Clemson Live Blogging – “Change the Mojo”

NC State and Clemson tip in a few minutes. After the UNC debacle, I told a friend that it would either be a huge psychological blow that Clemson would struggle to recover from, or Clemson would be pissed and focused, then steamroll the competition. Their woodshedding of Georgia Tech Thursday night answered that question. So, the Pack will have to be at its absolute best to win, or even avoid humiliation.

I have gone back to the shirt I wore during the Wake win. I am still wearing my State hat, but am prepared to switch to my Obama hat if circumstances warrant. None of you had better be wearing what you wore on Thursday.

On the optimistic side, Wolfpack teams have played better in recent years with their backs to the wall, and public opinion against them. When NC State looks ready to turn the corner, the pants shitting begins. Hard to imagine our backs being any closer to the wall than the present.

3:12 – After ten minutes of fucking post-game commercials and 60 seconds of Greg Gumbel, hometown Raycom affiliate WRAL finally cuts to the State game. Send your angry e-mails after the game, Wolfpack faithful. 9-5, Pack. Clemson getting a ton of offensive rebounds (from what I heard, anyway), but when they don’t get them, State has been converting runouts. Good idea.

3:15 – Another runout, great body control by Gavin. 11-5 after bricked FT.

3:18 – Clemson must have 10 offensive boards by now. They won’t shoot this poorly all day.

3:20 – When the bunnies start falling for Clemson, they’ll kill us if we don’t tighten up on the boards and play better defense. Stop me if you’ve heard that one before.

3:22 – Back-to-back horrible plays by Javi (turnover and fouls Oglesby shooting 3). Tiggers on the line when we get back from commercial. 11-10, State – but the momentum is very, very bad. Clemson took twenty shots in the first eight minutes. That’s a pace of 100 for the game!

3:25 – It will not surprise you that the short white kid swished all 3 FTs. 13-11 Clemson.

3:27 – At the 10:47 mark, the Obama hat goes on. Fells sucking again. I can’t figure that kid out.

3:30 – Wait a minute, Fells might have waken up. 16-13, nice D.

3:31 – Nice blockout, Costner. 18-13.

3:35 – Damn, I want one of the V bobbleheads. Seriously, anyone at the coliseum following on blackberry, pick one up for me. I’m good for it.

3:36 – I thought they did away with the “basket counts, then charge” rule?

3:37 – Fells leaves Oglesby opens, dares him to shoot. Not smart. 23-14, Clemson ball. Not much inspiration taken from the 1983 commemoration, I guess.

3:38 – We might lose by 40, kids. Oglesby missed a FT! I credit the Obama hat.

3:40 – Clemson defending Hickson really well. Good coaching by Purnell.

3:41 – Has Trevor ever shot a free throw? He’ll get two.

3:45 – Trevor sucks, but he REALLY tries. You can really see the effort contrast when he’s playing.

3:47 – Wow, 2 Pack offensive boards in a row. Grant makes a free throw, finally. Then a lane violation. Holy shit. 32-21, Clemson.

3:49 – Sid has decided to play neither PG. At least he’s mixing things up a bit. Lead down to 9.

3:50 – Purnell calls timeout. Because he can!

Halftime – The crowd sounds like it’s at a funeral. Do I blame them? Nay, nay. We don’t even have enough basketball IQ to hold for the last shot. Anyone have other topics they would like to discuss? Read any good books lately?

4:19 – Lead gets cut down to 5. Hope?

4:21 – Javi shows a pulse! 45-41, timeout Clemson.

4:26 – That’s how you kill momentum. Fuck.

4:29 – Booker keeping Clemson in the lead single-handedly. It would be huge psychologically to take the lead. We’ll see what happens.

4:34 – Get Costner’s ass out NOW!!!!!

4:35 – That Rivers is pretty damned good.

4:38 – Hickson gets his 20th board. Don’t think anyone else has more than 2. Next year is going to be very challenging.

4:44: Why is Fells so fucking stupid?

4:47 – Finally, we have ball with chance to take the lead. Tie game.

4:48 – Mays, Booker, Hammonds with 4. That is good. Gavin bricks 1-and-1. Again.

4:49 – Just can’t take the lead. It’s killing us.

4:53 – Fells makes up for the earlier stupid play, and then some. 62-59, Pack. Please, PLEASE hold onto this one!

4:55 – Rivers with the dagger, then Hammonds fouls out! What a second half. Very well-played.

4:58 – I think that one puts the nail in the coffin. 67-64, Clemson, 1:13 left.

5:06 – Very weak finish. Think we were tired.

Your final score – Clemson 71, NC State 64. Damn it all to hell.