Tracy Smith to NC State (Updated 11/14)

Tracy Smith committed to play basketball at NC State on Monday afternoon. Smith, a 6’8 225 pound power forward with enough versatility to contribute on the wing is easily considered a consensus Top 50 high school player and is listerd “4-star” recruit by both and

The Charlotte Observer’s Ken Tysiac’s affinity for Herb Sendek manifested itself into rude comments and criticism of NC State fans in his coverage over the past few years. This brief article about the Smith commitment ran today. It has some quick comments from Bob Gibbons.

When N.C. State hired Sidney Lowe after he spent his entire coaching career in the NBA, the biggest question was whether he could recruit.

It hasn’t taken Lowe long to answer.

The addition of Smith to the existing 2007 commitments of JJ Hickson and Johnny Thomas will catapult Sidney Lowe’s first recruiting class into (at least) a national Top 20 class. Recruiting analyst Bob Gibbons called Smith a “Top 20 talent” said the addition of Smith gives State the No. 2 class in the ACC behind Duke.

The Wolfpack has an additional scholarship available for the 2007 class that we believe should be reserved for the 2008 class unless a MAJOR talent emerges on the recruiting scene. As we stated in our most recent full-blown analysis:

Based on (1) Farnold Degand’s presence/ability to handle the ball next year after Engin Atsur leaves, (2) the in-roads that Coach Lowe is making with prospects in the class of 2008 and (3) the 2008 commitment from Julius Mays.. then close the book on the class (unless we land a Top 30 “Mystery Recruit�).

SFN will have a full recruiting and projected roster breakdown in the coming days that we think that you will enjoy. In the meantime, you can click on this link to see all of our recent “Basketball Recruiting Entries” and surf until your heat’s content.

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88 Responses to Tracy Smith to NC State (Updated 11/14)

  1. xphoenix87 11/13/2006 at 8:46 PM #

    Degand is going to surprise people next year from what he showed in the red/white game, and we’re already learning that Gavin can play some point forward. I don’t think this is going to be quite as big an issue next year as everyone seems to think.

  2. Woof Wolf 11/13/2006 at 8:47 PM #

    If there ever was a staff that knows what we need in a point guard, it’s ours. I’m sure there is a damn good reason we don’t have a new one or at least don’t think we have one. It could be that there is no one available that they want to spend a scholly on, or maybe there’s another surprise. Or maybe they think he’s already here. Somebody has to back up Enjin and fill in when he’s hurt. Maybe the coaches think they can grow their own point guard this year.

    I’m pretty damn happy with what they’ve done so far. I’m comfortable with letting them run the show.

  3. wallacepark 11/13/2006 at 8:52 PM #

    Tracy Smith is a PF, not SF. He’s 6’7.5 and he can post up. Great pick up for us!!! Sid won’t be signing a PG this season though. A SG or combo guard, maybe, but it looks like Degand and Ferguson will have to hold down the fort in 07 until Mayz arrives in 08. From what I’ve heard, Ferguson and Mayz are both excellent athletes and we will be quite pleased with the two of them handling the point.

  4. legacyman 11/13/2006 at 9:05 PM #

    If any staff knows anything about PGs then our coaches do. That is quite a change from the last ten yrs.

  5. Wolfpack4ever 11/13/2006 at 9:06 PM #

    Micky McCarthy Says: “I’m not questioning their credentials. By tweeners, I mean 6′6 – 6′8 swing players, the type of players that Sendek rode to perennial 5th place finishes. ”

    But what has a point guard got to do with them being “tweeners” Are they gonna grow to 6-10 if we get a point guard? Or are you just thowing out a cliche like “Get your pads down, son.”

  6. Wolfpack4ever 11/13/2006 at 9:07 PM #

    Woof Wolf Says: “I’m pretty damn happy with what they’ve done so far. I’m comfortable with letting them run the show.”


  7. Woof Wolf 11/13/2006 at 9:53 PM #


    Thanks for the heads up and Whitt and Fordham. I figured with MNF nothing else would be on. If any of you missed the earlier message, they are playing Tennessee in Nashville in a first round NIT game. It’s on ESPNU.

    I know this game is over two hours from campus but Tennessee is ranked and it looks like about 70 – 80% of their fans are disguised as empty seats.

  8. one00_proof 11/13/2006 at 10:18 PM #

    I think the silver lining behind all of Lowe’s recruiting efforts thus far is who he’s gotten in terms of Thomas, Smith, and possibly CJ Williams if all goes according to plan. The silver lining is that all these kids are from NC which is an advantage Lowe has to utilize in order to compete with UNC and Duke. UNC and Duke can recruit nationally and Lowe is still a few years out to be able to recruit nationally. By recruiting in your own backyard, Lowe is building a strong relationship with NC high school programs and if he works hard to recruit the talent in NC, those programs will take notice of that and give Lowe first dibs on some of the great in state talent. This will pay dividends in the next few years where unlike Sendek, we will get a Randolph and other top in state talents. To compete with the big boys, if you can’t recruit in your own backyard, you’ll be swimming with the fishes in no time.

  9. Woof Wolf 11/13/2006 at 10:45 PM #

    Hickson is the big star in this class and he is from the Atlanta area. We weren’t even on his radar. Everyone was waiting for him to decide whether he was going to Florida or Tennessee. Shareef Abdur-Rahim who is from the same area as Hickson and played for Sidney in the NBA hooked them up and sold the kid on Sid.

    The hotshot PG for the 08 class is from Towe’s hometown in Indianna. I agree in-state recruiting is important, but don’t sell this staff short on their ability to go anywhere to get what we need. It won’t always be an easy sell, but when you can call in an NBA AllStar who is already friends with the kid it can’t hurt. Or maybe Shareef caled Sidney.

  10. Micky McCarthy 11/13/2006 at 11:13 PM #

    Wolfpack4ever says: “But what has a point guard got to do with them being “tweenersâ€? Are they gonna grow to 6-10 if we get a point guard? Or are you just thowing out a cliche like “Get your pads down, son.â€?

    (1) no, you are missing my point. we can stockpile the baddest collection of swing and power players, but it won’t make a damn if we don’t have a surehanded guard who can break a press, push transition, and/or deliver an entry pass, as Sendek’s teams have shown (or rather not shown) over the last 10 years.
    (2) that is not cliche, but is proper run blocking technique.

    What exactly is your beef with me, anyway?

  11. csmac55 11/13/2006 at 11:47 PM #

    Interesting note about Tracy Smith- the kid has lost 60 pounds since his junior season! That takes some kind of work ethic, hopefully he’ll bring that attitude to Raleigh. Way to go Sid.

  12. wufpack 11/14/2006 at 1:02 AM #

    I don’t think it’s unfair to be concerned about the PG position, but I don’t see how you can question how Sid has handled it. The first thing he did was go get a transfer as insurance who will be able to tutor under Sid and Monte for a year and be at least a decent PG beginning next year. Then, due to the late start he was forced to deal with in recruiting, he went extremely hard after the one elite PG that we had any shot at in Wright, and darn near got him. When we missed on Wright, we took a look at a couple of other options, but when they obviously weren’t going to be an upgrade over Degand, why take them just to take them? So he immediately scouted an ’08 PG that he really liked in Mays, offered him extremely early, and landed him.

    How should he have handled it differently? Would we be better off if we’d not taken Degand and just taken whatever scrub we could get that would come in as a freshman and be forced to play tons of minutes no matter how good or bad he was? Or should we have taken that scrub after taking Degand, thus not leaving us a scholarship for an ’08 PG that Sid really likes in Mays? Oh, I know, what he actually needed to do was magically create a great ’07 PG that really wanted to come here. What was he thinking?

  13. Astral Rain 11/14/2006 at 5:15 AM #

    Worst case scenario, without a “true” PG- we let Grant try to run it, and maybe try a track meet style of play to compensate for it? Maybe something along the lines of what UNC is doing this year. If we start scoring tons of points, you’ll get the PG wanting to come here eventually. Kids see what Steve Nash does in Phoenix, and maybe with NCSU and UNC especially, ACC in general, going to track meet basketball- we’ll get what we need.

    And you can win national titles with that style- UNLV in 91-92 being a great example- that’s the type of team we should be trying to assemble.

  14. class of 74 11/14/2006 at 7:40 AM #

    We are so fortunate to have this staff in Raleigh now. The Chris Wright miss is all that is keeping this from being a solid Top 5 class. Not too shabby for less than 4 months of work. I had a very good feeling about this hire from the word go and with nearly every day that feeling is getting stronger. I absolutely believe when this man is done, he will be viewed every bit the equal of Case, Sloan and Valvano. And I’ll bet if you could poll them they would agree too.

  15. NCSU4LIFE 11/14/2006 at 8:38 AM #

    A great deal of this recruiting effort goes to the staff of Harris, Towe, and Strickland. Sid would never have been able to pull off what he has done so far without them.

  16. Lock 11/14/2006 at 8:59 AM #

    Guys guys guys, (believe it or not) I’m just as excited as you are about this. But it’s a little early to be hanging Lowe’s name in the rafters again (this time with a whistle underneath). I want him to do well, and I am expecting nothing less…but as exciting as all this is, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I just think we’re setting ourselves up a little too much to already be comparing him to the likes of our previous national championship winners.

    I hope he does it, and if he keeps nailing recruiting classes like this, we have a chance. But let’s not expect too much too soon…

  17. PackGirl 11/14/2006 at 9:02 AM #

    This is what the N&O is reporting about Sid’s recruting efforts:

    Recruiting analyst Bob Gibbons said the addition of Smith gives State the No. 2 class in the ACC behind Duke.

    “Sidney Lowe has answered any questions about his ability to recruit,” Gibbons said.

    “With J.J. Hickson [a 6-foot-9 forward from Marietta, Ga.] and Tracy Smith, State has landed two of the premier big men in the country.”

  18. ncsu81 11/14/2006 at 10:06 AM #

    The Greensboro News and Record article states we may sign a 4th recruit in the spring…1021/GTCOM

  19. BoKnowsNCS71 11/14/2006 at 10:15 AM #

    What do you want to bet that in a few years when we are back in the NCAA Tournament — that they pair us in the first round with Arizona State. They love to do that kind of stuff.

  20. Gene 11/14/2006 at 10:21 AM #

    There are rumors about a 4th recruit for 2007, but the staff is keeping any news about it very quiet.

    As per the recruiting sites, we’ve offered three people, who have not committed to a school, though they do not list NCSU as a top choice at the moment: Jordan Crawford 6-5 guard / SF, Mike Scott PF, Michael Sanchez PF. There’s also Danny Green’s younger brother, Rashad, who said he’d want to play for NCSU, but so far we haven’t offered him a scholly.

    SFN: At this point, if the 4th recruit were to happen for 2007 then we expect it will be a very highly sought after star.

  21. Rochester 11/14/2006 at 10:21 AM #

    Who says ASU will be in the tournament in a few years?

  22. yannes 11/14/2006 at 10:27 AM #

    I wouldn’t worry about getting a PG for 2007. Plenty of ACC teams do well using combo and SGs as PGs. We will have a quality PG in Degand with Ferguson and Grant to rotate in to back him up at that position. By 2008 we will have two true PGs on the roster (Degand and Mays) with Ferguson still available in the rotation to bring the ball up the court when needed.

    Oh, and a frontline of Hickson, McCauley, and Smith is going to be outright dominant in the ACC.

  23. ldr of pk 75 11/14/2006 at 10:29 AM #

    Herb, are you listening? The kids coach said it had alot to do with the “style of play” Sidney brings. Bye Bye Herb and Princeton offense, hello good recruits and exciting style of play. Except for the botom line, what did that clod Jed Fowler see in Herb? I guess the same thing he sees in Chuck. These three recruits don’t answer all the problems, but gosh isn’t it great to be excited again? Go ahead NCAA pair us with ASU sometime down the road, we should give them the bums rush if history tells us anything. Go Sidney, GO WOLFPACK!!!

  24. partialqualifier 11/14/2006 at 10:33 AM #

    Good job Sidney! Everyday I am more impressed with our new coach! One thing I havent seen mentioned is that Tracy Smith’s coach said the number 1 reason he chose NC State was……”STYLE OF PLAY!” Going froward, I think that is a huge statement. That is also why I think Coach Lowe is going to be a very successful recruiter at NC State. It is sooo great to hear that we were selected….not turned down…because of “style of play.”

    As for the whole “we dont have a point guard” debate….

    The 2 guys we have coming in are Justin Gainey types, meaning they are not very good but are capable of getting the ball up the court and starting the offense. I guess the word is “serviceable.” With the rest of the players on this team (which will still be very young), it is much more important that we save that scholarship and see what this Mays kid does next season in high school. If he moves into the Top 50 or 60 players in the country, you have your point guard. That means you play one season or two with “serviceable” point guards and when Mays is a soph. at State you will have your point guard. The thing to remember is that Lowe is fully aware of the importance of good point guard play. You can hear it in the things he says about Atsur. So be patient and let him get the guard he wants.


  1. The ACC Basketblog - 11/14/2006

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