A Different View of Silence

I’m often amused by commentaries that wander along the path of facts, speculation, assumptions, and theories with the goal of reaching an ultimate conclusion. All too often, they get lost somewhere along the way and end up in Oz rather than at a logical conclusion. Caulton Tudor attempted this journey but got lost today as seen in Silence isn’t golden for UNC’s problems. In fact, he doesn’t even get through the first sentence without losing his grip on reality:

Regardless of how the NCAA investigation into North Carolina’s football program plays out, the school already has taken an image hit, partially because of its unwillingness to publicly address the situation.

UNC is taking a hit to their image and pride simply because the NCAA launched an investigation into an area that was (evidently) being completed ignored by the school. However, to claim that the negative publicity associated with an investigation would extend into the future even if no sanctions were imposed is absurd. While Duke and State fans would never forget (and claim all sorts of underhanded dealings), the rest of the country would quickly forget and move on to the next scandal or contrived news story. Even NCAA sanctions would likely affect UNC’s image for only a short period of time.

Sanctions against Kentucky basketball and Alabama football show that even serious NCAA violations do not necessarily translate into long-term repercussions. It would be interesting to compare and contrast the violations, school responses, and penalties between Kentucky basketball, Alabama football, and the Valvano scandal. I will have to leave that piece to someone else because I’m sure that my blood pressure couldn’t take the internal stress that such an analysis would produce.

A little bit further down, Caulton runs off the road again:

This public retreat gives the appearance of stonewalling – a course that only intensifies public anxiety and suspicion. It also makes the school look scared to many and guilty to at least some.

This begs the question, stonewalling who; the NCAA or the media? At present, there is no reason to think that UNC and its representatives are being anything but open with the NCAA. “Honest” may be a different issue, but there is no evidence to suggest that UNC is stonewalling the NCAA.

So is Tudor really complaining that UNC is stonewalling the media? If so, then he really should explain how talking to the media could possibly help UNC. Personally, I see no reason that anyone from UNC should be talking publically before the NCAA concludes its investigation and releases its findings.

After the findings are released, the chancellor and AD will stand up, say the right sorts of things, fire coaches (if necessary) and then move on with life. The only thing that will come out of talking to the media today is that it will give people something to write and talk about…which is probably the extent of Tudor’s concerns. In fact, I would argue that the media having something new to write or talk about every day would actually HARM UNC’s image more than it could possibly help it.

Shortly after this previous paragraph, Tudor lands in Oz:

Blake, who has been linked to sports agent Gary Wichard, is a public employee with an annual salary of almost a quarter of a million dollars, plus perks.

While it’s well documented that big-time college football coaches of all ranks and regard are hideously overpaid, the kind of money Blake is making as an assistant should come with a stipulation to be open and honest when the reputation of an entire university is at stake.

Davis and Baddour, in fact, should demand as much from Blake.

Oh come on. Is anyone really that naïve? Butch Davis and John Blake only care about themselves. Anyone that thinks any differently isn’t living in the real world and hasn’t bothered to check on the history of those two. If anyone is fired because of this investigation, it will be because of what has already happened, not because of anything that is said now.

There’s an old cliché…when you hit rock bottom, stop digging. But Tudor evidently doesn’t believe in this philosophy:

Carolina, by now, either knows for sure what has or hasn’t happened, or it has a very good idea.

To assume otherwise is to assume that Baddour, Davis and other school officials – Thorp and school lawyers – haven’t sat down with Blake and gotten to the bottom of the situation. That meeting has taken place, whether anyone in authority says so or not.

…At best, the school is pursing a very odd strategy. It’s almost as though everyone is hoping that if they keep quiet, the problem will just go away.

Outside of science fiction stories, hive minds, brain dumps, and mind melds don’t exist. So how, what, where is the “Carolina” that is supposed to have worked the whole story out by now? In the real world, people know what they did, know what they saw, and know what other people have told them. Baddour/Thorp didn’t do anything or see anything. So if you were in their shoes, how much faith would you put into what Austin, Blake, Davis, et al tell you?

My own opinion is that at this point Thorp and Baddour have no clue what the real truth is. Thorp was smart enough to recognize that and installed the gag order as soon as the black helicopters from the NCAA landed. It seems obvious to me that the Thorp/Baddour don’t want to say anything that might eventually turn out to be wrong. From where I sit, that is the smart move.

No one is stupid enough to think that not talking about it will make the problem go away. Is Tudor stupid enough to think that talking will make the problem go away?

Side Note: Years ago I was told by a UNC alum living in the Triangle that Dave Glenn was looking forward with great anticipation to the NCAA black helicopters landing at the Murphy Center and hauling Amato away. I find it quite humorous that they have now landed amongst the pine trees in Chapel Hill and Glenn never did find his fire in West Raleigh.

There is a time to use the media to help form public opinion….like during the aftermath of the Chris Paul low blow. However, not every battle is fought before the court of public opinion. The NCAA investigators are not likely to be swayed by fancy words or sobbing confessions. Whatever happens will be a result of the facts that they are able to assemble and the severity of whatever violations are uncovered.

Even if everyone at UNC were pure as the driven snow, very few people outside of Chapel Hill would believe it regardless of who talked to the media or what was said. In the more likely scenario where someone, or more likely several someones, have stepped over the line, talking to the media won’t change that fact and won’t affect the sanctions that will be handed out by the NCAA.

Thorp/Baddour are left with several unappealing options:

– Talk to the media and open themselves up to an unending string of questions.
– Talk to the media and risk being forced to eat your words (ie Fowler…ESPN…Amato).
– Wait until the NCAA has finished their investigation and then respond with as much dignity as you can muster.
(I think that we can safely assume that the response from the now-fired USC AD will not be repeated.)

There may be a time and place to ridicule Thorp and Baddour for some of the decisions that they have made. But regardless of how the NCAA investigation turns out, refusing to talk to the media won’t be one of them.

About VaWolf82

Engineer living in Central Va. and senior curmudgeon amongst SFN authors One wife, two kids, one dog, four vehicles on insurance, and four phones on cell plan...looking forward to empty nest status. Graduated 1982

ACC Teams Athletics Directors Big Four Rivals Media

40 Responses to A Different View of Silence

  1. VaWolf82 08/12/2010 at 7:11 AM #

    What a complete ass David Glenn is.

    This needs to be posted daily on every NC State website until State fans grasp this simple fact. He needs to be shunned by State fans just like Gregg Doyel (otherwise known as The Troll).

  2. transylvania 08/12/2010 at 7:18 AM #

    I’m thinking we here at SFN should take up a collection to commission Peter Golenbock to write an expose on UNC’s football program. I’m sure he’d write an objective, fair, factually accurate work. (sarcasm) What say you?

  3. GAWolf 08/12/2010 at 7:19 AM #

    There’s rumor floating around that this is over and UNC has been made aware of the NCAA’s decision and they’re okay with it.


  4. wolfbuff 08/12/2010 at 8:32 AM #

    I agree with the premise of this post. Tudor, and the N&O in general are being lazy. They’re used to being handed information for their endless good news fluff pieces on UNC. Now that isn’t happening, and they are not willing to dig for information from unconventional sources. You want the information, go out and get it, like Yahoo!Sports and, quite frankly, this blog are doing. Don’t whine that they’re not delivering it to you on a silver platter. I wouldn’t be talking to the media either. Too much risk in an ongoing investigation by flapping your gums, being misquoted, or saying something (even if you believe it to be true) that ultimately turns out to be false and can be used against you. Caulton, you’re going to have to come down out of your ivory tower and snoop around the dumpsters and alleys if you want information on this story.

  5. PackisRolling 08/12/2010 at 8:36 AM #

    @joeovies tweet: Baddour tells @WRAL that #UNC does not expect to hear from NCAA tomorrow.

  6. durhamwolf19 08/12/2010 at 9:32 AM #

    Brianna Gorman at the Herald -Sun seems to be working fairly hard on this story as well. She got a quote from Thomas this week as well as this article on the SOS. Check it out on heraldsun.com

  7. tuckerdorm1983 08/12/2010 at 9:40 AM #

    mark my word, if Butch doesn’t resign days after the NCAA releases its results, then at the end of the season he will slither and slink away

  8. Prowling Woofie 08/12/2010 at 10:23 AM #

    I’ll bet he’s mining his NFL contacts for an assistant’s job for next season already…Maybe with the Raiders !

  9. Bowlpack 08/12/2010 at 11:11 AM #

    Nothing to see here folks. Move along…

  10. choppack1 08/12/2010 at 12:31 PM #

    Noon presser today w/ Baddour and even Butch…here’s what’s been tweeted so far:

    *Baddour makes it clear that no questions regarding investigation should be asked to anyone but him 4 minutes ago via txt
    *”We have not hidden on this.” -Baddour 7 minutes ago via txt
    *Baddour makes it seem as though NCAA made UNC do great deal of leg work to make investigation run smoothly 10 minutes ago via txt
    *He says review is complicated, detailed and will take a lot of time 12 minutes ago via txt
    *Baddour guided by principal of what it will mean for integrity of UNC 12 minutes ago via txt
    *Dick Baddour making opening statement 16 minutes ago via txt
    *Butch Davis press conference set to begin in 5 minutes 23 minutes ago via txt

    Finally – there’s this ominous statement: baddour statement: unc trying to balance public’s need to know vs personal rts of those involved and changing nature of investigation

  11. 61Packer 08/12/2010 at 12:47 PM #

    This has been interesting stuff to read, but enough is enough. How much longer will UNC football continue to dominate this NC State website? Many of us couldn’t possibly care any less about what happens to Butch, Blake, Austin, Baddour, the N&O, or anyone else involved in the NCAA’s UNC investigation. I just want UNC football to go away on this site until it’s time for the Wolfpack to play them. The Tar Heels’ misery, unfortunately, isn’t going to do one single thing to improve Wolfpack football this season. With our football coaching staff facing a possible 1-11 season, that should matter much more to Wolfpack fans than Tar Heel player parties at South Beach or what Dickie and Butch do or don’t say about it.

  12. PackBacker001 08/12/2010 at 12:56 PM #

    If we really might go 1-11, what’s there to discuss? The average spread of our 11 losses? Everything that can be talked about has ad nauseam on the forums.

  13. VaWolf82 08/12/2010 at 2:26 PM #

    baddour statement: unc trying to balance public’s need to know vs personal rts of those involved and changing nature of investigation

    There is no such thing as the “public’s need to know” and UNC’s behavior simply reinforces that. Of course if no one is talking, then lazy journalists have nothing to report….which leads us right back to Tudor’s most recent commentary.

    I’m sure that all State fans would love to see Baddour fall on his sword (or push Butch onto one) in a real press conference, but that simply isn’t going to happen. Today’s press conference has set the tone for what will happen with every other press conference that is held before the NCAA investigation is concluded.

  14. bradleyb123 08/12/2010 at 2:49 PM #


    Sorry, but LOL!

    We’d have to have a collective team aneurysm to finish 1-11, man!

    Personally, I’m GLAD that SFN is doing the investigating and reporting that the N&O and WRAL should be doing on this. I like to think they’ve helped funnel some information to the NCAA that they may otherwise not have seen. But if not, I’m still glad to see it since you don’t get this good information anywhere else like we’ve gotten here.

    And with football season still a month away (almost), what’s the harm in discussing the biggest story in NC college sports going on right now? Yes, we like NC State first, but we also enjoy reading about the misery of UNX.

  15. hball57 08/12/2010 at 9:24 PM #

    gcpak, regarding Dave Glen, believe what you want to believe. But if you listen to any sports radio in this area you should know Joe from Raleigh. He comes across as the same Coach K lover three times a day every day. He says the same things all the time, and you can’t argue with him every time he calls. He says those things to get a rise out of people and he does; people call in after he is on just to dispute what he says. That is what sports radio is all about.

    We can’t expect sports show personalities to be on our side – that is not their job. Their job is to drive ratings. we are the passionate fan base and any anti-State words on the air causes us to call. It drives the number. Let us win and watch the tables turn. They will need to inspire the UNC and Duke fans to call.

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