We Told You The Truth, As You Can Now See

I don’t hate saying this, but: we told you so.

It’s a simple statement of fact to say so out loud. For over a year, this website and its authors have dutifully reported stories told to us concerning Lee Fowler’s increasingly tenuous hold on his job in confidence — that is, “off-the-record, no names, but here is what’s happening…”

Some of those stories came from high up in the Wolfpack Club, others from within the Athletic Department, and still more from within the Board of Trustees itself.  To a man or woman, those folks were and are folks close to the Lee Fowler situation, people in the room who know what was said, what was not said, what was happening and what was not happening.

We wrote what we could about what we heard, honoring the requests of where the info was coming from to not name sources. Readily recognizing that things constantly change, we were more interested in being honest about what was developing in real time than being right about predicting the future.

As with dozens of other stories through the years that we have broken, analyzed and developed – we never made anything up, we never over-inflated things and we never tried to create a story where there wasn’t one.

If anything, we tried to separate information from possible disinformation, tried to make sure we heard things from at least two independent places before passing it on, and – maybe most importantly – made sure that SFN never became an unwitting PR outlet for political infighting that was going on in the hallowed conference rooms of the University.

In short, and this is important: we told you the truth.

Now that the whole story is coming into the light, the media are reporting that Lee Fowler knew that he was going to be dismissed in March, when interim chancellor Jim Woodward told the Athletic Director that he would not be retained.  This news leaked out back then – not in complete detail, but enough of it to paint a clear picture – and we reported it when we were sure of its veracity.  If you recall, Fowler told ESPN’s Andy Katz that ‘the Internet had fired him seven times’ – while he knew he was losing his job!

For our trouble and diligence, we took a lot of crap from message boards, from radio talk show hosts, from the press and indirectly from Lee Fowler himself.  The normal riposte was “there goes HateFans Nation again, banging their anti-Fowler drum” or some other close derivative, usually followed by some sophomoric insult or two.  I would say that they hurt our feelings, but when you know you are right, your feelings don’t get hurt.

We objectively knew the performance of NC State’s athletics across the board — and documented them time after time for you so you could form your own opinion.  We objectively knew that people with power inside the University actively wanted change — because some of them told us — directly, I might add — exactly that, in their own words.  They wanted better for our beloved school, and they were trying to change the leadership so that could happen.

But, there was one tenant of our blogging that many of our critics never understood — we don’t share because we wish they were true; we share things that we know are true. So, without second thought, we stuck by our guns because the truth cannot be changed or refuted…and now many of our readers are recognizing the work we did.

Many have asked if this website would have a reason to exist once Lee Fowler is gone from NC State.  The short answer is YES.  The long answer is HELL YES! In fact, the site’s highest traffic happens during and after NC State’s biggest wins.

And, we will exist without charging you $100 a year for a “Premium Subscription” only to remain 100% devoid of news, information, analysis and opinion while completely ignoring the #1 topic facing NC State Athletics for years. When will fans who use the internet realize that more often than not, you are what makes a community “Premium”. That is why our message forums have taken off so effortlessly.

That reason: to tell you the truth.

Our author team is comprised of over a dozen individual contributors. So, there is no unanimous, centralized “StateFansNation” position on most topics. We may not always hold opinions with which you agree and we expect and hope that you as our reader would hold different opinions from the person writing a given article.  But you can be sure of one thing: if we say that we have heard something, we have heard something.  If we think that a given coach is doing a good job or a bad job, that’s what we think.  And if you disagree with us, we have always given you an avenue to respond, and not one that’s hidden away in private.  The comments are for all to see, and more often than not, a discussion with a given article’s author(s) would happen when a disagreement broke out.

We firmly believe that the ultimate fairness in any walk of life is truth, and that’s what StatefansNation stands for, period.

Some say that now that Lee Fowler is leaving, this site will lose its raison d’être, its reason for being.  That’s not so.

We’ll be here in the future to talk about NC State’s athletic and academic endeavors, to host a community of passionate fans, and we will be more than happy to report and comment on the good times as well as the bad.  We’d most certainly rather spend our time talking about success rather than failure, but either way, you’re going to the talk in a straight forward, honest manner that does not insult your intelligence or make trade-offs based on word count and MTV-like sound bites.

We’re looking forward to NC State moving forward, to hiring an Athletics Director focused on success, achievement and superior results.  That’s what the school asks each and every one of its undergraduates to focus upon before they are given a degree, and it is reasonable for NC State fans and alumni to demand that from their school’s athletics.  In fact, they should never demand anything less. We never will.

NC State has incredible potential to be a powerhouse in college sports, and perhaps now that potential will begin to be realized.  There’s a lot of work to be done, work by our leaders, work by our teams and, yes, work by our fans too.  Let’s all look forward to a brighter future, one filled with loud cheers and success where ever NC State plays.

About StateFans

'StateFansNation' is the shared profile used by any/all of the dozen or so authors that contribute to the blog. You may not always agree with us, but you will have little doubt about where we stand on most issues. Please follow us on Twitter and FaceBook

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82 Responses to We Told You The Truth, As You Can Now See

  1. PoppaJohn 05/05/2010 at 1:06 PM #

    Daughtry – Thank you for your thoughtful post. Many of those topics are personal hot points on how to make the school we love even better. I hope, as was implied by AW, that we will see some of this soon.

    And I love the invite to write for the site, that underlines the fact that it is more a gathering place for the faithful than a bulletin board for the nuts.

  2. GAWolf 05/05/2010 at 1:32 PM #

    Daughtry: Keep in mind that this is a group of people, not an individual. I for one am a big fan of Avent and, most of the time, Sid. Others here are not. And that’s okay.

    Avent in particular was, in my opinion, an unfortunate victim of Fowler’s “athletic department on the cheap” mentality that has plagued every sport and some more than others. The moment the “upgrades” to Doak Field were complete, they were outdated. They were certainly upgrades in the purest sense of the word, but we’re still light years behind our rivals in baseball facilities. And yet Fowler was quick to put the Doak “upgrade” feather in his cap.

    In turn you have less-educated fans wondering why there isn’t an immediate upgrade in talent and performance since we’ve recently upgraded the facilities for Coach Avent and his staff. The simple truth of the matter is that we had already lost one coach for the failure to upgrade the Doak in a timely fashion and we’ve put another behind the 8 ball in recruiting by failing to do it right once we decided to do it.

  3. Gowolves 05/05/2010 at 1:34 PM #

    I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide, then question the manner in which I provide it. I prefer you said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand to post. Either way, I don’t give a damn what you think you are entitled to!


  4. Texpack 05/05/2010 at 1:59 PM #

    The articles on this site, in comparison to other NC State sites, are like articles in The Wall Street Journal compared to articles in the N&O. The authors on this site work hard at providing some depth to the topics they write about and they have always done an excellent job with providing facts to justify their opinion pieces. They are probably a little bit quicker to sour on certain individuals than I am, but they aren’t what I would call unreasonable.

    As for “needing a new whipping boy”, this site needs only the passion of the NC State fan base to keep it going. I have been a Wolfpack fan since birth, since my Dad (BSME ’50) raised me that way. I was able to experience the 1983 season and Championship as a student and that has undoubtedly influenced my views on NC State’s proper level of athletic achievement. More than anything, I want to make another phone call to my Dad after an ACC Tournament Final, an NCAA Regional Final, or a major bowl game and have him answer the phone “Go Wolfpack!” That is why I enjoy the level of passion for NC State athletics that is shared by the authors and the posters on this site.

  5. Master 05/05/2010 at 2:01 PM #

    There is a difference between a blog and a message board. A blog often starts with a news story, but more often an opinion piece. A message board often starts with question or premise that seeks opinion.

    Since I’ve been a member of StateFans, it’s news and opinion focus has been on coaching and administration (as opposed to news that relates to game reports or player/personel issues.) Unfortunately, that focus has mostly been negative, and thus the moniker “hatefansnation.” I don’t consider it hate, but I do find it predictably, if not repetitively negative. Surely someone will create a graph now to prove me wrong, but I am ever more frequently tuning out because the atmospherics here are so overwhelmingly negative.

    Birds of a feather flock together and there is no room for sunshine on this site. When something good is occasionally reported, its followed up with an admonition that this can’t last, or this should have been done earlier. It kind of reminds me of my gloomy mother-in-law that lets no good deed go unmoralized – “if you would always do that, you would turn out OK” or “you know he can’t make straight A’s forever.”

    So, go ahead and slam me because that is what happens when someone has the temerity to go against the conventional wisdom here. I believe there’s nothing wrong with being an optimist or believing good things will happen – it’s just tough to find it on this site. Also, congratulations on predicting something that was bound to happen anyway. While we’re at it, I’ll predict that TOB will be gone in less than a decade and that Sidney Lowe will be gone in less than 5 years without a trip to the final 8. How’s that for a bold prediction?

  6. BSIE80 05/05/2010 at 2:13 PM #

    I would have to concur that the writers for this blog have focused excessively justifying the firing of NCSU AD, coaches, etc.
    I think the next “whipping boy” comment is legit, until proven otherwise.
    I believe the only way it goes away is for us to win championships. Otherwise, I would expect it to continue, which will more than likely be the case. We are still a long way from winning championships on a regular basis.
    So logically, TOB will be the next one to go, then Lowe, then the new AD, and then Woodson. This may take about 3-10 years, but it is more likely to happen than to not happen. Of course, unless we settle for something less than winning championships.

  7. jcox 05/05/2010 at 2:13 PM #

    Thanks for all the work you guys put into the site. I stop by at least once a day and see what’s new.

  8. VaWolf82 05/05/2010 at 2:18 PM #

    The tone is negative on alot of entries here, because the results on the field/court have absolutely sucked. Four straight losing seasons in FB and four straight losing ACC BB records is absolutely horrendous. The positives are few and far in-between. Almost the only “positive” things to write about would be the endless WTNY (boy we’ll be good then!) posts that certain people always seem to make.

    I frankly don’t care what anyone thinks about the entries that I’ve done here or on the site as a whole. Feel free to point out any errors that you see. But to stand around and whine about how SFN is always negative is worth less than what I whipped off of my shoe before coming inside.

  9. newt 05/05/2010 at 2:19 PM #

    This site reads like a blog! I want my money back!

  10. BJD95 05/05/2010 at 2:41 PM #

    Who exactly did we “run off” with “negativity” that didn’t deserve it? Chuck Amato was a walking disaster. Lee Fowler was ridiculously incompetent. Herb Sendek had plateaued at a level that was unacceptable to the vast majority of people.

    Would you have preferred that we stay silent and maybe have at least Amato and Fowler (2 people that could NEVER land a comparable job elsewhere) stick around to keep bringing NC State down?

    Sunshine is the best disinfectant. We are not dependent on player/coach access to get “insider” recruiting crap. So we tell you the truth, and we steer things in the course that we believe to be in the best interests of NC State and returning it to national relevance in athletics.

    And why not have Tom O’Brien and Sidney Lowe on the hot seat if they don’t perform? Don’t you think it’s about time they accomplished something? O’Brien only has a handful of seasons left before retirement. It’s pretty close to now or never. Lowe is entering his 5th season having produced absolutely nothing of consequence on the court.

    I hope and expect the new AD to demand excellence and enforce accountability, and to make sure that each coach (particularly in the revenue sports) have a concrete plan to elevate their programs. And no, “nobody wants to win here more than I do” doesn’t count. Hope is not a plan.

    And some of our more vocal critics have NO IDEA how much stuff we hold back, because while we NEVER lie to or mislead our readers (the only major Wolfpack site that doesn’t, IMHO) – we also have no intention of harming NC State. Every thing we do is with NC State’s LONG TERM best interests in mind. We want NC State the best it can possibly be.

    Before we can build the new foundation for success, we had to clear out some deadwood. Is it all gone? Probably not – but time will tell. With more proactive, goal-oriented leadership, maybe some apparent deadwood starts growing again. I am confident that every one of us on the SFN team (however many differences of opinion we may and do have) believes in giving every coach and administrator a fair chance to succeed. But nobody deserves more than that. This is a big business, and bottom line results have a great deal of impact on NC State’s image.

  11. Cardiac95 05/05/2010 at 2:45 PM #

    Great job as usual guys! You’ll always have a wide market-share of internet traffic because news without the propaganda will always be in style.

  12. TheAliasTroll 05/05/2010 at 2:57 PM #

    Anyone who didn’t want Fowler gone after proclaiming to the entire fan base that we should not expect to compete with our rivals UNC and Duke (think about that for a moment, the AD telling the fans they shouldn’t expect to compete with their rivals??) is dumb and/or crazy. Of course there’s going to be some resentment.

  13. daughtry 05/05/2010 at 2:57 PM #

    BJD95 – I don’t disagree with the position changes since 2004. But, over the years, the SFN barrage has gotten significantly stronger. For goodness sakes, you have a banner at the top of the site celebrating someone being fired. If SFN can actually go all summer without calling for someone to be fired, then I will be happy to have been wrong.

    After seeing the responses on here, my bet is that the collective “you” that makes up SFN authors can’t go for a month without trying to turn us into Henny Penny once again. It feels like Salem.

  14. rtpack24 05/05/2010 at 3:00 PM #

    Would someone please post Randy Woodson’s email. I would like to thank him for doing so much for our school in his first month on the job.

  15. Daily Update 05/05/2010 at 3:03 PM #

    Some people won’t ever get it. The tone of discussions of NC State sports is totally reflective of won/loss performance over a period of time. If you win a lot, then the discussions will obviously have what people consider a “positive” slant. Unfortunately, we haven’t had a lot of success in football and basketball during Fowler’s tenure, so any discussion of the reality of NC State sports would appear to be “negative”.

    WVwolf’s piece on Monday is a perfect example. It was totally factual and based on reality, yet somehow people will consider that piece “negative” or a “Fire Fowler” article.

    It was just the truth which unfortunately sometimes people don’t like to hear.

    As far as the constant discussion of Lee Fowler, it wasn’t Statefansnation who made Lee Fowler an issue. It was the under performance of his athletic programs and the abnormal treatment of his employment status at NC State compared to other universities that made Lee Fowler’s existence at NC State an issue. I personally highlighted how the NC State leadership offered him a ridiculous extension compared to more successful, peer athletic directors last year in this article:


    Essentially, we offered Lee an unearned, undeserved, unnecessary six year extension back in 2007. Lee wasn’t going anywhere. Nobody was trying to hire him away from us(it would have been easy to do because he was on the low end of ACC AD’s in terms of pay), yet somehow the leadership at NC State extended his contract to give him 6 more years.

    Now three years later, we owe him an additional $900k because of this mistake which was completely and totally obvious at the time.

  16. daughtry 05/05/2010 at 3:03 PM #

    For the record, Fowler was horrible and I am glad he is gone. I thought that even his open letter released the other day was an embarrassment to the University. He was horrible, and is finally gone.

  17. BJD95 05/05/2010 at 3:03 PM #

    So, all the people who went deserved to go, and the changes were all overdue. I fail to see the “Salem Witch trials” analogy here. Unless you think the people who floated really WERE witches, and just should have been disposed of more humanely.

    For the record, I wrote what I thought to be a very gracious “Closing the Book on Sendek” post right after he left. He didn’t affirmatively handcuff us or take joy in poking his customers in the eye (like Fowler did on both counts), he just looked out for his own best interests (which is totally fine – that’s why there’s supposed to be a chain of command for objective evaluation). So, I think a couple of days of rejoicing are clearly warranted in the instant case. I felt similarly (but a tad more restrained) about Amato.

  18. Old MacDonald 05/05/2010 at 3:10 PM #

    So, if she weighs more than a duck, that means that she is made of wood. Burn her!

  19. PackHooligan 05/05/2010 at 3:11 PM #

    How dare SFN not magically spin the lack of winning ACC records or championships, and the athletic department’s lack of accountability into positive stories! For shame!

    Face it, there has not been much in the way of positive news for NCSU as an institution in the recent past. Hopefully that is changing, and if it does, I fully expect the writers and posters at SFN to suddenly have a much more positive vibe.

  20. packplantpath 05/05/2010 at 3:11 PM #

    Some people. I’m all for optimism, but you can take it too far.

    I keep thinking of the knight in Monty Python “Tis merely a flesh wound”.

  21. graywolf 05/05/2010 at 3:13 PM #

    Those of us that have been in the lunatic fringe for a long time thank you for your efforts to report the truth.

  22. triadwolf 05/05/2010 at 3:19 PM #

    I feel that the articles posted on this site have been fairly objective and the authors try to back up what they say with data and evidence whenever possible. Give me a choice between SFN and the garbage you get through the traditional media and I’ll take this site everytime, hands down. The individual posts are something entirely different and you have to take each one with a grain of salt.

    It’s hard to call this a “hate” site when it is clear that there has been and still is (to some extent) a huge problem with NC State administrators from top to bottom. This is not a problem that was isolated to athletics, athletics was just one of the few public symptoms of the disease.

    Heads have rolled (and still are) at NC State from the chancellor on down and this site has not been the cause, but it has certainly helped to shed some light on questionable things that have been going on for years behind closed doors. The disease at NCSU was stage 4 and this site has, for the most part, called it right. Funny how the athletics programs at State have become the victim of corruption in the academic & administrative arena. Our administrators became the very monster from whom they claimed to proctect us.

    Hopefully we have slayed the monster and can look forward to brighter days.

  23. tjfoose2 05/05/2010 at 3:42 PM #


    Sendek, Amato, Fowler, Oblinger?… Ok, so? What is your point? Are you saying they did not deserve criticism? Are you saying they should still be employed at NC State? Which ones would you have kept?

    So you are apparently criticizing SFN for being critical of those mentioned above. Tell me why SFN was wrong for doing so?

    All four should be gone, all four deserved the criticism. Of the four, IMO, Sendek was the only one for which valid pro arguments could be made. Amato had become a joke, on and off the field. Fowler, well I think that subject has been covered quite well. Oblinger? If there was any justice, he and his crew would be in jail.

  24. tjfoose2 05/05/2010 at 3:50 PM #

    “…it’s news and opinion focus has been on coaching and administration (as opposed to news that relates to game reports or player/personel issues.) Unfortunately, that focus has mostly been negative…b ut I do find it predictably, if not repetitively negative.”

    Base on the performance of NC State athletics over the past 20 years, how could an ACCURATE and HONEST focus not be mostly negative?

  25. tjfoose2 05/05/2010 at 3:53 PM #

    As far as the ‘next whipping boy’, Annabelle Vaughn Myers gets my vote. I’ll get the pitchforks, who’s got the torches?

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