State Switching to 4-2-5 Base D

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    Lynchburg The News & Advance: Virginia was not the only football team that failed to win a single ACC game last season. Neither did North Carolina Sta
    [See the full post at: State Switching to 4-2-5 Base D]


    I was hoping for a 5-2-5, I thought the extra player would help a lot!


    Will this help mask our deficiencies at linebacker?


    Well, this acknowledges two realities:

    1) We have fuckall at LB
    2) It’s much better to dare teams to beat you running the ball than have them gash you throwing the ball downfield for 10+ YPA.


    It also means any team halfway decent at running it, will likely do just that against us. It is what it is.


    Nothing new. Was essentially our base D during TOBs last 1.5 seasons.


    Last year was very forgettable, but I am not going throw in the towel on the upcoming season. I will wait and see what takes place before passing judgement. Go Pack!


    I can’t believe we didn’t run a 4-2-5 last year. It’s pretty hard to compete against the spread teams without it. Our deficiencies at LB just increase the need. Now, we just need a good rover back. I am optimistic that Rodman Noel can fill that role.


    do something


    ‘Foose..Now where did TOB and whoever ran the D f#ck up in the last season of theirs…D speaking

    My man, they based the 42 for exactly one half year of the best football under their regime.

    I have no clue who might break through as the Rover, none, for this year.

    However, as a spread coach, the last thing I wanna see is a guy that can take my slot receiver away and adjust to the single RB.

    It is not a sign of LB weakness. It is a sign of the spread.

    Either way, the assignments are the same as if you were in a 4-3, for the designated Rover.

    Damn, why am I feeling Deja Vu.


    We have had the feeling of Deja Vu for A high number of years. Groundhog Day keeps showing up every year. Then again I think we may have been running a 0-0-0 last year so may calling it a 4-2-5 will help with something.


    Not what I meant. It was a repeated dissertation on the 42.


    My man, they based the 42 for exactly one half year of the best football under their regime

    Yep. 2011, into’d it out in the UVA game if I remember correctly. DJ being the key cog.

    Then they go and move DJ out of his spot in 2012 and F up the talent meshing. I think I remember us having this discussion at the time. “Bonehead” and “stubborn” are two terms I think I used in describing the D coaching.

    Thought we still ran the 42 about half the time that season though, just w misplaced personnel, but my memory could be wrong.


    State begins practice today. Hope coach Doeren has them ready. Possible 3 wins to start the season, then the number 1 team comes to town. Wouldn’t that be an incredible upset? Not saying it is gonna happen, but what a win it would be.


    ^ It’s raining all day today… should that be considered a omen ?

    I’m sure Mr. Dog understands all these numbers and combinations….

    The only combination of numbers I understand are:

    1 $W = ‘???’;
    2 $L = ‘???’;
    4 if ( $W > $L ) { $results = “Everybody is pretty damn happy!”; }
    5 else if ( $L – $W <= 2 ) { $results = “Nobody is happy… but it’s better than last year”; }
    6 else {

    29-Nov-2014 18:19:30 America/Raleigh] PHP Parse error:: ‘ undefined variable “SMH” ‘ in /home/customf9/public_html/WOLFPACK_FOOTBALL/Season_2014/results.php on line 1

    29-Nov-2014 18:19:30 America/Raleigh] PHP Parse error:: ‘ undefined variable “SMH” ‘ in /home/customf9/public_html/WOLFPACK_FOOTBALL/Season_2014/results.php on line 2

    29-Nov-2014 18:19:31 America/Raleigh] FATAL APACHE ERROR — Your SERVERS are shutting DOWN… HEADS will roll… per Dr.Deb…

    PLEASE DIAL 911 for Customer Support….

    #NCSU-North Carolina's #1 FOOTBALL school!

    The only combination of numbers I understand are:

    1 $W = ‘???’;
    2 $L = ‘???’;
    4 if ( $W > $L ) { $results = “Everybody is pretty damn happy!”; }
    5 else if ( $L – $W <= 2 ) { $results = “Nobody is happy… but it’s better than last year”; }
    6 else {

    29-Nov-2014 18:19:30 America/Raleigh] PHP Parse error:: ‘ undefined variable “SMH” ‘ in /home/customf9/public_html/WOLFPACK_FOOTBALL/Season_2014/results.php on line 1

    29-Nov-2014 18:19:30 America/Raleigh] PHP Parse error:: ‘ undefined variable “SMH” ‘ in /home/customf9/public_html/WOLFPACK_FOOTBALL/Season_2014/results.php on line 2

    29-Nov-2014 18:19:31 America/Raleigh] FATAL APACHE ERROR — Your SERVERS are shutting DOWN… HEADS will roll… per Dr.Deb…

    PLEASE DIAL 911 for Customer Support….

    This isn’t commentary on you, more of a commentary on what I know about you…

    But you’re the last person I expected to post something of that nature.

    Also, PHP blows.



    1 $(document).ready(function(){
    2 var degree1 = “PolySci”;
    3 var degree2 = “Business”;
    4 var university = “NC State”;
    5 var text = “…see what degrees in “+ degree1 +” and “+ degree2 +” from +” university “+ will get you ….”;
    6 var allSFNdivs = “.SFN-comments”;
    8 $(allSFNdivs).each(function () {
    9 $(this).html(text);
    10 });
    11 });

    console.log(“Pak – I did write one BASIC program at NCS and took a FORTRAN class at FSU … constituting the full extent of my formal education in programming…
    and I’ll bite on your php thing…Why?
    What would you recommend as a better alternative ?”);

    #NCSU-North Carolina's #1 FOOTBALL school!

    It was written in a basement by a guy to manage his blog and has since been extended with no coherent plan and is infuriatingly inconsistent. Also, it is ubiquitous and unescapable if you want to work on web facing applications.

    I personally prefer python, perl, tcl, ruby, java, go, or anything that makes string management not a complete PITA.

    Also, to relate to this thread and not my personal beef with PHP, I didn’t think our D was as bad as our record would indicate last year. They got nearly zero support from the offense. Also, as I understand it, we would have run a 4-2-5 last year if we had the depth to support it.


    “It’s raining all day today… should that be considered a omen ?<”

    The rain held off most of the morning. Is that to considered an omen?

    Freshman Safety Germaine Pratt arrived on campus 195 lbs. is now weighing in at 230 lbs. He’s not the only one who’s added muscle/weight.

    This team is deeper, bigger and faster than last year. They’ve already fooled some experts here and I predict they will fool quite a few teams before this season’s over. I hope FSU struts into town thinking this will be a blowout win for them.


    I personally prefer… anything that makes string management not a complete PITA.

    I don’t really have any problem managing my “strings”… just put six new ones on my old “Tobacco Road” Strat the other day..

    But in all seriousness… that’s a statement that fits this topic perfectly…

    Let’s see how DD&Company manage the “first string”, the “second string” and the “third string” on both sides of the ball.

    Show us some Ws…. that’s all we want.

    #NCSU-North Carolina's #1 FOOTBALL school!

    I knew some hard talkin’ on 42 football would eventually draw out Mr. Grey.

    Love the pure optimism, as always. Nice info on Pratt…lookin’ for the word on the Vincent kid somewhere around 8/16ish.


    Supposedly K. Street is a monster, 285ish and not a fat 285. I’m not saying he’s in the same ballpark, but Mario Williams was listed at 290 as a senior.

    I don’t know how old this pic is, but he certainly looks the part.


    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>pakfanistan wrote:</div>
    I personally prefer… anything that makes string management not a complete PITA.

    I don’t really have any problem managing my “strings”… just put six new ones on my old “Tobacco Road” Strat the other day..

    But in all seriousness… that’s a statement that fits this topic perfectly…

    Let’s see how DD&Company manage the “first string”, the “second string” and the “third string” on both sides of the ball.

    Show us some Ws…. that’s all we want.

    You got a Strat too? Can’t say it’s a Tobacco Road, but I’ve got one too, plus a pre Fender Tacoma acoustic that’s my favorite.

    "Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!


    Mr. Stick…

    Posted here… just for you…

    Summer doldrums, shooting the sh1t

    #NCSU-North Carolina's #1 FOOTBALL school!

    Being a Silver Bullet Band fan, I’m a call him “Main”. Dude’s built like a rock!

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