Tracy Smith to NC State (Updated 11/14)

Tracy Smith committed to play basketball at NC State on Monday afternoon. Smith, a 6’8 225 pound power forward with enough versatility to contribute on the wing is easily considered a consensus Top 50 high school player and is listerd “4-star” recruit by both and

The Charlotte Observer’s Ken Tysiac’s affinity for Herb Sendek manifested itself into rude comments and criticism of NC State fans in his coverage over the past few years. This brief article about the Smith commitment ran today. It has some quick comments from Bob Gibbons.

When N.C. State hired Sidney Lowe after he spent his entire coaching career in the NBA, the biggest question was whether he could recruit.

It hasn’t taken Lowe long to answer.

The addition of Smith to the existing 2007 commitments of JJ Hickson and Johnny Thomas will catapult Sidney Lowe’s first recruiting class into (at least) a national Top 20 class. Recruiting analyst Bob Gibbons called Smith a “Top 20 talent” said the addition of Smith gives State the No. 2 class in the ACC behind Duke.

The Wolfpack has an additional scholarship available for the 2007 class that we believe should be reserved for the 2008 class unless a MAJOR talent emerges on the recruiting scene. As we stated in our most recent full-blown analysis:

Based on (1) Farnold Degand’s presence/ability to handle the ball next year after Engin Atsur leaves, (2) the in-roads that Coach Lowe is making with prospects in the class of 2008 and (3) the 2008 commitment from Julius Mays.. then close the book on the class (unless we land a Top 30 “Mystery Recruit�).

SFN will have a full recruiting and projected roster breakdown in the coming days that we think that you will enjoy. In the meantime, you can click on this link to see all of our recent “Basketball Recruiting Entries” and surf until your heat’s content.

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88 Responses to Tracy Smith to NC State (Updated 11/14)

  1. mwcric 11/14/2006 at 4:21 PM #

    Thanks zahadum. I also see where several other schools were interested in him besides OSU, USC and us – just read the Rivals page wrong.

  2. Gene 11/14/2006 at 4:35 PM #

    It’s unlikely Farnold’s appeal will be approved, from what I’ve read. He’ll probably sit out this year.

  3. tcthdi-tgsf-twhwtnc 11/14/2006 at 4:51 PM #

    Shack was 100% correct in his amphibious statement:

    am‧phib‧i‧ous  /æmˈfɪbiəs/

    5. combining two qualities, kinds, traits, etc.; of or having a mixed or twofold nature.

    Being able to drive to the basket with you left or right hand can be defined as having a mixed or twofold nature.

  4. redfred2 11/14/2006 at 4:51 PM #

    Just can’t help it, someone still has to bring up Chris Washburn from way back in the 1980’s.

    And Rashad McCants was…?

    Stop downgrading your own university and MOVE ON PEOPLE!!!

  5. wufpack 11/14/2006 at 5:51 PM #

    I keep hearing that Green will almost definitely be the 4th, he just needs to take care of something (don’t know what) before we officially offer him, but that we expect him to take care of it and we expect to offer him and he will commit. I personally agree with SFN that it doesn’t make much sense to take anyone else this year that isn’t a top player, but I guess Sid and company see more in Green than everyone else does, or they think he fits a need.

  6. cpwolfpackfan 11/14/2006 at 6:14 PM #

    i would rater not have green, save that scholy for next year, you never know who we may could get. He isn’t going to help us any he is a 2 gard. I say save it and see what sid can do with a full year to recruit

  7. cpwolfpackfan 11/14/2006 at 6:16 PM #

    and is neiman a senior, of will we take his scholly back?

  8. Gene 11/14/2006 at 6:31 PM #

    Nieman’s a senior

  9. legacyman 11/14/2006 at 6:36 PM #

    I saw someone’s earlier post which said Nieman is a Sr.

  10. WolfPup35 11/14/2006 at 8:43 PM #

    The team will have its struggles this year, but I still truly believe that these kids will surprise the talking haircuts that were so quick to throw them under the bus. The next few years indeed look very bright, especially since it is a certainty that some of Carowhina’s “fabulous freshman” will go to the NBA next year, and Dook will be young. The future is very bright indeed….Go ‘Pack!!

  11. vtpackfan 11/14/2006 at 9:45 PM #

    Congrats Coach Lowe and welcome aboard Tracy Smith. Something tells me that we’re going to be riding this young mans post play for years to come. Go Pack!

  12. Luke12321 11/14/2006 at 10:57 PM #

    I would support taking Green considering we are just so thin right now. If our staff thinks he deserves a scholly then who are we to doubt them? They have done a pretty good job so far! Might be a diamond in the rough type player…never know till if and when he gets here. I will support either move. I think neither will break nor make us really.

  13. bTHEredterror 11/15/2006 at 4:22 AM #

    If Green is a smaller, quicker version of his brother then we could do worse. Danny Green is tough defender that makes plays and throws his body around inside for boards. That kind of effort player on any team comes in handy.
    I find Jai Lucas intriguing as a PG prospect (any chance?), reminiscent of Spud Webb. Big heart, small package. The kind of kid we love to pull for as State fans. I read a breakdown that he loves the underdog role. Hmm. I know his size is an issue on D, but his pops was a great little man, and his brother wasn’t half bad either. I expect Lucas the elder knows Sid well enough, and wouldn’t mind his kid playing for him. Though he probably still can’t forgive Monte Towe.

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