N.C. State @ Virginia, 7pm

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  • #68550

    I can’t speak for anyone but myself but I do not need to be told UVA’s rank or the fact that we hung with a team that highly ranked. Trust that I am as basketball educated as you are, probably more so in knowing that I AM NOT COMPLAINING BECAUSE WE LOST. I am complaining about the style in which we lost and the style in which we play….period. If any of you watched the game and honestly enjoyed watching our offense then please do not let me offend you, but from a x’s and o’s standpoint, from the standpoint of good team basketball our style of play and decisions made are what makes these games sickening for me to watch. Please spare me/us with the ra ra go team go garbage. Facts are I like Mark Gottfried, I want him to work out but some of his coaching decisions are absolutely head scratchers at best. I have no personal feelings about Anthony Barber, he would make me look like I have no legs on the basketball court if I played against him however he is either uncomfortable, lazy, stupid or just not that good. Whatever it is he does absolutely nothing positive for us at this point….bench him. That’s all I have….


    I agree with a lot of the comments here, but the difference might have been as simple as 2 of 9 FT and a young over excited Abu missing several tap ins, getting quick fouls and not getting “a little” help from Freeman and Anya. I do not think we can win any games in which Abu + Anya + Freeman = Zero points.


    ^ good observation.

    What a group of State fans. Defend Liberty U in a post about an asshole like Hess and yet let one of our own be called lazy or stupid. I would be willing to bet Cat is probably smarter than you PackofMac. I got no tolerance for name calling of 19 yr old student athletes playing for your school.

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