First Wave of Coaching Changes

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    I think the shine has worn off of Smart. He missed his golden opportunity but will still get some interest. He just cannot write a blank check like he could before.


    A salary of >$3M/year would put Marshall in the top 10 of coaching salaries…making him a very big fish in a small pond. But even during the season, he said that he wouldn’t leave WSU for a middle of the pack team from a power conference. So it sounds/looks like the only thing that MIGHT interest him would be if one of the current blue-blood schools had a coaching vacancy.

    Top Ten Salary List from two weeks ago:


    ^Guy sticks to his guns, I respect him for that. Eventually that ego is going to be off-putting to more folks rather than less folks though.

    He might rival Herb in the media manipulation department, and throwing not so subtle jabs at programs that express interest might burn him eventually. He lampooned State, and has been openly dismissive of other schools that would potentially court (or have courted) him.


    I don’t know what goes through anyone’s mind, but it really isn’t a terrible life to have a 7-figure salary along with the adoration that he is getting from his school and the local fans. If he is really never planning to leave, then all of his comments play really well to his home crowd.

    However, he needs to remember the line about getting off of the bridge before you set it on fire. The AD’s he makes fun of today may be in charge of NCAAT seeding decisions tomorrow.


    Gee, a certain insane person told ya this was the Marshall plan (tee hee, see what I did there?) all along…


    The Marshall plan has never been so simple as upping his payday for the sake of upping his payday. Smart guy. And he doesn’t care who’s put off. Play him head up. So glad we didn’t wind up with Smart, who I like…Said then and still believe it, that “Havoc” doesn’t work night-in, night-out in major conferences right now. It’s like the spread. Eventually, everybody figures it out and adjusts, and smash mouth, big-boy ball wins out. It’s a gimmick. Marshall, not a gimmick.


    Kind of out of left field for me:

    Billy Donovan may be NBA bound


    If Donovan had pulled the trigger and gone to Cleveland he’d never have to actually coach again:

    Report: LeBron James calls the Cavaliers’ plays and coach David Blatt repeats them


    Bowling Green is now open as they fired their coach after just 1 season.


    I assume he must have killed puppies or something?


    Smart to UT is done. This will be interesting.



    Probably a Done Deal….but he committed to Debbie in the evening or the afternoon and our lawyers flew up and met with his lawyers….and the next day, after the contract was hammered out and the LOI was ready to be signed…

    He renigged…..or at least Mrs. Smart said NO.

    Probably is legit this time….but Cremmins committed to USC…..prompting the question…..What does USC stand for….”You Seen Crimmins?” was the punchline.

    So, when he shows up for the presser and has Mrs. Smart standing beside him, it probably is a done deal….until such, I’m just gonna wait.

    I did hear a rumor from a VCU grad that they were so tapped out that they could not afford another contract raise. The Strip Clubs in Richmond are featuring free lap dances for him. But, that is just an advertising gimmick….the wives and daughters of the rich VCU Alums are actually working there, themselves to “Fund” Shaka’s Previous raises…..

    The ladies objected to selling their bodies….but showing it….well, that’s different.


    So, what is the implication if Smart goes to Texas? To put it another way, how does the Texas HC job compare to State’s? Possible considerations include (in no particular order):

    – Compensation
    – Budget (for basketball program)
    – Facilities
    – Expectations (e.g., 16 out of 17 NCAA tournament bids not enough)
    – Existing talent
    – Potential to recruit more talent
    – Status of program (nationally known? top 25? etc.)
    – Program tradition/history
    – Alumni relationships (thinking about reaction to Charlie Strong here)
    – Strength of conference/competition
    – Quality of fan base (i.e., how much do fans care?)
    – Quality of city/life

    Obviously, not all of these are equal, and reasonable people will weigh them differently.

    In comparing State after Lowe was fired to Texas after Barnes was fired, how do the programs compare? In comparing State now to Texas now, how do the programs compare?

    I know I am biased, but it seems like the State job is better to me. But I ask this because we were turned down by Smart and perhaps Texas wasn’t. Is it just the passage of time and changing circumstances and perspectives, or does it suggest that the Texas job is better?


    I don’t think he can afford to pull the plug on Texas. At least the Rockets won in Dallas.


    As I said… is probably a done deal. The Texas AD probably smoozed Mrs. Smart….if they were smart.

    Shaka has played the game well.

    As to whether the NCSU vs. TX job was better….that could take more bandwidth than “Who shot JR?”

    He will be an interesting coach for Texas……and obviously a contrast from Ricky Ticky B….

    I did NOT say he would renig….only that he has at least one incident of it before.

    But, that was the only time, I think, that he actually got undressed and got in bed with another University…..but he saw the gleam of his VCU ring in the candlelight and put back on his clothes before it got out of hand.


    Considering the financials once the dust settles… I could see an “everybody won” situation for VCU, Texas, AND State.


    Terms of Smart’s contract were not immediately released. Barnes made $2.62 million last season. Smart made $1.8 million with the Rams.

    On the radio this morning, they said $2.8M + $800k incentives.


    I know I am biased, but it seems like the State job is better to me.

    The two coaching searches that we’ve endured over the last decade says something completely different.

    After the football coaching search, it was obvious that State’s football coaching position was better thought of than the basketball job. In fact the last two coaching searches in both sports shows that the football program is considered more desirable than the basketball program. I think that BJD’s line about letting the market decide what something is worth has merit.


    You are right about the market saying the football is a better job than the basketball but for the life of me I cannot understand why. Every basketball coach who has come here has been able to recruit at a very high level. Not so in football.
    So if talent is not the reason, it has to be something else.
    1) could it be expectations? possibly. In basketball we expect championships as we have them. In football if you consistently win 8 games you would be the best coach we ever had.
    2) Could it be path to success? In football you have FSU and Clemson. In basketball you have UNC, Duke, Loiusville, Syracuse and now UVA.
    3) Facilities? We have pretty good faciliteis for both sports
    I have toa dmit I am confused by the whole thing.


    I beleive that future paths down the basketball trail will not be as stressful.

    Before Sendeck, State was an administrative wreck, and coming off a great unpleasentness of our own.

    Following Herb, State battled that media perceived crucifixation of the program, in addition to being hamstrung by the presence of Fowler.

    As for the last one, you must not overlook how Mrs. Smart hung State out to dry. The scenario that played out is factual.


    The media narrative devalues the basketball job. The media is largely neutral on the football job. That is the biggest difference between the two positions.

    The Katz interview was a perfect example as he tried to cast Gott and this year’s team as underachievers. There are a lot of guys that don’t have the stones to coach in the same neighborhood as K and Roy. They can get the same talent somewhere else.


    Good points, CD. Perhaps the difference has been circumstance, and perhaps that suggests that what Gott and Yow have accomplished will prove to have reset the market for our job next time. And hopefully that reset isn’t yet complete, and Gott will continue to elevate the program from here.


    Factors that go into coaching decisions:
    1) $$
    2) recruiting (ties into fan support and facilities and tradition)
    3) AD

    Our #1 and #3 hurt us during both searches. We are a poor school despite Wendell he is only one man and is not even close to a T. Boone or Phil Knight booster. Wichita State just proves that mid-tier conferences can match or even beat our offers.

    #2 is good but not great…high school kids could name 30 programs they would rank ahead of ours. Maybe more. What have you done for me lately?

    Gott has recruited well but NOT great. There are 20 teams with more talent. How can we expect to beat those teams without out coaching them???


    Factors that go into coaching decisions:
    1) $$
    2) recruiting (ties into fan support and facilities and tradition)
    3) AD

    Our #1 and #3 hurt us during both searches. We are a poor school despite Wendell he is only one man and is not even close to a T. Boone or Phil Knight booster. Wichita State just proves that mid-tier conferences can match or even beat our offers.

    #2 is good but not great…high school kids could name 30 programs they would rank ahead of ours. Maybe more. What have you done for me lately?

    Gott has recruited well but NOT great. There are 20 teams with more talent. How can we expect to beat those teams without out coaching them???

    Gott’s teams have beaten a number of teams with more talent. So either he outcoached them or the talent differential is either overstated or thin enough as to not be all that important.

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