Intersting Tidbits From the ACC Sports Blogosphere

First, the always informative Dave Glenn continues his “information dump” regarding the NC State coaching search. Kudos to him for acknowledging the “lunatic fringe” capabilities of some pro-Sendek coaching colleagues.

Second, Dave Sez (always very solid, especially with respect to ACC basketball) makes a compelling argument about not fixing something that isn’t broken (i.e., the NCAA tournament). I agree with him wholeheartedly (certainly no need to just make it easier for coaches to hang onto their gravy train jobs without having to play a competitive OOC schedule and go .500 in league), although I could possibly see an argument for 68.

Lastly, 850TheBuzz’s Blog has recently been very active and has linked up a lot of “fun stuff” as of late. Just scroll through some of the entries. One item that you will see is this entry on NCAA 2007 that includes a link to a entry chronicling the history of the college football video game. Pretty fascinating.