I’m confused…who is UAB going to play in the next round of the NIT?

Fantastic video that we wanted to highlight for your enjoyment. Hat tip to ncsu1 on our message boards for bringing it to our attention.

Commentators Joe Dean, Jr. and Dave Armstrong couldn’t mention the North Carolina Tar Heels enough during the NIT Round 2 broadcast of NC State and UAB. Now, I realize the game was a blowout and it was the logical thing to talk about, but they said the same things over and over and over. You might think I reused the clips at some point in the video but they find away to say things at least twice throughout the broadcast. The producers are kind of at fault too for continuing to put that bracket graphic up on the screen, forcing the commentators to talk about it.

If it wasn’t bad enough, the producers also missed at least 3 or 4 baskets cutting away to other action on the court, as well as taking forever to put the score up on the scorebar or putting it on the wrong team.

I make my point on UNC getting all the ESPN games because that means they get competent commentators and producers, as well as games produced in HD, while State got stuck with the bottom of bucket.

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28 Responses to I’m confused…who is UAB going to play in the next round of the NIT?

  1. ncsu1 03/24/2010 at 11:10 AM #

    I don’t think they knew that for sure, they said they figured that was the case…

  2. whope90 03/24/2010 at 9:18 PM #

    Let me get this straight, was UAb going to get a chance to play the Tarheels?
    Did I hear that right? I am so glad they reminded us slow southerners that!
    Yeah,they got them alright and lost loll to a bad unc team!!!

    Sometimes.,i wonder,hummmmmmm does the name teams,UNC and Duke get breaks and calls because of their name??? Hummmmmmmm?????

  3. johnnybbad 03/26/2010 at 3:08 PM #

    What is worse? Us being so shitty, or UNC getting thew press. I vote for the first. Our basketball program is a joke.

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