It’s Official!

From the News and Observer:

N.C. State has officially hired Tom O’Brien as its new head football coach.
O’Brien’s contract was approved today by the UNC board of governors and NCSU’s board of trustees. He will receive a seven-year contract that will pay him a minimum of $1.1 million a year and as much as $1.8 million, based on incentives.

There will be a news conference at 1:00 tomorrow in the Murphy Center. I would imagine that it will be televised on News 14, and likely also on the WRAL News Channel (for those with digital cable). Please place any streaming video links (or good articles) in the comment section.

We here at SFN are excited to have Tom O’Brien as our head coach. At worst, he’s Dick Sheridan v2.0. At best, he reaches some of those contract incentives (and an incentive-laden contract makes me feel even more strongly that TOB thinks he can really win here), and sticks the Holes with the longest ACC title drought among the Big Four. Think of it this way – many of us old and semi-oldtimers have always wondered how Dick Sheridan would have fared if he were a better recruiter, or if he had the upgraded facilities to showcase. In a sense, we may be getting ready to find out.

Make no mistake about it – we don’t lie to you here. If we didn’t think it was a good hire, we wouldn’t say that it was. We would simply hope that it turned out well, and encourage everyone to give him a fair chance. This is a very good hire. Start dreaming again for Wolfpack football. And dream big.

About BJD95

1995 NC State graduate, sufferer of Les and MOC during my entire student tenure. An equal-opportunity objective critic and analyst of Wolfpack sports.

General Media NCS Football Tom O'Brien

23 Responses to It’s Official!

  1. vtpackfan 12/08/2006 at 11:00 PM #

    Congrats and welcome Tom O’Brien. The coaching foundamentals and OL depth aside, the transition looks pretty smooth. A steal of a deal IMO, since you look over at the Sheeps Club and their having a bake sale just to afford Butchy.

  2. stejen 12/08/2006 at 11:03 PM #

    I am happy with this hire. I am not saying State could not have done better but, let’s be real, we just fired one of the best coaches we ever had. If we want to win we have to hire a proven winner and not an assistant who probably would jump at the chance to coach at a higher profile school (think Norm Chow). Johnson may have been a good fit but I just don’t think his triple option offense is what the doctor ordered.

  3. Buck 12/08/2006 at 11:08 PM #

    Raise a pint to TOB!! I tell you this WOLFPACK NATION!!!!…TOB is coming here because the “BC Eagle Nation” was more like a “BC Eagle notion” and could not give him any help in his quest for excellence. WE IN WOLFPACK NATION ARE GOING GIVE HIM THAT HELP!!! TOB sees what we have done with our facilities, our season tickets, our huge throngs we take to bowls, where we have gone on the recruiting trail, where our hearts yearn to go on the field.

    The BC Eagles whiny crowd says HE could not get THEM over the hump. I say that’s the problem…its a WE thing not a HE thing. They could not help him with facilities, with the throngs, with the empty stadiums his team played in front of….He no longer has that yoke…HE is in the Wolfpack Nation now!!! In fact its the WOLFPACK NATION WHO IS GOING TO HELP HIM DRAG THAT CART TO THE TOP of the MOUNTAIN!!! He will lead us, but WE can and will HELP every step of the way!!! I

  4. bTHEredterror 12/09/2006 at 12:24 AM #

    ^Great attitude.

  5. Wolfpack4ever 12/09/2006 at 1:41 AM #

    By the Grace of God and a few Marines… the Pack whips up on the tarhole queens!!

    The Few! The Proud! The Pack!

    GO PACK!!

  6. GAWolf 12/09/2006 at 2:22 AM #

    With every day that passes I feel better about this situation. I’m happy with the hire and fully expect this to improve Wolfpack Football.

    With that said… why a seven year contract? Why not 5? That gives him the life of his first recruiting class. Let’s just say he rocks a losing season with his first full class of recruits as seniors in year 5. Do we move on and pay yet another buy out? Or are we stuck for two years thereafter? I understand the need for stability for recruiting’s sake, but that’s a heck of a long time. I don’t know about you guys, but I consider myself a pretty valuable and proven employee and I’ve yet to see a multi-year contract.

  7. jipage44 12/09/2006 at 2:28 AM #

    I hope everyone welcomes TOB with open arms. I also hope everyone realizes how lucky we all are to have this guy as a coach. He’s a stand up military man. He’s a disciplinarian. He’s a proven winner. And I don’t know what anyone else thinks, but I’m pretty pumped at the idea of having a coach who is intense and caring enough to not have those ‘let-down’ games that CTC used to have.

    I have a feeling that TOB is going to give our players the jolt they need. I am really hoping that Tom gets the warm welcome that he deserves. This guys stepped aside from a winning program that he built (with a lot of ridicule from national sports talk radio) to be the new leader of THE NC State University.

    I know this isn’t supposed to be a selling point, but I also hope everyone realizes that Tom has a fantastic graduation rate.

    Please support this hire and welcome our new coach to his new home!!


  8. Texpack 12/09/2006 at 5:49 AM #

    Seven years takes him to age 65. “I want to retire from NC State” may be uttered at the PC. Looks like a good solid choice. Proven winner as a Head Coach.

  9. tvp 12/09/2006 at 7:48 AM #

    SFN – you are dead on the money with this take (as usual).

    Welcome Coach O’Brien!

  10. OwenDorm83 12/09/2006 at 7:55 AM #

    I like it. This is just what we need. Welcome TOB!

  11. Dr. BadgerPack 12/09/2006 at 8:18 AM #

    It’s a shame TOB isn’t a bit younger. I would like to see us get a good, no, great coach who can establish a strong 10-12 year run and go out on his own terms and use a modifcation of the Alvarez model at Wisconsin to get a successor in place (great for continuity in recruiting, etc.). Of course, that could still work if TOB coaches until he is 70 or could work if he is great for 7 years, but I would think it would take a bit longer a run to earn “name your successor” status.

    Three statements before I get dogpiled: (1) I love the TOB hire, just saying in a perfect scenario he’d be in line to realistically coach for a longer stretch. (2) I am well aware Alvarez was AD at Wisonsin when he named his successor; I feel TOB will have great say in the next hire if he does well as doubtlessly he will be longer tenured than the AD at the time of next hire. (3) Go Pack. And yes, I chose the Alvarez/Beilima example because I was in Madison for 5 years…

  12. buttPACKer 12/09/2006 at 8:23 AM #

    ditto, at first a bit disappointed, but , alas, reason prevails. . . welcome, O’Bie!!

  13. 98st8 12/09/2006 at 9:10 AM #

    GAWolf… I understand your reasoning but length of contracts seem not to mean anything nowadays. Shula from ‘Bama just signed a 7 year deal last year and Rodriguez almost accepted the job at ‘Bama after he signed a 7 year deal over the summer with WV. Therefore, I don’t think it sends a message to recruits anymore what your contract says. What I think is important is that we have a very good coach that will not use us as a stepping stone. Personally I’m looking forward to going to upper tier bowl games every year now.

  14. packfanstk 12/09/2006 at 9:37 AM #

    I hope his $700,000 worth of incentives includes a big chunk to beat Carolina, Clemson, and Florida State. That’s my barometer of success, and it’s been my barometer of success since MOC became coach. If we ever get to where we can do just that much consistently we’ll be a great program. A team good enough to win those three games year in and year out will be good enough to win championships.

  15. Delete-Me 12/09/2006 at 9:44 AM #

    Yes, I agree. This hire is more a Dick Sheridan v2 than a Herb Sendek v2.
    During my first year at State, we had that Peach Bowl ECU loss, which still leaves a bad taste for me (during the Sheridan years). It’s been so long for most to remember those days, but I hope he can do even better than Sheridan. I’m happy with this hire.

  16. partialqualifier 12/09/2006 at 9:54 AM #

    I LOVE the Tom O’Brien hire! I am very much looking forward to the next several years of watching a very well-coached football team that is deserving of the tremendous facilities the fans have given them!

    Go Pack!

  17. wolfonthehill 12/09/2006 at 10:05 AM #

    More excited with each passing day. Let’s face it – perennial 9-3 records in a BCS conference, with below-average facilities and support, can be considered nothing short of an outstanding track record. If Chuck had gone 9-3 for three consecutive years and had the nation’s longest bowl winning streak, we’d be raising statues of him. If we hired PJ and he went 9-3 three straight years, we’d have all been giddy.

    There are no guarantees, but there’s no reason to expect anything but contending for division titles regularly, with occasional-to-frequent trips to the ACC championship game. We have to be happy with that…

  18. class of 74 12/09/2006 at 10:57 AM #

    The 7 vs. 5 year deal may have been to reduce the renegotiate aspects down the road, but I’m like you GA Wolf five year deals are long enough for anyone IMHO.

  19. CarnifeX 12/09/2006 at 12:10 PM #

    In addition, he has one of the highest graduation rates of any active coach in the NCAA. That say A LOT! That defines the image that NC State wants to portray. Academically founded with a great athletics program to boot.

    Welcome TOB! Open arms and Full Support!!!

    GO PACK!!!

  20. wolfpacker420 12/09/2006 at 12:42 PM #

    Start dreaming of Car Care Bowls, MPC Bowls, Motor City Bowls, and Liberty Bowls Yeah I can’t wait where do I sign up for this kind of excitement?

  21. Buck 12/09/2006 at 1:07 PM #

    wolfpacker420…that’s horrble reasoning. It wasn’t TOB’s fault theat BC went to those bowls…BC doesn’t support football with throngs that go to bowl games, but PACK FANS do. This is one reason why he is coming here. He’s tired of getting jobbed by the bowls that BC gets invited to. With a 9-3 mark do you think the Pack would be going to the Meineke bowl?

  22. legacyman 12/09/2006 at 2:51 PM #

    Some folks place a little too much empahsis on a coach’s age. TOB at 58 demonstrates a lot of experience that can come in with his wheels on the ground ready to move forward. Seven years takes TOB to age 65 at which time he might choose to retire. If he is very successful and wants to continue, he would have fifteen years left to reach the approximate ages of current coaches Bowden and Paterno. I have no problem with 58.

  23. TOB=Herb 12/10/2006 at 8:04 AM #

    Welcome Herb, I mean Gomer Pyle.

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