Flashback in Battle of the YouTube Videos

SFN was en feugo yesterday with tons of great stuff on the site like beowulf’s instant classic of “The Chilling Anniversary of the Broken Nose”

The hilarious ‘Hitler is a Gamecock fan’ video reminded us of post we made back in August of 2006 that a parody for a Clemson promotional video. In the interest of providing even time to each school we wanted to link that video here.

Of course, both of these jokes are made with significantly higher producition quality than the old AppState is “Hot Hot Hot”. (I know that this video is in our archives somewhere…unfortunately I am traveling and my browser is severely limited and therefore I cannnot search old entries. If someone can find the old entry and link it in the comments then it would be greatly appreciated.)

I guess as NC State fans we really cannot throw many stones as our boring and dated promotional videos are as bad as they come. In case you didn’t know, we’ve got this African-American Doctor is SUPER SUCCESSFUL. I mean, he is the most successful person in the world. And, he’ll tell you all about the fact that he is so successful in our video. Do our people really think that boring commercial of a dude standing in a lad and telling us that he is amazingly successful has any impact after what seems to be the third or fourth year of it?

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6 Responses to Flashback in Battle of the YouTube Videos

  1. RAWFS 02/07/2008 at 10:00 AM #

    The “Knowledge is the prey….We are the hunters” spot was the best one State ever did.

    IIRC, they were also done by a professional ad agency who donated the time and the production costs to the school.

    I know for a fact that there are other successful ad agencies that are owned by NC State grads in town. Heck, my wife works for one that’s recently done a lot of work for the PGA Tour, among others. But does the school ever consult with those guys? Are you kidding me?

  2. EverettBeez 02/07/2008 at 10:10 AM #

    Seems the best promos would be to let the students do them – run a contest. After all, who better to recruit new students, then students themselves.

    That Clempson vid is something out. and there is nothing wrong with the App “HOT, HOT, HOT” video!! I mean, other then the song, and the other obvious stuff. App is Hot, and you have to say it once for EACH OF OUR NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS (in one double a).

  3. highstick 02/07/2008 at 11:33 AM #

    I loved the Clempson video. Somehow I’d missed that one earlier. But they missed the “p” on the smoke stack!

  4. #44 17 24 02/07/2008 at 1:27 PM #

    RAWFS, you are so right about “Knowledge is the Prey, We are the Hunters” video. I loved that one. I remember watching it during a night game at Carter-Finley (I think the last game agaisnt Mayland in 2004?) and when the wolf howled at the end with that signature quote, I had chills run down my spine.

  5. beowolf 02/07/2008 at 2:05 PM #

    The “Knowledge is the prey….We are the hunters” spot was the best one State ever did.

    Absolutely. No question about it.

    But the “I wish I could see the future” kid made me laugh every time.

  6. JBS 02/07/2008 at 6:44 PM #

    The “I wish I could see the future” was the ablsolute best. No questions asked.

    “We all go to NC State”

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