Are You on Facebook?

I know what you more mature readers are asking and saying right now

Facebook? Is this a joke? What college student has taken over SFN?

Well, this is not a joke.

After reading dozens of articles in the past year in The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Forbes, Fortune and other business magazines SFN (and some of our bloggers) have taken the plunge into another realm of cyberspace by opening Facebook profiles. We’ve been pretty amazed at all of the various ways that the tool can be used.

We think that Facebook provides SFN a natural extension of our community. Our new group page that should be accessible by clicking here allows for discussion boards, picture and video posting and other unique features (once you are approved for membership).

So, if you are are already on FB – or decide to open a new profile – then please search for our new group titled “State Fans Nation” or click here and request to join.

About StateFans

'StateFansNation' is the shared profile used by any/all of the dozen or so authors that contribute to the blog. You may not always agree with us, but you will have little doubt about where we stand on most issues. Please follow us on Twitter and FaceBook

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35 Responses to Are You on Facebook?

  1. El Scrotcho 04/22/2008 at 3:13 PM #

    Dropped a request over there.

    Like some posters above, I hope there is not any dilution, by opening up another “channel.”

  2. GoldenChain 04/22/2008 at 3:28 PM #

    The only dilution will be people who want to talk smack and run off at the mouth but don’t really have anything tangible to contribute. Let ’em go. Wonder if that was SFN’s purpose in the post in teh 1st place.
    Frankly I don’t like to read 53 posts by idiots to get to the good ones.

  3. wolfpack n da house 04/22/2008 at 4:59 PM #

    Im a facebooker and i would just like to point out that on my friends list are a few of the wolfpack Basketball players. I have searched profiles of our recruits and John Wall is friends with Courtney Fells, Simon Harris and Brandon Costner. I cant remember if there were any more but those three showed up on my “Mutual Friends” List

  4. BladenWolf 04/22/2008 at 5:32 PM #

    I have always liked this site in particular for a reason. It separates itself from other sites by insightful analysis (by most bloggers) yet passionate debate and has over time created a tremendous data bank (old ludite term for the past posts links on the right). Typically these are filled with additional links that provide a wealth of information on the Pack. Can I get that on FB? Just asking.

    SFN: No way…you cannot get that on FaceBook. We’ve simply set up a group on FB to utilize its more interactive capabilities for those that are interested. Additionally, it gets us closer to a larger group of students/younger generation folks without diluting the blog. We will NOT be changing our focus from the actual blog in any way. We promise.

  5. john of sparta 04/22/2008 at 5:49 PM #

    what’s this new Internets thing?
    Face book? whose space?
    besides, JuicyCampus is better,
    even if it’s a Dukie site.
    FB and MS is the CB of the web.
    “daddy, back in the olden days…
    what was FaceBook?”

  6. inhoc... 04/22/2008 at 5:49 PM #


  7. StateFans 04/22/2008 at 7:46 PM #

    We’ve simply set up a group on FB to utilize its more interactive capabilities for those that are interested. Additionally, it gets us closer to a larger group of students/younger generation folks without diluting the blog. We will NOT be changing our focus from the actual blog in any way. We promise.

  8. Ed89 04/22/2008 at 8:57 PM #

    ^^^Frankly I don’t like to read 53 posts by idiots to get to the good ones.

    I don’t mind getting through the 53 (make that 54) to get to the good ones…

  9. Sw0rdf1sh 04/22/2008 at 9:50 PM #

    It will never replace this site, that is for sure….

    In truth, it can only bring us closer together, or possibly bring those that have yet to hear about the SFN community.

    These sites are full of poop like Spam “Friend Requests”, etc., but with the proper settings, all you have to do as a user is deny.

    More importantly, you will never stop looking for your late breaking news from SFN…but rather will have a possible future spot to learn of the breaking news. AND, this will provide a vehicle for possible future readers and contributors to SFN and the like.

    Nothing like growing the Wolfpack Nation fellahs.

    Thanks for your contributions SFN.

  10. branjawn 04/22/2008 at 11:05 PM #

    I am 31 and have been on Facebook for about 2 years now. Anyone who likens it to Myspace is ignorant (not stupid, but has not actually compared the two). Myspace is so yesterday! Facebook is the future (or present actually) of social networking. Go ahead and grasp it all of you who are resistant to change. Rule of thumb, if it looks like Google, it’s here to stay.

    As an aside, has anyone else noticed how a Myspace page takes FOREVER to load? Whereas, I can open multiple Facebook pages at one time? Myspace sucks goat butt.

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