Monday’s Open Entry

We’ll try to get some stuff on the blog later — in addition to our deep depression we’ve been exceptionally busy with the real world the last few days.

We’ll open this entry for any conversation that you may want to generate, but we would also ask that you recognize/remember that we now have some very active and (non-idiot) message boards online than can be accessed with your SFN log-in. The boards can be accessed by clicking here.

One other suggestion — if you are looking for something to take your mind off of Duke, try clicking on the “Popular” or “Editor’s Picks” tabs to the right of the page. They will take you to some of our best entries of the recent past that can provide you a little outlet from today’s malaise.

About StateFans

'StateFansNation' is the shared profile used by any/all of the dozen or so authors that contribute to the blog. You may not always agree with us, but you will have little doubt about where we stand on most issues. Please follow us on Twitter and FaceBook


11 Responses to Monday’s Open Entry

  1. tobaccordshow 10/12/2009 at 11:39 AM #

    More than 40 —————————–>

  2. primacyone 10/12/2009 at 11:51 AM #

    We lost to DUKE. They scorched us for 49 points. FORTY NINE. They whooped our butts in every way shape and form – Offense, Defense, Special Teams . . . . The OL, DL, Running, Passing, Kicking . . . They whooped us.



  3. PackBacker001 10/12/2009 at 12:01 PM #

    My RSS feed says there is an article named “Internal Dissension On The Football Team? A Facebook Entry Hints There May Be” but I’m guessing it was taken down. What happened? Google didn’t even have it cached.

  4. statered 10/12/2009 at 12:23 PM #

    Has anyone heard about Lennie Barton being let go? If so can you share the details?

  5. packof81 10/12/2009 at 12:23 PM #

    Yeah, the “Internal Discussion On The Football Team” article vanished. Poof!

  6. MatSci94 10/12/2009 at 12:26 PM #

    I get spurious titles in my RSS from time to time too, I’m assuming that the blog software puts them in at some level, even if they are not ‘public’ yet.

  7. AdamBC 10/12/2009 at 12:31 PM #

    I feel as though next weekend is going to be interesting. Both teams are coming off a loss where we looked terrible. As a plus, I’m proud to note that our team looked pretty good against VT’s walkons and powderpuff squad who took the field after the first half was over.

    I hope we see a much more rousing game next week of well-matched teams. Hopefully there are no injuries and we get refs who understand the game of football.

    I’ve also posted this on the forum. Hope to see some of y’all in Boston.

  8. gotohe11carolina 10/12/2009 at 3:14 PM #

    there’s just not enough alcohol to drown that one out. i’m thoroughly sick of being told that i need to have patience and that our breakthrough is just around the corner. our coaching staff has been knocking on the door for the better part of two decades now (football and basketball) i’m through being patient, and i’m going to fight back in the only way i can, i’m going to take my money and go waste it on something less frustrating, like a dozen lap dances in a row…

  9. Wufpacker 10/12/2009 at 3:55 PM #

    I intentionally avoided the blog and message boards as much as I could immediately after the Duke game. Didn’t want to say anything I’d regret. The two days has done nothing to dampen my dismay. This going to be a long season.

  10. GAWolf 10/12/2009 at 5:12 PM #

    AdamBC… We can follow the “y’all”!

    Welcome to SFN. Hopefully you’ll find some adequate and intelligent discussion of the BC game once we get over the shell-shock of getting smacked by Duke.

  11. ChiefJoJo 10/12/2009 at 11:27 PM #

    Internal Discussion was concerning the facebook posting of one of our (walk-on) players, who seemed to be questioning the motives of some of his teammates. There wasn’t a whole lot there to me (lots of guys stunk it up Saturday), but someone must have protested the content.

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