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To be fair…

Before there was The Carolina Way… there was “Carolina Luck”…
That would have been before at least 60% of SFN or IC ever watched their first State-Caroina basketball game.

As in .. “if you can’t be good, maybe you can be Carolina”… or “Somebody must have made a pact with the devil to be that lucky, night after night.”.. or ‘they’re the luckiest SOBs alive…”…

More than a few on Tobacco Road back when it was still a two lane highway, pondered the theological implications of “Carolina Luck” and concluded that it was quite possible that the Devil did indeed have a hand in all of this…

Now to say that was uniquely an NCState thing would be totally inaccurate as we have no divinity school and as farmers and lintheads have never been accused of anything more than a very simple theology. The chances are much more likely that the notion started with the Methodists or the Bapitists, not the Farmers. In any event, much enthusiasm for the “Devil in the Game” theology was generated from those two bastions of religious thinking… and somewhat of an universal consensus to the affirmative was reached. Besides, all three of us couldn’t be wrong … could we?

Of course, the University in Chapel Hill, with one of the top schools of Religion in the country, had little response and no rebuttal back then other than it’s traditional mule eating briars sh&t eating grin.

13OT, Mr Stick, Jiggs and the older brothers in the SFN house can affirm this, I believe.

In it’s historical context, the question is not offensive, but rather references a long forgotten and popular cliche.

As we have discussed, ad nauseum, sometime after 1983…. the game changed again.

For the younger brothers who find offense… it’s not at all hard to see your point of view in this matter… Perhaps, this historical footnote eases your discomfort somewhat…. I hope so.

Fact is… SFN has shown a high level of respect and restraint throughout the last two weeks while the Parade has marched thru our TV rooms and in general I have been proud of all of us for that.

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