Reply To: Sweet 16 – Pack vs. Louisville!

Home Forums All StateFansNation Sweet 16 – Pack vs. Louisville! Reply To: Sweet 16 – Pack vs. Louisville!

1.21 Jigawatts

It was a disappointing performance by most of the team and coaching staff but it’s not a shock to anyone who has watched this team at all this season. They had amazing potential and showed it at various times throughout the season but equally could fall back into bad habits and fall flat. Not shocked in the least in how the tournament played out, what is surprising they got past LSU.

No what is surprising is that you show up with your BS after this game but yet were silent after the Nova game. Oh wait … Not surprising at all.

Yeah because my entire life revolves around getting on a blog win or lose. This team showed exactly what they were all season, streaky. It’s not negative to point out the facts. They would play well for a game or 2 or even less than that. They are what they are. I pull for them to succeed but I don’t ignore what is reality just because I’m a fan.