Today is August 1st…

…I wonder if NC State will release any press announcements late in the (Friday) afternoon?

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27 Responses to Today is August 1st…

  1. old13 08/01/2008 at 12:39 PM #

    The only one that would really please me is that our illustrious AD has been fired!

  2. JeremyH 08/01/2008 at 12:39 PM #

    I think second day in a row without a recruit commitment.. starting to have doubts about Sidney’s off-season commitment to program.. j/k

  3. Trip 08/01/2008 at 1:01 PM #

    If this comes to pass…


  4. primacyone 08/01/2008 at 1:11 PM #

    What, did Jed have dinner last night at the Angus Barn with some TV people or something?

    If not, then no, I don’t see a press release coming.

  5. RAWFS 08/01/2008 at 1:34 PM #

    Maybe there will be some news out of the men’s basketball office.

    It won’t have to do with Sid.

  6. ncsumatman 08/01/2008 at 1:43 PM #

    What am I missing, is something expected?

  7. BJD95 08/01/2008 at 1:47 PM #

    buh-bye, Q.

  8. primacyone 08/01/2008 at 1:50 PM #

    We probably should not have this thread. It’s not real nice.

    Anyway, there will not be a press release. Jed will be calling into 850 and 99.9 during the drive home today.

  9. primacyone 08/01/2008 at 1:57 PM #
  10. PackerInRussia 08/01/2008 at 2:13 PM #

    Didn’t see this posted anywhere:
    They did a conference by conference rating of most hated teams. I’m guessing it’s only concerning football? Anyway, everyone’s favorite Heather Dinich did the ACC rankings. You can argue with the rankings, but her comment about UNC was spot on (of course there are plenty of other reasons to hate them as well):
    10. North Carolina — Most of the hate here comes from No. 9 (which was NC State). Well, that, and the fact everyone is sick about hearing how the Tar Heels are actually going to be good soon.

  11. choppack1 08/01/2008 at 2:27 PM #

    Packer – Heather needs to spend a weekend at every school this year for an ACC game. A lot of her comments don’t make a lot of sense.

    Of course, reading the other ones, it’s apparent that ESPN isn’t looking for much.

  12. packbackr04 08/01/2008 at 2:50 PM #

    Q.. clean out your desk, youre gone

  13. Dr. BadgerPack 08/01/2008 at 2:51 PM #

    My personal favorite was the link to a sporting news (I believe?) preview posted here a few days back. One day from the date posted, Heather had a preview with the same smarmy comment about “is it bad losing 7 starters off a crappy defense (paraphrased)”.

    I’m not sayin’… just sayin’…

  14. happypackdad 08/01/2008 at 3:17 PM #

    what did Q do (or didn’t do) so badly?

  15. StateFans 08/01/2008 at 3:27 PM #

    I don’t expect any formal announcement other than some day when it comes out that Gainey has been promoted.

  16. sautz 08/01/2008 at 3:33 PM #

    “Didn’t see this posted anywhere:
    They did a conference by conference rating of most hated teams. I’m guessing it’s only concerning football? Anyway, everyone’s favorite Heather Dinich did the ACC rankings. You can argue with the rankings, but her comment about UNC was spot on (of course there are plenty of other reasons to hate them as well):
    10. North Carolina — Most of the hate here comes from No. 9 (which was NC State). Well, that, and the fact everyone is sick about hearing how the Tar Heels are actually going to be good soon.”

    Here is the State one:
    9. NC State — Most of the hate here comes from No. 10. It could also be because of Julius Hodge and Chuck Amato, two brash and outgoing characters.

    I wonder if pretty little Heather knows that Hodge played basketball? I wonder even more since she has Duke at 12 on this football list… If she is factoring in basketball players into who is hated in football I would think Duke would be much higher due to the Laettner/Hurley/K/flopping factor.

  17. whitefang 08/01/2008 at 4:13 PM #

    My hatemeter for football NOT just ACC:
    1. UNC – yeah they aren’t that good but who else is going to be number one on a State Fan’s list?
    2. ECU – You are just ECTC to us old guys and we ain’t that impressed.
    3. uSC – No you haven’t won any National Championships you just think surely you must have.
    4. App – Sorry ASU fans, but I live in western NC and am getting a little tired of it. The Div I FCS is still Div IAA to me. State beat you when we sucked and you were great so just shut up please…
    5. VT – Its our own fault for letting you in the league. A more one-sided deal has rarely been made.
    6. Wake – Never thought they would make my list, but I am sick of losing to this little school.
    7. Tennessee – You ain’t nearly as good as you used to be or as you think you are.
    8. Texas – Because I still hate Mack Brown and you are just too freaking perfect.
    9. BC – Because you are pissed that O’Brien chose us over you, but you can’t admit it.
    10. Florida – When you are good you are the king of the bandwagon schools (plus I have a cabin on Beech Mountain and I am sick of all the Gator flags).

  18. redfred2 08/01/2008 at 4:31 PM #

    whitefang, I agree 110% with your list of most hated, as well as everything else you’ve ever said on this site! You are the BEST!!!

    Now, about that cottage…on Beech Mountain,…say mid to late January maybe???

  19. wufpup76 08/01/2008 at 5:35 PM #

    I appologize for the off-topic post, but it really is must see …

    Ohh, those wacky Holes … they really are above reproach, aren’t they? … I have no idea why the John Edwards affair/love child thing isn’t in the media more …

    Eric Montross + John Edwards + love child … simply wow

  20. inhoc... 08/01/2008 at 5:53 PM #

    there was mention of the article released today about andre browns re-injury. does anyone know how healthy he actually is because the article made it sound like the starting job is between baker and eugene….

  21. CaptainCraptacular 08/01/2008 at 8:06 PM #

    Florida – When you are good you are the king of the bandwagon schools (plus I have a cabin on Beech Mountain and I am sick of all the Gator flags).

    You should try living in Orlando (or Gainesville ala DBP) for a bit. I guess if you have 3 out of the past 5 national titles in revenue sports you are entitled to be a bit proud. But gator paraphernalia is everywhere and I do mean everywhere.

    OT but I noticed on xbox 360 NCAA football 09 that we have “new” old school style jerseys, very similar to the 2000-2003 style but without the numbers on the arms. A tiny block S is seen above the name on the back and a tiny wolfpack symbol or lettering at the V neck terminus on the front.

    Not that this means anything but the NCAA football series has been accurate for the last 4 years with the crappy falcons style jerseys, so perhaps the uniform texture artists at EA got an advance look at a possible change for us?

  22. Afterglow 08/01/2008 at 9:59 PM #

    Would Q stepping down really be huge news? I mean seriously, am I just missing something? What’s likelihood of it being someone else?

    Off topic but… maybe we should recruit Abdul Gaddy.

  23. PackerInRussia 08/02/2008 at 1:39 AM #

    “I wonder if pretty little Heather knows that Hodge played basketball? I wonder even more since she has Duke at 12 on this football list… If she is factoring in basketball players into who is hated in football I would think Duke would be much higher due to the Laettner/Hurley/K/flopping factor.”

    Yeah, that bit about Hodge kind of threw me off. I was assuming to that point that the article was about hated football teams, but one look at Hodge would let you know that he has no business on a football field. I’m not sure that our football team draws people’s ire because of Julius Hodge unless he transcends sports. In that case the above point about other players is applicable. There are plenty of Holes/Dookies for whom my hatred transcends their particular sport and contributes to my disliking of all of their school’s athletic teams.

    Until the past few seasons I would have put Maryland high on the hate-meter for football because of the 4-year winning streak when PR was here and the punk-attitude they had as they were doing it. I’ll never forget their band marching all the way around our stadium (inside the fence) playing their fight song. I wanted to hurt them. And then there was their waterboy turning around and talking trash to the crowd after their win PR’s senior year and some older lady coming over and grabbing him and reprimanding him. I hated Maryland so much that night and that little punk kid just epitomized the punkness.

  24. DAMangum 08/02/2008 at 1:45 AM #

    Please no more posting anything Heather Dimwit has written! I’m sorry I mean Heather Dumbich. Whatever her name is, she has no clue about ACC Football and whatever she writes is going to make most of us mad.

  25. highstick 08/02/2008 at 12:57 PM #

    Single game tickets are available for the State-Other Carolina game!

    Single-game tickets for USC football games with N.C. State ($45 each), Wofford ($35), UAB ($35) and Arkansas ($45) are on sale by phone (803) 777-4274 or online

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