Reply To: Report: Patrick Wallace to Transfer

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I think we’re looking everywhere personally:
– Hard after top line freshman, but knowing we’re not getting them.
– Grad transfer who can play immediately: like Alex Johnson
– Regular transfers: like Turner, Lacy, Henderson — seems like we’ve taken one of these every year
– JUCO: See Dez Lee
– International: I hear rumblings of this.

I think we’re going to bring in two. The question is whether they’ll be eligible next year.

We need more than 9 though. You can’t really run a full scrimmage with that few. We also need a back up PG and another big to space behind the 3 that are on track to depart at the same time (and who will only have one more year of eligibility after next season).

Also, there’s a huge difference between being concerned about a lack of freshman commitments and saying you want to bring in a Justin Flatt, Mike Bell, Dom Mejia, etc.. HWSNBN brought those kids in when he missed and just wanted warm bodies. We were always told how they were diamonds in the rough that everyone else missed out on, but only the genius of HWSNBN could recognize. They had transfer written all over them from the second we’d see them in the Red and White scrimmage.

I think some posters (myself included) have been rightly concerned about this year’s recruiting class. Even if we bring in transfers, JUCOs, etc., we’re likely looking at a scholarship year gap, which can mess up spacing. We’ll have to take in other transfers or JUCOs down the road to space around this.