UNC-CH BOT chair troubled by latest revelations, wants answers


If you were wondering where the UNC-CH Board of Trustees stood on the latest news out of the flagship, an article in today’s News and Observer explains that Wade Hargrove, the chairman of the UNC-CH BOT, finds it “troubling in the extreme” and wants more answers


Wade Hargrove, chairman since last summer, said the new information about the class raises questions that still need answering.

Among them are documenting how the class was created and how the football players knew to enroll within days after it opened for registration. Eighteen members of the team and one former player enrolled in the class.

I have to agree with Hargrove that those answers would be interesting.  Regarding the class in question, the N & O seems to answer one of those questions, telling us:

Records show academic support staff for student-athletes at the university helped the football players register for the class and were aware of how Nyang’oro would handle the course.

Hmmm.  My big question at this point is how the UNC-CH investigations into the academic scandal missed all of these glaring problems.  What a mystery!  Today’s article explains that at least two UNC-CH investigations came up with nothing, and furthermore that Thorp was apparently confident that these investigations were sound:

“We’ve done a very thorough investigation on the academic side,” Thorp said last summer.

A month later, The N&O obtained a partial transcript showing that football star Marvin Austin had taken an advanced, 400-level class under Nyang’oro when he first arrived on campus. Austin later enrolled in a basic writing class, records show.

University officials launched another internal review and notified the NCAA of the swirl of questions.

A subsequent university report said no athletes had received favorable treatment in Nyang’oro’s department.

But that report, issued last month, also detailed irregularities in the department and in classes under Nyang’oro.

It was announced then that Nyang’oro would retire, effective July 1. Thorp called the review thorough and diligent.

Stay tuned.





40 Responses to UNC-CH BOT chair troubled by latest revelations, wants answers

  1. TruthBKnown Returns 06/11/2012 at 10:36 AM #

    I like how it is labeled a “football class”. They’re still trying to insulate the basketball team. If the class is “troubling”, then it is troubling for basketball, too. They were also enrolled in these classes.

    I hope someone with a voice calls them out on this. They need to stop trying to insulate. The time now is to get the truth out, and take steps to correct it so it cannot happen again, and yes, to be punished for what has already happened.

  2. graywolf 06/11/2012 at 10:39 AM #

    The $60,000.00 question is : Is the chair of the BOG troubled enough to open an independent investigation or will it be business as usual?

  3. packof81 06/11/2012 at 10:45 AM #

    This is all about protecting the basketball program and the last couple national titles.

  4. ppack3 06/11/2012 at 11:11 AM #

    But, but, if they correct these issues, isn’t this all a mute point? I mean, it isn’t a crime if you don’t do it again, right?

    Just like when Dahmer switched to chicken. No jail time, right? He just fired his personal chef and moved on.

    BTW, the $60,000.00 question? That only covers five classes.

  5. patientwuf 06/11/2012 at 11:20 AM #

    Wow!! He’s just now troubled.

    UNC needs to get out from behind the see through curtain.

  6. Packfan28 06/11/2012 at 11:20 AM #

    I think this whole thing can be corrected by posting a sign out sheet on the door of each classroom.

  7. vtpackfan 06/11/2012 at 11:38 AM #

    BoG plan to sit back and do nothing is going to backfire. Instead of having some say in appointing an Independent council to investigate and conlude findings, they’ve ultimately created the media outlets and SBI to stand in its place.

    My take is that they all ravished themselves in the ool Aid that no one had ever “cooperated” with the NCAA as they had done. What they failed to realize is that the NCAA is more amateur than the athletes they represent. They’re a huge profit margin organization run by a bunch of non-profit caliber nit-wits.

    Now that the game is on and real professionals are involved (no forensic people needed from SBI, thank goodness), UNC is so deep in the weeds that soon their lawyers advise Thorpe to just lock himself in an office.

  8. HPWolf 06/11/2012 at 12:25 PM #

    UNC is nothing more than a diploma mill for athletes. Your local community college has more integrity and higher academic standards than carolina does. That is the absolute truth. I will never again let a carolina grad or fan get away with talking about their higher standards or “Carolina Way” bullshit! Call them out every time. All of their championships should have an asterisk by them. What a bunch of hypocrites.

  9. sequoyah 06/11/2012 at 12:38 PM #

    He better be troubled. A bogus class at a public university – a class that students “pay” for – sounds like a case of fraudulent interstate commerce. Forget the SBI, call in the FBI.

    (Besides the jurisdiction question, UNX is so entrenched at every level in the chain-of-command, conflicts of interest abound. Bev Purdue, Roy Cooper and Elaine Marshall need to wash their hands of it and turn it over to the Feds.)

  10. Packfan28 06/11/2012 at 12:38 PM #

    UNC’s “internal investigation” is like the golfer who hits his ball in the woods, but refuses to look for it anywhere but the fairway, because that is where he is hoping it ended up. They are only looking at what they have to, and only asking the most superficial questions. Q: “Did you do anything wrong?” A: “No I did not” “Okay. Thank you for your cooperation. I guess that wraps this one up”.

  11. old13 06/11/2012 at 1:02 PM #

    You’d think that the taxpayers of North Carolina, even some of the baby blue ones, would now be seeing the obvious fraud, etc. that is the stench rising from Chapel Hole. When does the pressure of public opinion start pushing for a real and thorough INDEPENDENT investigation AND MAJOR changes in command in the BOG and BOT-Cheat (and farther up the ladder as applies!) Maybe the media will keep the stories rolling and make this happen!

  12. wilmwolf80 06/11/2012 at 1:05 PM #

    “Rogue BOT Chairman questions Carolina Way, sudden retirement announced.”

  13. RickJ 06/11/2012 at 1:58 PM #

    Baseball players at the flagship may be the next place someone needs to look.

    “Johnson, who needed four As in his summer school classes to remain eligible, knew that worrying about starts or appearances down the road is foolish. He learned from experience that the next start is never guaranteed.”


  14. wolfbuff 06/11/2012 at 2:13 PM #

    Oh, he’s “troubled” now is he? What a joke.

  15. state73 06/11/2012 at 3:14 PM #

    Nothing to see. Just keep moving along and remember it will all be over by Friday!

  16. Pack78 06/11/2012 at 4:27 PM #

    UNX, the great Ponzi scheme of the UNC System…they ought to let Bernie Madoff out of the clink to replace Thorp as Chancellor.

  17. tractor57 06/11/2012 at 4:47 PM #

    But, but selling shoes was SO much worse. Like NCSU and the purge of leaders after the Easley scandal time to clear the deck. I don’t revel in the revelations but it is damn time someone actually looked.

  18. Wufpacker 06/11/2012 at 5:04 PM #

    ” “We’ve done a very thorough investigation on the academic side,” Thorp said last summer.”

    This time we really, REALLY mean it.

  19. Pack78 06/11/2012 at 5:10 PM #

    ^Wuf-this could be a true statement; surely no one would conclude that the AA Studies Department bears any resemblance to ‘academics’.

  20. Wufpacker 06/11/2012 at 5:20 PM #

    LOL, you could be right. Then again, if we’re gonna go there, how much that goes on in any of the classrooms over there could actually qualify?

  21. bigjohn 06/11/2012 at 5:36 PM #

    You know, if you guys could have “just moved on when there was nothing to see” this could have really been over by Friday, but No, you just had to keep digging, and now there is s**t all over everything!

  22. gumby 06/11/2012 at 6:21 PM #

    By the way, it’s a “moot” point, not “mute”

  23. highstick 06/11/2012 at 6:22 PM #

    Maybe James Taylor can write a song about this???

    “In my mind, I’m cheating at Carowhina”..

  24. blpack 06/11/2012 at 7:32 PM #

    Awesome Highstick.
    “is this class online?
    can’t you see the grades climb?”….lol!

    UNC-cheat should never use the term student-athletes again.

  25. Wufpacker 06/11/2012 at 7:43 PM #

    They’ve been pretty careful to use the term “football players” here lately.

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