FanBlogs on Notre Dame Position

One of the more credible college sports blogs has a little rumor to share regarding some interesting developments related to the Notre Dame football coaching position. (Click here)

We just like sharing it as a follow-up to our initial entry and resulting follow-up.

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'08 Football

29 Responses to FanBlogs on Notre Dame Position

  1. GAWolf 12/19/2008 at 3:17 PM #

    AFter the Carolina game he was asked on his radio show, I believe, about the fan support AT Chapel Hill. He said he took his headset off to talk to, again I believe, Anthony Hill to tell him that he had a good game and for the first time he heard the “RED/WHITE” cheer echoing through Kenan.

    His next statement: “That’s why I’m here.”

  2. GAWolf 12/19/2008 at 4:22 PM #

    Take a moment to watch this… and it’s somewhat maybe relevant to this discussion of when is enough enough and the economy in shambles we’re looking at today…

  3. packalum44 12/19/2008 at 4:28 PM #

    Holy Moly this is a wild and crazy posts with both sides making good arguments. Simply put, TOB and more importantly his staff, deserve a spot bonus at the least. Give TOB 100K and his staff an even proportionately higher amount. Thank them for working their asses off this season. I think we would all be surprised if we knew how many hours these great coaches work. So many mitigating circumstances to fairly judge their performance. Re-write their contracts after they kick ass next year.

    Problem solved! Packalum44 for AD 2009!

  4. WolftownVA81 12/20/2008 at 8:13 PM #

    ^I like the spot award adea PA44. It says your appreciated but without spending big bucks that might not be availabe right now. I’d support that.

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