Reply To: Is Tommorrow the Friday we've been waiting for ?

Home Forums All StateFansNation Is Tommorrow the Friday we've been waiting for ? Reply To: Is Tommorrow the Friday we've been waiting for ?


Bilas didn’t “call” it. Bilas and the talking heads were given the exact script from the NCAA prior to last year’s NCAA tournament. If one remembers the coverage of the UNC games (vomit that I admit that they were even on in my presence), the media clearly were told by the NCAA or UNC’s lawyers what was going to happen. They were brushing over all the other violations and focusing on the academic scandal, yet at the same time saying that everything was fine because some “regular” students benefited as well. I knew something was really rotten then and Friday just proved it.

It is easy to appear prescient when one already knows the outcome………….. Bilas was just “blue” enough and go argue that it was “right.”

Both of these series of events make me dislike UNC and Bilas even more….