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As someone who went to the original cook-out…I thought their burgers were good – but not any better than Char-Grill, not that much better than a Wendy’s Double quite frankly.

In the early 90s, I lived right down the road from it. It was pretty good – but it was just basically a fast food burger. Char-Grill was much more memorable. IN and OUT was better than both in my opinion. I have driven by both Char Grill and countless Cook-Outs, and sadly, in the case of Char Grill anyhoo, don’t find myself craving them. I do know next time I’m out west, I’m hitting in and out burger.

As someone mentioned above – Fat Daddy’s had great burgers (they and Fuddrucker’s used the same kind of bun, which definitely enhances the overall “burger” experience.) I have also been to Bad Daddy’s – it’s good – but not great. Hop-Burger in Greensboro is pretty good. As mentioned earlier – Farmburger in Asheville is a favorite of mine. They marry the burger, a good beer, a place you can take a kid, fast service, but still feel like you are eating OUT better than any other spot around here.