Sunday Sweet 16 Quick Thoughts

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    *State-Villanova was everything that’s great about March Madness. It was a physical, hard-fought game between two good teams that remained either’s to
    [See the full post at: Sunday Sweet 16 Quick Thoughts]

    Alpha Wolf

    I’m glad we’re not playing again until Friday. That will allow the team to get some rest and the coaches to set the players’ heads straight after such a huge win. What we really cannot afford from this point on is any kind of letdown.


    I honestly didn’t think we’d win two games in the tourney but as soon as we started I knew the right team showed up and we’d have more than a good chance to win. Congrats Pack on a great win. Keep making history, we’re all hungry for another deep run.

    Prowling Woofie

    Great contributions from the whole team. Especially proud of Dez and Kyle, and Freeman, Malik, and Beejay were just plain men in the paint.

    Was great to see the mindset and execution – like we knew they COULD. The victory was gravy to me.

    C’mon Louisville !!!


    Can’t wait to see what we can do, if our outside shooters are on track, namely Turner.


    East bracket is wide open now. If we keep our heads on straight, we can go far.


    It appears that the article in the N&O is popping up everywhere….don’t know the links…..but I have seen it at least three places.

    Cat’s “WTF” is wrong with Obama” hit a curious note or tone….and the pundits and politicians are picking up on it.

    Never know…..never know….

    BBQ Sauce

    Cat’s remark is now on Drudge.


    Cat should trademark it.

    I was hoping Dayton would hold on..pulling for the ville tonight I reckon.

    Glad we have the extra time off. Only drawback is that this will undoubtedly mess up my bridge run Saturday… I will take it!!


    Cat should trademark it.

    I was hoping Dayton would hold on..pulling for the ville tonight I reckon.

    Glad we have the extra time off. Only drawback is that this will undoubtedly mess up my bridge run Saturday… I will take it!!

    Cooper River Bridge?


    Yep. Been doing the race for last 9-10 years. You running it as well?


    His remark is everywhere. USA Today, Washington Post, NY Post and Times, Fox, etc. this is a turd headline:

    “The first thing to do after you win a huge NCAA tournament game is CURSE OUT THE PRESIDENT ON LIVE TV”

    Sorry I just don’t get the big deal or how this is disrespectful to the POTUS as comments and articles have said or implied.

    Maybe he should have read SFN and called it out instead. Then Greg Doyel, Jeff Goodman and Matt Norlander would have sang his praises.


    I thought you meant your string of consecutive Saturday bridge (i.e., cards) matches.


    Yep. Been doing the race for last 9-10 years. You running it as well?

    Ran it in 1980. My freshman year at State. My next race after that was the 2008 Houston Marathon. I want to run it again sometime.


    re: Cat – big deal. Is it the expletive? Hmmmm… I imagine the same phrase has been uttered a few times by plenty of people.

    Ron Hunter pokes fun at President Obama for picking Baylor over Georgia State


    Butler coach isn’t happy that President Obama picked Texas to win


    Screw the people getting upset with what Cat said. People fishing for a story.

    Alpha Wolf

    Re: Cat’s remark: seems like every time someone mentions POTUS’s name the Pundit Class has to pick up on it and use whatever was said to create a “story.” It happened with Bush and it happens with Obama and surely whoever is elected next it will happen to them too. I guess those folks need to sieze upon every moment to drive their “narrative” and to tittilate their audience long enough to keep them listening/reading/watching through the next ads.

    I really don’t know why anyone wastes their time with those assclowns and their obsessive-compulsive “everything is politics” drivel.

    What I don’t like is that our sophomore point guard is being used by them at the same time he’s preparing to play the biggest game of his career. I’d really like to see our team getting rested and focusing on whoever we play next without the distraction of the Hot Air Brigade.

    john of sparta

    AW…maybe ’cause EVERYthing actually IS politics:
    1. 30-second shot-clock. CBS really-really wants this.
    2. Cat is quotable. He’s Gold. dance with who brung ya.
    3. Obama-anything gets clicks. clicks pay cash.


    Re: Cat’s remark

    ^People …

    All this, over a joke. The lowest common denominators truly have nothing better to do.

    What would really piss me off is if this affects his/our preparation and/or play on Friday. It’s amazing to have to possibly worry about people at State hopefully insulating Barber from the speech and thought nazis with mics and recorders… because of a throw away joke! JOKING is evil and can’t be allowed.

    Now there are going to be 5 billion questions to both Gottfried and Barber about ‘how’ and ‘why’ this happened and if it isn’t diffused properly the no-story snowballs even more.

    Even if this somehow goes away and/or the State people are able to laugh it off I’m sure Wral is feverishly putting the finishing touches on a 4-night expose about how NC State athletics fosters an atmosphere of political dissent and how black athletes that attend State are encouraged to develop internalized racism. The only solution of course is re-education through media purification. Wral investigates.

    Is someone YOU know expressing original thought or individualistic ideals and not properly subscribing to groupthink? Report them to Wral.


    ^Yeah, I’m well over the top here. But so is all this BS.


    Is it weird that Alpha saying “tittilate” sort of tittilated me?


    My kid sent me a retweet from pack pride of catbarber1994 where he tweeted that he had nothing but respect for the prez and was caught up in the moment.

    Sorry but I don’t do twitter and am not too savvy about how to get it from there to here or I’d have posted it. Perhaps someone here could bring it.


    We’re better than Louisville. The way we’re playing, and with Chris Jones off their roster, I totally believe that. We won’t be favored going into the game, but we should be. Not saying we’re going to win, but I genuinely think we’ve got a better than 50% chance of making the Elite Eight.


    1 Wildcats down …


    Apologies for redundancy if this was one of the many bits posted but I love this vid:

    And we’re gonna kick Louisville’s ass.


    No apologizes necessary Since74! I cant stop my self from reliving this moment and the last second of the L.S.U. game! Go Cardiac Pack and we deserve to savor every moment. The hell with what Barber said about the POTUS. If he is so thin skinned that he cant take it then what is he doing as President. We don’t need to bring politics in to the sports arena where the newspapers and media are superfluous in their endeavor to make a big deal out of nothing. And what Cat said was nothing. What about the two coaches that made remarks about OBAMA when he didn’t pick their team in his bracket. We cover our teams 6 and that’s all that matters win or loose. Its time to move on to the Sweet 16 and keep on rolling Pack! I love ya!

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