Investigation not complete and Baddour is already claiming no negligence

Dick Baddour and a Rams Club employee made back-to-back appearances on The Insiders’ Show on local station 620AM this morning. Considering the Heels have an open date this weekend, the timing of these appearances seemed rather strange. Baddour discussed the scandal in Chapel Hill while the representative from the Rams Club covered the expansion of Kenan stadium.

There were lots of interesting comments from the interview:

Sure I have a sense of responsibility. I don’t have a sense of negligence. I don’t have a sense of us not having the measures in place. Certainly those haven’t worked in some situations, I can’t deny that,” Baddour told Mark and Mike on The Insiders on 620 The Buzz. “I have comfort in that we had the education and prevention programs in place. I also know that we must do better and it’s my responsibility to sort out how we are going to do that.”

Oh really? No sense of negligence? Not having measures in place?Maybe Baddour is simply incompetent.

Based on these comments, then one wonders how this whole scandal even occurred. With Baddour already having a “sense” that he wasn’t negligent and that all measures were in place, then that really calls into question Baddour being involved with the investigation in the first place. How can he already be making claims at this point when the investigation isn’t even complete? Not to mention, it is very difficult for someone leading an investigation that includes making a final judgement on whether they were to blame for the scandal being investigated. Is anyone really surprised by Baddour’s claims of lack of negligence and that they had all needed measures in place? Of course, this will be Baddour’s conclusion.

Maybe at some point, the local media will start calling out UNC for the conflicts of interest in the leaders at UNC involved and responsible for the scandal also leading the investigation.

Of course, we aren’t the only ones leading the local media in specific directions. Baddour apparently thinks he needs to tell our local journalists how to do their jobs:

I’m for as much information to the media as possible. What I hope in return is that the media will not chase the Internet sites or the message boards and that they will use the professional approach that they’ve been taught.

More of the spin that we have come to expect from UNC athletic department. The media needs to do the job the way they were taught(what university has the leading school of journalism in the UNC system?). Baddour should be worrying about doing his own job.

Does anyone else see the irony in Baddour telling the local media not to chase Internet sites and message boards considering it was Marvin Austin’s participation on Twitter and UNC’s lack of monitoring that led the NCAA to investigate UNC’s football program?

You can’t make this stuff up.

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41 Responses to Investigation not complete and Baddour is already claiming no negligence

  1. WULF 09/10/2010 at 10:52 AM #

    Let me attempt to fix Baddour’s quote to what he really meant:

    “I’m for as much POSITIVE information to the UNCCH-FRIENDLY media as possible. What I hope in return is that the UNCCH-FRIENDLY media will not chase the Internet sites RUN BY NC STATE SUPPORTERS or the LUNATIC FRINGE message boards LEE WARNED ME ABOUT and that they will use the professional approach that they’ve been taught IN OUR FINE JOURNALISM SCHOOL AT UNCCH.“

    How’d I do? 🙂

  2. tractor57 09/10/2010 at 10:52 AM #

    One question – who broke ALL the scandals?

    Sounding more and more like Fouler.

  3. inhoc... 09/10/2010 at 10:52 AM #

    so is it still possible that BD will resign/get fired today?

  4. Scooter 09/10/2010 at 10:54 AM #

    “Profession approach that they’ve been taught”… at the UNC J-School.

  5. Phang 09/10/2010 at 11:02 AM #

    Most likely late this afternoon they’ll announce an evening press conference (maybe around 7:30?) and that’s when they’ll announce it. That way no major news coverage until the weekend is over, and then it’ll be an old story. Old political trick.

  6. Phang 09/10/2010 at 11:04 AM #

    Posted on inside sheep (wonder if the obx stands for obnoxious?)

    6580 posts this site
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  7. LRM 09/10/2010 at 11:08 AM #

    High School football tonight. College football tomorrow. NFL Sunday. By Monday it would be old news. Perfect timing.

  8. Sweet jumper 09/10/2010 at 11:08 AM #

    A whole lot of CYA(cover your ass) is going on at the hole.

  9. NCSU88 09/10/2010 at 11:32 AM #

    Embrace the internet, Dickie. Sure, not everything is accurate, but it certainly warrants a look.

    “Heck of a job Brownie” came to mind after reading the posts yesterday.

  10. packof81 09/10/2010 at 12:17 PM #

    Not chase the internet sites and message boards … wow. Where have we heard that kind of talk before? He wouldn’t be referring to those 50 or so lunatics on the internet, would he?

  11. 1.21 Jigawatts 09/10/2010 at 12:20 PM #

    Does he really need to fall on his sword when he has to report to people like this?

    “Baddour and Thorp spoke for about 15 minutes to a largely friendly audience of board members, fielding a smattering of questions that were largely procedural in nature. Several members lauded them for their handling of the matter. Thorp’s boss, UNC system President Erskine Bowles, gave the duo an absolute vote of confidence.”

    Move it along. Nothing to see here.

  12. JeremyH 09/10/2010 at 12:38 PM #

    I see no way possible that Baddour be allowed to keep his job. he is no more immune to this than BD. ignorance to the violations does not exonerate you, my friend. what a farce.

  13. tjfoose1 09/10/2010 at 12:39 PM #

    Posted this on the “Bowles is Proud” story, but relevant here to.


    Bowles has experience at this…

    Clinton Fundraiser, Clinton appointee, Clinton Staffer, Clinton White House Deputy Chief of Staff, and Clinton Chief of Staff.

    I bet Bowles is proud. He’s probably dripping w/ nostalgia.

    I wonder what the 2010 version of “I did not have sex with that woman” is? That is, of course, depending on what “is” is…

    Oh wait, from what I’ve heard, that phrase my be directly on point, as is, for one of the ‘prongs’, anyway…

    Erskine has already proved he has no problem muddying it up in the slime, obfuscating, lying, and engaging and conspiring in a fraud against the public. All while showing nothing but condescending arrogance to us little people. Sound familiar?

    Heck, his very appointment to his current position was via legally and ethically questionable means. Policies? Rules? Laws? Whatever… Such trivial things are only for the little people, not the elites with the entitlement to rule over joe public.

    Why should now be any different?

    Damn right he’s proud, he’s reliving his glory days.

    And as a more direct influence in all of our lives… what’s the over/under of the number of days before he comes out and brings us a national sales tax in his role as Obama’s good ol southern boy?

    He’s a crook, a liar, a corrupt piece of sh!t like the rest of them. Unless he’s directly threatened himself, he’s not gonna sacrifice his boy. Stink and sh!t stick together. Thorpe ain’t going anywhere, not if Irskine has anything to say about it.

    I realize I might be being a little too subtle. Maybe someday I’ll tell you how I really feel.

  14. Sweet jumper 09/10/2010 at 12:39 PM #

    When does Ross take over for Bowles?

  15. Sw0rdf1sh 09/10/2010 at 12:40 PM #

    What does Baddour have against Al Gore?


  16. YogiNC 09/10/2010 at 12:41 PM #

    I think it’s time for our illustrious Governor Bev Perdue to step up to the plate and appoint the commission to investigate this. Obviously the BOG isn’t going to do it (and investigate the BOT and BOG while their at it).

  17. JeremyH 09/10/2010 at 12:43 PM #

    “Six separate entities investigated Valvano and the NC State basketball program including the NC State Faculty Senate, the North Carolina Attorney General, the University of North Carolina Board of Governors, the NC State Board of Trustees, and the NCAA. None of them found any recruiting or financial improprieties. ”

    where is the Faculty Senate of UNC on the current matter, and what is the AG up to? Does someone want to write Personal Fouls, Part Deux: The Hypocrisy of it All ??

  18. WolftownVA81 09/10/2010 at 12:54 PM #

    “We don’t have a formal role in how this unfolds,” said Hannah Gage, the board’s chairwoman. “It’s clearly a campus responsibility, and we’re confident Chancellor Thorp will get to the bottom of it and fix it. I can’t envision a reason for us to step into that process.”

    Read more:

    That quote says it all. Maybe the stink is not bad enough yet for the BOG to get involved but to come out and say she couldn’t envision a reason tells me the jury fix is in. They are all corrupt. The Governor should fire the entire UNC BOGs.

  19. primacyone 09/10/2010 at 1:11 PM #

    “The media needs to do the job the way they were taught(what university has the leading school of journalism in the UNC system?). Baddour should be worrying about doing his own job.”

    I’ve been thinking about Baddour’s statement all morning. It amazes me that Baddour had the nerve to tell the media how they are supposed to do thier job. How can anyone in the media sit back and take that crap thrown in their face. I really don’t understand it. If the Govenor can’t tell the media what to do, no way in heck the media should let the AD of UNC tell them what to do.

    I mean really media guys, are you really going to take that crap????

    Does Dick Baddour really have that much power and control over the media????

  20. bradleyb123 09/10/2010 at 1:13 PM #

    JeremyH, well done. You just joined Pack05 on my list of favorite bloggers. 🙂

  21. NCStatePride 09/10/2010 at 1:17 PM #

    Anyone else pick up the irony in Baddour telling the media to be professional and not chase the blogs when its pretty well documented at this point how biased the media really is?

    Just a thought…

  22. bradleyb123 09/10/2010 at 1:17 PM #

    I’m not a writer, but I say this with all seriousness: Someone really does need to write this book.

    I’m concerned that corruption at the highest levels is about to prevail in this, and it stinks to high heaven. It has to be exposed. And when we make these very valid points, UNX homers just deny deny deny, and make us out to be a bunch of ABC’er zealots.

    This needs to be exposed. I think one of you guys here at StateFansNation would be a great candidate to pull all your information together, along with some very insightful comments posted here, and write such a book.

    Like someone said, call it Personal Fouls, Part Deux.

  23. bradleyb123 09/10/2010 at 1:21 PM #

    I think the NCAA has gone out of their way to show the world they DO have teeth. They’ve set their sights on some big athletic programs this year.

    Do they really want to blow it, and find themselves perceived as being the same-old same-old NCAA, just because they didn’t allow UNX to be fully and properly investigated?

    If there’s not an independent investigation, they run the risk of doing just that. Especially if the internal investigation turns up next to nothing.

  24. ADVENTUROO 09/10/2010 at 1:22 PM #

    Marvin the Blue-Blooded Tackle

    (To the Tune of Rudolph the RED nosed Reindeer)

    You know Choo Choo and LT and Twan, but do YOU recall…
    The Most Famous UNC Player of all……..

    Marvin, the blue-blooded Tackle
    had a very shiny phone.
    Learned to Tweet in no time,
    Even while on the “THRONE”.
    you would know how it shone.

    All of the other players
    used to laugh and call him names.
    They never let little Marvin
    join in any NFL workout games.

    Then one sultry summer day,
    BLACK Santa came to say:
    “Marvin, since your tweets are cool,
    You’re going to NFL Pre-School.”

    Then all the players loved him
    as they shouted out with glee,
    Marvin, the blue-blooded Tackle,
    you’ll go down in Carolina Football history!

    My apologies to Gene Autry and his estate…..

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