Reply To: It Must Be Friday… The Story that Never Ends…

Home Forums All StateFansNation It Must Be Friday… The Story that Never Ends… Reply To: It Must Be Friday… The Story that Never Ends…


Evidently someone(and I won’t name who except to say it was a State employee posted something on the N&O website and was so stupid he posted his name, State department, address, telephone number and probably his mother’s bra size)…Obviously a UnC homer spouting off about how State was wrong, the Holes were “holy”, yada, yada. Not sure who posted the original because I missed all of it until today..anyway, it appears some other posters got too enthusiastic and posted pictures of the kid’s family from Facebook, threatening phone calls, etc. Somebody must have started calling Scout, the mod said he was called at 3 AM, and they pulled the entire thread…The mod did go back and clean it up this afternoon and deleted the offensive threatening references. Not sure what the N&O may have done..

While I want to see “justice done”, there are some folks out there that could be recruited for lynch mobs and would say the heck with DNA evidence. The ones who think banners will come down need to have some meds..

"Whomp 'em, Up, Side the Head"!