More from National Football Post: Austin expected to be suspended; 2 more current Heels implicated

Full article here.

We’re told that Austin has been accepting money and other extra benefits, including trips to Miami and his hometown to Washington, D.C., for quite some time and has been in cahoots with South Carolina tight end Weslye Saunders, his good friend, as far as comparing notes on what inducements can be gained from agent and financial advisor interaction.

As we’ve reported previously, sources close to the UNC athletic department expect Austin to ultimately be suspended for the entire season.

We’ve also been told that Austin has been laying low since the investigation began and hasn’t been attending workouts.

An Alabama newspaper is reporting that Austin paid for Alabama defensive end Marcell Dareus to attend the South Beach party. Alabama has suspended Dareus pending an NCAA investigation.

We’ve also been told that Saunders is extremely concerned about being implicated by the NCAA if they see his text messages.

According to sources with knowledge of the situation, Tar Heels cornerback Charles Brown has asked more than one agent for money directly.

According to the agent who said he was solicited, the request was flatly denied.

We’ve also been told that Tar Heels cornerback Kendric Burney was flown to Atlanta recently to meet with two agents.

Burney and Brown are both advised by former Tar Heels cornerback Chris Hawkins, who has emerged as a central figure in the investigation.

General UNC Scandal

46 Responses to More from National Football Post: Austin expected to be suspended; 2 more current Heels implicated

  1. packmanncsu 07/22/2010 at 5:42 PM #

    I’ve been wondering this for a few days…didn’t Chris Hawkins come to NCSU then transfer to UNC?

  2. packmanncsu 07/22/2010 at 5:55 PM #

    ^ No he did not. Found my answer but can’t get the edit feature to work.

  3. tuckerdorm1983 07/22/2010 at 6:05 PM #

    still this is the best one

  4. ncsumi 07/22/2010 at 6:54 PM #

    Why isn’t “girls” one of the choices for the on-line poll?

  5. Wufpacker 07/22/2010 at 7:22 PM #

    “At least with Amato, all he did was critize Akron’s admissions policies…”

    Actually, just earlier today I was discussing the current affairs with another NCSU alum and we both agreed that were Amato still here we would be quite worried that any day we would learn that we had been drawn into it as well.

    This friend then made the comment that TOB is a trained marine and if he found out any of HIS players were involved he’d probably hunt them down and kill them.

  6. tuckerdorm1983 07/22/2010 at 7:27 PM #

    yep, TOB would call them in and say “shape up or ship out” and “I can’t HEEEAAAARRRRR YOUUUUUU!!!!”

  7. Wufpacker 07/22/2010 at 7:44 PM #

    ^ LOL

    In my mind’s eye, I actually see him with a sniper rifle, up in a tree stand with night vision specs, full view of the athlete’s dining hall, just waiting to neutralize the “unfriendlies”.

    A “not so zany” Karl (Bill Murray) from “Caddyshack”.

  8. wolfonthehill 07/22/2010 at 9:43 PM #

    And I’m not sure Butch had anything he could’ve said today to make things sound OK… but stating that this came out of the blue, completely unexpected… well, to me it screams “lack of institutional control”. I mean, if one of your guys has basically been a sous-agent for an extended period of time, taking and arranging trips (when he should be in school), and you didn’t even notice… well, methinks you just don’t care enough to pay attention.

    Send up the S.O.S. smoke signals, Butch.

  9. MatSci94 07/22/2010 at 9:50 PM #

    “In my mind’s eye, I actually see him with a sniper rifle, up in a tree stand with night vision specs”

    Actually, I thought that was the only way we would ever be rid of Fowler…

  10. Wufpacker 07/22/2010 at 10:56 PM #

    ^ LOL

    “Umm, hey der mister fowler…its just your old friend mister oblinger….it not a plastic explosive or anything like dat…”


    “I smell fowler poon-tang. And the only good fowler poon-tang, is dead fowler poon-tang…..I think.”

  11. blpack 07/23/2010 at 7:09 AM #

    It all seems to go back to Chapel Hill and Austin thus far. That whole group of seniors will be implicated before this is over. They can’t keep a secret.

  12. tuckerdorm1983 07/23/2010 at 8:04 AM #

    I see TOB with a AK-47 shooting at the players feet like Clint Eastwood in Heartbreak Ridge “this is the preferred weapon of your enemy”

  13. grantwolf 07/23/2010 at 8:16 AM #

    Daily update:

    I didn’t read the articles, but knowing the N&O, the articles weren’t about any of their own further digging into the subject…but merely reporting on other people’s findings. Am I correct?

    I’m talking about INVESTIGATIVE reporting….which seems to be more thorough when NC State is in the cross-hairs than UNC.

    Articles and opinion pieces are all fine and good, but are they attempting to get to the bottom of anything?

  14. Sam92 07/23/2010 at 8:56 AM #

    stinging misbehaving players may be interesting — but are there going to be any consequences for UNX itself, or Butch DAvis?

  15. CannonballJunior 07/23/2010 at 9:33 AM #

    Taylor ZZ said on his radio show this morning that he talked with 5 sources who are extremely close to the unc-ch program – and they assure him that no more than 2 players have been interviewed by the NCAA. FWIW.

  16. baxter 07/23/2010 at 9:40 AM #

    so we have reports of many athletes being interviewed, and then the inside says only 2 players have been interviewed. How conflicting.

  17. Daily Update 07/23/2010 at 9:51 AM #

    Grant: So you criticize the N&O for not covering stuff and at the same time you don’t even read the paper to see if your opinions are accurate? This is why I dismiss so many of the media conspiracy theories in the first place.

  18. Par Shooter 07/23/2010 at 9:54 AM #

    DU, do you work for the N&O? Serious question – not trying to be funny.

  19. choppack1 07/23/2010 at 10:31 AM #

    “So you criticize the N&O for not covering stuff and at the same time you don’t even read the paper to see if your opinions are accurate? This is why I dismiss so many of the media conspiracy theories in the first place”

    DU – are you saying that there’s not a bias by a lot of the writers at the N&O? This is the same article that gives us an article about Tracy Smith parking in a handicapped space or Sidney Lowe watering his lawn during a water restriction, yet for last Sunday’s paper didn’t murmur a peep about the ongoing investigation at UNC.

  20. durhamwolf19 07/23/2010 at 10:39 AM #

    packman – different Chris Hawkins.

    Taylor Z works for the same outfit as Glenn now – I’m sure he’s been told to hoe the company line. If he’s talking to only UNC folks then he’s just getting their side of the story.

  21. smile102 07/24/2010 at 7:02 PM #

    “Doesn’t change the fact that they are biased.

    Have you even been paying attention?

    They don’t deserve to be defended.”
    Hoops, don’t let facts get in the way of your opinion!

    choppack1, DU didn’t say they were not biased, just that the accuser was not credible with his false evidence. In the past, you too held people to a higher standard than pure fabrication.

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