can get personal and I’ve seen numerous instances where the moderators stepped in to stop it. If you don’t like the site, get your info elsewhere. We have suffered long and I think some celebration is in order. So please don’t rain on our parade (I’m celebrating tonight because I didn’t get the news until noon today). Happy Cindo D Mayo. Go State.

  12. Cardiff Giant 05/05/2010 at 9:19 PM #

    If it were not for SFN, Fowler would still be at State.

    It’s that simple.

  13. Master 05/05/2010 at 9:24 PM #

    Look, I’ll be happy to keep this thread moving, but that is not my goal. I come to this site numerous times a day looking for tidbits of news and information. I like the site and I respect you and the other moderator/writers for what you do. This is a free site and you donate your time.

    That said, I think the focus has been on Jed, the administration, the SID and the coaches, all of which I lump under the heading of Politics. I come here when I’m ready for a dose of that and I get what I come for.

    I’m old enough to remember when sports was about conferences, teams, players, stats wins and losses. My Dad went to State and I’ve been going to games since the late 50’s at Riddick and Reynolds. I get chills seeing the red and white run onto the court and field. I’ve never been a fan of any team in the ACC – I want to beat them all to a pulp. Always knew I would go to State and I did. My kids are the same way.

    In the last 10 to 15 years, sports has become more of an off the field phenomenon as marketers, primed by ESPN, invite us into the private lives of athletes who are made out to be more special than mere mortals. We are forced to endure all the stories about what happens off the field as much as what happens on the field. That’s hype and it becomes political. Listen to Dick Vitale do a game and he never even mentions what is happening on the court. Heck, he could do a pregame tape of what he’s going to say and just mail it in – nothing to do with the game. Frankly, I’d rather hear about a players minutes or shooting average than his high school coach, his major, what pro scouts think of his future or what his future hall of fame coach thinks about his ability to cut his own steak.

    So, I like what I come to find on this site because I know what to expect. I’m not sure I expected to find a lot of gloating today, but I’m not surprised. I have a few friends that are fairly negative, but I spend most of my time with optimistic and cheerful people. By the way, I’m 53, own several companies, fish almost every day when weather allows and enjoy the internets when its raining outside. LTRs in FB and BB, have known or met almost every State coach, hundreds of players and go to every game I can. I’m a happy dude and hate to complain.

  14. ChiefJoJo 05/05/2010 at 9:25 PM #

    I don’t always agree with the authors of SFN, but I always appreciate the analysis, insight, and inside information. Please keep up the good work, and go Pack!

  15. skippyjon jones 05/05/2010 at 9:40 PM #

    Rant-on; Rant-off.

    SFN – this is simply the best source for balanced information for the thinking NC State Fan. The best way to move on is to move on. Keep doing what you are doing well (and stop doing what you are not doing well – gloating and playing down to haters..)

    Let’s all as State Fans act like we’ve been here before, enjoy the moment, and look forward to much, much, better days.

    Keep up the good work SFN.

  16. turfpack 05/05/2010 at 10:12 PM #


  17. hball57 05/05/2010 at 10:16 PM #

    I appreciate the posts from this web site. I have in the past said that I thought this website was obsessed with the Fire Fowler cause. I stand on that statement, but it was easy enough to bypass when there were too many articles. I felt the responses tended to run into the f\Fire Fowler theme on any subject; those are harder to avoid.

    As i have stated in the past, I am a looking forward type of person. I am also a glass half full person. I don’t think there are many like me that post on this website. That’s fine – Wolfpackers come in all types. All of our problems are not solved, but maybe one thing can come out of this – unity. Maybe, just maybe, we can stop bickering about an AD and start coming together as fans. In fact, I can’t wait until May 13 and the Wake County Caravan. Maybe I can get a feeling that a large crowd of State fans will come together, be united and be optimistic.

  18. otisthetowndrunk 05/05/2010 at 11:54 PM #

    I have been registered here since ’06, not sure when I first got here, but the reason that I still come here is because of articles(?) written by the staff. They are more in-depth with lots of factual data and valid interpretation of that data.

    On the other hand the moniker “HateFans” has more to do with the comments by individuals after that fact. There were long parts of this past basketball season where I stopped reading any comments.

    Because StateFans give the good and the bad, with frank assessments;fans who are down on the program at that point in time for what ever reason feel more empowered to give their negative opinion. Things that no one wants to hear at the candy coated Wolfpack sites.

    I trust that if the site is still around 4 years form now, it will be still posting the same high quality information and giving candid and fair opinions on that information.

    Besides there are still plenty of things to be negative about. I for one am getting really bored with O’Brian. 6-6, is getting old oh but he does beat Carolina so that should count for something.

  19. ncsu05mit10 05/06/2010 at 12:19 AM #

    I’ve really appreciated the researched and well documented articles that have been presented on this website. I send links from this site to more people regarding NCSU athletics and academics than any other.

    However, I think it is important to recognize that SFN clearly has a different ‘mission’ than other message boards or Wolfpack sites. SFN seems to be rooted in the op-ed articles regarding significant developments with NCSU and trying to give an objective opinion on those stories.

    But I do think there is a bit of gloating on this site with Fowler’s firing. The “we told you so” mentality is a little condescending– there were MANY people that believed Fowler should have been out– SFN did an EXCELLENT job at documenting his shortcomings. Let’s be clear– there’s only one person responsible for Fowler’s dismissal– and that’s Lee Fowler. Furthermore, the boasting about “reporting” this story before the other major message boards seems a bit juvenile. Credit was given to the N&O for breaking the news, but give credit where credit is due– The Wolfpacker was the first to break the news of CJ Leslie’s commitment, which was a much harder call than whether or not Fowler would be fired.

    I don’t see the need to compare to these other sites. Yes, SFN is free, and I enjoy the dialogue here more than the message boards of The Wolfpacker (which don’t tend to be critical enough), but the recruiting information gathered by those sites is deep and credible. Sure, I might could find all this info on my own with enough effort, but I pay for the convenience.

    And this is why I think it’s important for SFN to recognize its mission– which to me is a critical dialogue of all things regarding NCSU. It’s not a recruiting site or a highlight videos site, but like previously said– a thinking man’s site.

    I appreciate all the hard work that is done by the contributors of this site and look forward to the stories for the upcoming year (gawd the spring/summer is sooo slow for anything college). There is reason for a lot of optimism at NCSU, and it starts with Woodson and will trickle down– though these things do not happen overnight.

    But to the objective eye, the glass has to look half full…

  20. Easy E 05/06/2010 at 2:22 AM #

    DJ if the site has such old news then why did you create an account?

  21. GAWolf 05/06/2010 at 6:17 AM #

    The thoughtful opinions, both for and against, in this topic discussion are exactly why I migrated here many years ago. SFN to me has always been a place where thoughtful debate reigns supreme and readers need not sift through countless posts of idiocy that contributes nothing to the discussion to get to the next thoughtful bit of insight or information.

    The Wall Street Journal comparison, I think, is the best compariosn herein. There aren’t a ton of bells and whistles or fancy shiny pictures, but the information and insight and debate are second to nonce. This argument for and against SFN in the discussion above is a prime example of that. Freedom of speech and opinion is king here and that’s just awesome…in the truest sense of the word.

  22. packalum44 05/06/2010 at 9:25 AM #

    You guys deserve a ton of credit. Its very refreshing to come here and learn/share inside information in a subtle way. I don’t get much info myself but am happy to throw a dog a bone when I can (e.g. I subtly noted Baker going pro a month before he disclosed). Hey its nothing big but relationships are a two-way street!

    And frankly, if you don’t highlight your achievements, who will? Woodson made the comment that NC State is too humble and does a poor job of highlighting their achievements.

    In short, thanks to all for running this site. I sincerely appreciate it!

  23. Mike 05/06/2010 at 9:41 AM #

    Great job guys! SFN is the perfect site because the authors do their homework, have reputable sources, and dont “out” anyone providing the info.

    The site itself deserves kudos and pats on the back. It would be easy to make a bunch of predictions hoping they come true, but these VOLUNTEER people are always right on with the information. Call one of these betting service lines – call once and their “Guaranteed cover of the day” is Team A. Call them back in 5 minutes, and their cover of the day is Team B. They will always be right 50% of the time. SFN could easily do this, or SFN could easily be a mouthpiece of University propaganda, but that would make this like any other site.

    Stay true to your roots SFN, which I know you will.

  24. beer03 05/06/2010 at 11:03 AM #

    I would characterize the tone of this site as “brutal objectivity.” But, that’s not neccssarily a bad thing. Managers of the more successful business operations tend to exhibit similar outlooks. I understand that the “humanists” among us tend to think of NCSU employees as “family,” and often expect we treat athletics department employees as such. I suspect that I actually tend towards that point of view. However, ultimately, when you realize that these attitudes leave us with such products as: 1. Decades of major revenue sports failure (with an occaisonal bright spot in football). 2. Les Robinson as a Coach and Ad. 3. Chuck as a coach (that the world hated). 4. A decade of Lee Fowler (not a disaster as AD, but not an indivdual who understood that wins were his principal product). 5. Our current situation of having to strongly consider hiring family again for AD. I reluctantly have concluded that we are at a point in our athletic history where brutal objectivty is both necessary and appropriate.

    When there will be little to critcize in NCSU athletics, then on that day brutal objectivity will not look so bad (the objective opinion at that time in the future being “things are generally going well”). I personally am waiting for that day, realizing that there are painful miles yet to go. But what do they say in athletics….”no pain, no gain?” Such a journey will require resolve on the part of the entire NCSU community.

    Thanks SFN for being a part of the process and a necessary antedote.

  25. old13 05/06/2010 at 2:18 PM #

    OK, SFN, could you please tell us some more truth – where does the ax fall next?

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