Judge rules against McAdoo

Full WRAL story. 

Judge Orlando Hudson needed just a little over two hours to come to his conclusion in a Durham courtroom denying an injunction and thus preventing McAdoo’s return to the field.

“Mr. McAdoo committed academic fraud. He is a cheater. That is what happened here,” Sun said. “The university makes the eligibility decision and that is what they did. They ruled him ineligible.

“The NCAA takes academic fraud very seriously. The university’s facts presented to NCAA show academic fraud. Presumption is (that) there should be ineligibility.”

Sun further went on an a personal attack of McAdoo saying, “McAdoo can’t meet regular standards of a student, much less higher standards expected for an exception.”

Stephanie Brennan of the Attorney General’s office and representing UNC drew up an argument of the university following due procedure.

“The University has said and continues to believe that the penalty imposed was to harsh, but university lost the appeal and respects decision,” Brennan said. “We are simply not in a position where we can declare a player unilaterally eligible.”


Also, WTVD’s Mark Armstrong’s Twitter feed is a good place to find breaking news related to the scandals.


General UNC Scandal

37 Responses to Judge rules against McAdoo

  1. IamGumbyDammit 07/13/2011 at 5:18 PM #

    I’m sure it’s eating them up at UNX that McAd’oh!’s lawyer and UNX alum Noah Hoffstetler got spanked by the NCAA’s lawyer, Paul Sun, a DUKE Law School alum.

  2. Virginia Wolf 07/13/2011 at 5:24 PM #

    Yeah! That will eat them up at UNX!!! We have to remember that its a degree factory at the flagship.

    My question is where was Butch! Why wasn’t he there to support one of his players? Oh, yeah! He didn’t know about the hearing!!! “I know nutting!”

  3. TAEdisonHokie 07/13/2011 at 6:44 PM #

    I wonder what Big Marvin Austin meant by this tweet about 20 minutes ago:

    “I’m so heated right now…justice will provail..even if I have to spill the beans”


  4. ppack3 07/13/2011 at 6:52 PM #

    The NCAA’s Lawyers shot McAdoo’s down on every point. I was glad to see that happen. But, it takes some real balls, or some real cohersion, for McAdoo to go to court, having admitted cheating, and argue that he didn’t know he was cheating, and that he should be compensated for being wrongfully ‘convicted’ of a crime that doesn’t exist inside of a court of law, against an institution by which he swore to abide by its laws of ethics….which he broke!

    The interesting points, to me, are as follows…

    McAdoo had a tutor during the time he wrote the Swahili paper. The problem was that it wasn’t Mrs. Wiley! So, he ‘reached out to her,’ because he knew that she would do things for him that other tutors would not do! Yeah, he didn’t know that it was cheating!? The Judge saw right through that point, so why didn’t anyone at UNC, other than the Honor Court? Between the Honor Court and the DTH, the students aren’t really feeling the love, are they?

    The idea that McAdoo was now regulated to a life of serving fries and has been denied by the NCAA of his life-long dream of playing football was shot down immediately. The NCAA’s lawyers simply stated that they take cheating, and cheaters like McAdoo, very seriously. Not only that, but he was welcome to pursue his football dreams anywhere but at NCAA member institutions. He admitted to cheating, UNC reported it; the NCAA believes it, end of story.

    The other interesting point, and then I’ll stop ranting, is the fact that the NCAA had their lawyers very prepared, very vigorous and ready to fight this injunction. They are taking this very seriously, and they could see right through the crap, today. McAdoo’s lawyer took great care to point out that UNC did everything that they could do, and that it wasn’t really UNC that they were suing, but naming UNC in the suit was the only way that they could get to the NCAA. They, in effect, spoke for UNC. This is not good for the ‘cooperation stance.’ The NCAA has taken a hard line with UNC because of all of its appeals and such, taking them each as a slap in the face to their integrity, and as a sign that UNC doesn’t care about the crimes, only the punishments.

    Good. You reap what you sew. Today was not a good day for UNC.

  5. BureauOfMines 07/13/2011 at 6:56 PM #

    Get a load of Joe Ovies blog.


    “The rest of the blame goes to Internet Super Sleuths and hard-line rival fans who demand nothing but the death penalty in every aspect of the North Carolina football scandal.”

    Yeah, right. We’re to blame for the whole sordid affair.

  6. Hungwolf 07/13/2011 at 7:03 PM #

    Great post ppack3. UNC putting NCAA through every hoop. Ohio State been smart to already implement self imposed restrictions. UNC has yet to limit recruiting, scholarships, post season, or anything. Looks like they leaving the punishment to the NCAA to hand out and I hope they smack them good. UNC was not representing itself as in the same corner with the NCAA in court. Instead it actually took the stance that our hands are tied and we did what we could to help the poor lad but the big bad NCAA was too harsh. I am sure UNC-CHeat is setting the stage for its media spin when the punishment is handed down to them. “It was too harsh!”

  7. TruthBKnown Returns 07/13/2011 at 7:05 PM #

    I’m a little disappointed. I mean, Carolina getting smacked down is always a good thing. But I kind of wanted this to go to trial. It still can (and maybe will), but I feel like today’s ruling puts a damper on that. I wanted the tutor and/or Blake to testify under oath.

  8. NCSU88 07/13/2011 at 7:40 PM #

    So why are we dogging Erik Estrada? Justice will “provail”.

  9. ppack3 07/13/2011 at 7:53 PM #

    Truth, I wouldn’t be too disappointed. Wiley’s name is everywhere. they had better hope that they gave her, or are giving her, enough for her to stay quiet. If she comes out with what she knows, show’s over.

    Hell, I’m wondering if the $75K they gave Blake was enough.

    Marvin keeps hinting that he knows more than he’s said. He threatened to ‘spill the beans’ before his ESPN interview, and here he is again, getting riled up because his homey won’t be back on the field, threating tell what he knows.

    You’ve got three potential scapegoats/song birds. They all know some things that would bring down the house. A matter of time?

  10. Primewolf 07/13/2011 at 7:55 PM #

    I hope Mc continues to pursue the case. Let’s get into the details, spill some beans.

    You simply cannot make this stuff up.

  11. TruthBKnown Returns 07/13/2011 at 8:33 PM #

    ppack3, I hope you’re right. Now if we can just get these songbirds to start singing!

  12. IamGumbyDammit 07/13/2011 at 8:39 PM #

    BureauofMines posted Ovies’ blog: ““The rest of the blame goes to Internet Super Sleuths and hard-line rival fans who demand nothing but the death penalty in every aspect of the North Carolina football scandal.”

    I only wish i was one of the internet super sleuths, but as a hard-line rival fan demanding not only the death penalty in every aspect of North Carolina football but in every aspect of UNX athletics (ok the badminton team can stay), I will gladly take my share of the blame. phuque’em.

  13. PackFanInLA 07/13/2011 at 8:40 PM #

    July is National Baked Beans Month. What a PERFECT time for Marvin to spill the beans. Come on MARVIN! Spill em!

    Would it be unethical for a NC State booster to perhaps pay off an NFL football player (who may be hurting for cash due to a lockout) to do an expose of UNC? Just curious.

    Man, if only I were rich, the things I would waste my money on.

  14. beowolf 07/13/2011 at 8:41 PM #

    That Joe Ovies article is a scream. When all you have to argue is tu quoque, it means you know your side is toast, and the only way you can think to save face is to say something bad about the other side.

    Which, in Joe’s case, requires this: Yeah, UNC screwed up by declaring the innocence of a flap-jawed plagiarist of the worst order because they were too damned stupid to check and too damned busy trying to cover up him getting tutor help for footnotes, but … um … well, State fans are mean! So there!”

  15. GAWolf 07/13/2011 at 9:13 PM #

    The only thing I would add, Beo, is the word “turnabout.” If folks haven’t heard, it’s considered fair play.

  16. wolfpacker 07/13/2011 at 9:23 PM #

    It will be interesting to see who was able to get on the phone with Austin or wire the money to him to keep quiet. It’s obvious this has been going on for some time.

    Isn’t it funny how Friday hasn’t said a word?!? WOW, what a hypocrite…this guy’s name is everywhere and instead of coming out and demanding that someone get to the bottom of the issue, he just wants us to move on.

    That’s because the BOTTOM of the ISSUE is at the TOP of the ORGANIZATION. That’s right folks, it’s a fraud. The university is pushing the student athletes through…

    The academic misconduct is rampant and it’s been going on for quite sometime. Guess what – it was orchestrated.

    I actually wonder how many times that paper made it through the basketball team or other members of the football team. I wonder if they all hand in the same work?

    I got an idea for unc, treat them as if they were getting a degree in ‘Life Studies’. Let the student athletes write stories about their own life and GIVE them a degree, if and only if there work is CORRECT! This would be more difficult that their current academic cut-and-paste strategy.

    Looks like the NCAA may have to assign someone to babysit the tarbabies, because they obviously can’t look after their own academic integrity.

  17. choppack1 07/13/2011 at 9:40 PM #

    Wolfpacker – Friday has said something. He said, UNC admitted they made a mistake – now it’s time to move on.

    The man has zero integrity. Remember, it’s easy to have integrity when you aren’t really losing something. However, when his precious Chapel Hill is being threatened – well, it’s time to move on.

    As for Ovies – I think it’s just sour grapes. It doesn’t say much about your own ability and profession when “internet slueth’s” scoop you and your peers in less than 2 hours.

    I swear, perhaps the best thing about this scandal is that it has exposed the media in this area – and has revealed that their collective character is as low as we’ve always suspected.

  18. Master 07/13/2011 at 10:15 PM #

    Chop – I hate to look like I’m flaming you, but if you think this is just now exposing the media in this area for the first time, where the heck have you been? I know, you probably mean that this confirms for anyone who ever doubted, but they will probably say the media is just being quiet out of fairness to allow the facts to come out, you know… they don’t want to prejudice the case, innocent until proven guilty, yada, yada.

    The N&O is a UNC tool, the BOG are corrupt and Bill Friday is all hat and no cattle. Shame on them all. What they are now protecting is the golden goose – UNC basketball.

  19. choppack1 07/13/2011 at 10:25 PM #

    Master – What I’m saying is that this has gotten a lot of skeptical Pack fans who are inclined to trust the media to shake their heads. You’ll have a few outliers (like those who continue to blame it on the budgets/short staffing of media outlets) – but anyone w/ any kind of memory can how see the blatant hypocrisy.

  20. TAEdisonHokie 07/13/2011 at 10:28 PM #

    Okay, this is a series of tweets from Big Marvin tonight…pretty wild! Doesn’t he know when to shut up? Please start at the bottom and read up toward the top:
    anchormanaustin marvin austin
    Said it stings when I think about it Unc true fans understand how we as players love this place it tatted in blood for most guys on the team
    29 minutes ago
    anchormanaustin marvin austin
    Appealing to the Ncaa and presure the 21 year old athlete to say and do things that aren’t in there best interest…its so much that’s not
    30 minutes ago
    anchormanaustin marvin austin
    And stop the cowardly acts when the are in front of the ncaa just tell them what you told us…don’t turn and twist your story to look
    32 minutes ago
    anchormanaustin marvin austin
    Trust me I know….I love my school..I chose to come here when nobody thought it was smart to do..but I just wish the administration stood
    33 minutes ago
    anchormanaustin marvin austin
    I swear it is simply disheartning that the peolpe our parents put there trust in to protect us really only care about there gain solely
    35 minutes ago
    anchormanaustin marvin austin
    Man should have his dream snatched from him like the #ncaa has done.I can tell you so many stories that would be mind boggling in comparison
    38 minutes ago
    anchormanaustin marvin austin
    Same reasons that others got suspened and are able to play for because I know exactly the details in each case and its noway that this young
    40 minutes ago
    anchormanaustin marvin austin
    Twitter I’m not bitter I just don’t like the way my friend, teammate,brother was mislead,misued, and ostrisized from the program for the
    41 minutes ago
    anchormanaustin marvin austin
    This is so frustrating right now..I can’t rap my head around it..I wish I could understand but maybe its not logical enough to understand
    1 hour ago

  21. ppack3 07/13/2011 at 10:50 PM #

    Holy cow…

  22. RedAj4Life 07/13/2011 at 10:59 PM #

    Hokie Def should have read the first part about bottom to top first. lol at first i was like what? then i was like oh snap Marvin just basically threw gas on a red hotttttt fire!!!!!!! and hopefully it burn that ShitHOLE down!!!!!

  23. SuperStuff 07/13/2011 at 11:04 PM #

    Is Austin bitter because he didn’t his free UNC-CH degree from the Cracker Jacks box like they told him? LOL….

  24. bTHEredterror 07/13/2011 at 11:06 PM #

    Is it sick that I want to go out and buy a Marvin Austin jersey? He’s my favorite Tarhole of all times!

  25. wolf8895 07/13/2011 at 11:07 PM #

    Come on Marv! There’s a big box of cupcakes in it for you!

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