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Due to Flu and Sinus infection that delayed Pacemaker implant, my alcohol input was terminated….DW Rules….you know the rest.

Since January 26, have had two mixed (restaurant) cocktails and one glass of Merlot. Remember the old joke about the Crocagator….How do he Defecate? He DON’T….That what make him so MEAN…. Same applies for low alcohol blood levels.

However, thanks to those that expressed concerns. Ticker Chip has been turned down a bit. Still needs some tweaking. But Energy Level and such are back to 2007 levels….

Gonna go to Vegas in April and do the 2 day Ron Fellows Corvette Performance Driving School. Aerobic capacity well above normal. Walking 1.5 miles per day has cut down on bulge…..DW says it is the LACK of Alcohol. Having said that, I was maybe 4 “measured” drinks per week….so don’t put me in the AA 12 Steps program…

I will NOT release my tax returns…..and I know where my “client” copy is as my DW does them….no matter how much pressure the MSM and Social Media exerts….