No ACC Wins Yet in Fall Sports?

Just looking through the team sports on I noticed four fall team sports (Football, Volleyball, Women’s Soccer, Men’s Soccer). Here are the records so far:

team, overall, acc record
FBall 1-5, 0-2
VBall 3-16, 0-9
W. Soccer 5-6-2, 0-5
M. Soccer 4-5-3, 0-3-1

Someone correct us if this is wrong. Could you imagine if NC State were Nebraska? I thought that all we needed were the facilities? What will learn is the next round of excuses of why we can’t be good – that should, of course, take a decade to fix so just hold off on any accountability before then.

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77 Responses to No ACC Wins Yet in Fall Sports?

  1. RabidWolf 10/16/2007 at 10:07 PM #

    “UNC and many other major sports schools long ago learned that, through the magic of grade inflation, athletes could win on the field and “excel” in the classroom, too!”

    Not just grade inflation, but the invention of mindboggling classes!
    What could POSSIBLY be the next one, ‘Underwater Accounting” or possibly “Applied Dog Grooming”?

  2. RabidWolf 10/16/2007 at 10:15 PM #

    Is anyone else having trouble with the site? I got kicked back to the main page and every single post says “no comments” or something like ‘error 404’ or some such.

  3. RabidWolf 10/16/2007 at 10:16 PM #

    never mind

    It’s the network 🙂

  4. noah 10/16/2007 at 10:16 PM #

    Thankfully, there’s never been an NC State major like speech communications. Or Parks, rec, and tourism.

    Hmm? What?


  5. RabidWolf 10/16/2007 at 10:30 PM #

    Don’t forget about the mainstay of UNX football—General Studies!

    What the hell is that, anyway?? Just an extention of the classes they took in HS?

    A ‘General Studies’ class schedule:

    1. Intermediate Basic Math
    2. American History–from the perspective of the village idiot
    3. Recess
    4. Spelling-Level 3 (elective)
    5. Lunch (Followed by the afternoon nap)
    6. Dr. Seuss for beginners
    7. Finger painting 101

    The Spelling level 3 elective may be substituted with “The Philosophy of Spongebob Squarepants”

  6. RabidWolf 10/16/2007 at 10:32 PM #

    By the way, isn’t there a college that offers some kind of class in “Hip-Hop Studies” or something like that, or am I just crazy?

  7. beowolf 10/16/2007 at 11:37 PM #

    noah, maybe being the first in the family with a college degree is the motivation, but the recruiting angle seems a little more rational. But I feel no desire to get into a pissing match about this, since it’s speculative on both sides, so if it’s argument you’re desiring, go start another squabble with redfred or something.

    Meanwhile, let’s not forget NC State’s vaunted “Multidisciplinary Studies” department, which in a fit on responsibility the university almost deep-sixed, but later decided to grow.

  8. gopack968 10/16/2007 at 11:45 PM #

    “Women’s golf ranked 21st in the Sagarin.”

    Thank God that Lee can sleep soundly tonight knowing that.

    (… which should not be construed as a slight on the golf team!)

  9. beowolf 10/17/2007 at 12:05 AM #

    Lots of “top colleges” teach Hip-Hop Studies.

    ECU had (has?) an English class devoted to Spongebob Squarepants.

  10. Mike 10/17/2007 at 12:49 AM #

    I think the whole point of this thread has been missed. No one jumped on my sarcastic remark about doing away with all scores. I think the point of the thread is supposed to be we HAVE NOT WON ONE GAME!!!!!

    I am not saying we have to be undefeated. I am not saying we need to do things illegally. One would think the law of averages would have us win a game in something. It’s like my golf game – I hit hte ball on 18 tees, and somehow I might actually hit a fairway during the round. The whole point of the thread is every sport we are at the bottom, poor, poor, poor. Even if it hits a tree and kicks out to the fairway, once I will find the short grass. We are so bad we cant even find the short grass once.

  11. PackerInRussia 10/17/2007 at 1:10 AM #

    We are not at the bottom in everything. In a clear sign of improvement we have moved out of the Bottom 10 on although our logo mysteriously appears next to Syracuse’s name. I guess those block “S”s can be real tricky.

  12. RAWFS 10/17/2007 at 8:51 AM #

    “Why does athletic success and excellence in education have to be mutually exclusive?”

    It doesn’t. Look at Stanford — they’ve won the NACDA Director’s Cup every year since 1994.

    “Is anyone else having trouble with the site? I got kicked back to the main page and every single post says “no comments” or something like ‘error 404′ or some such.”

    Rabid, I upgraded WordPress last night, and had to shut down the server for ~20 seconds in so doing. After that, it took about ten minutes to run an upgrade script on the database.

    You won the lottery. Statefansnation jumped from 1.5.2 – 2.3 of WordPress during that time.

    More changes are coming, hang on.

  13. primacyone 10/17/2007 at 10:45 AM #

    I don’t know how anyone anywhere could suggest that those “across the board” results are acceptable for any reason. How is that possible.

    Lee Fowler is the CEO of the NC State Atheltics. He has been for 6-7 years. He is failing. If this was a company you invested in, you would be demanding a change. Lee Fowler is a nice guy, but come on. This is unaceptable and it has been for a while.

  14. roandaddy 10/17/2007 at 11:00 AM #

    Sorry.. but when S. Carolina is #6 in the country… you know it boils down to coaching and the dedication of the AD and fans. I think the fans are dedicated.. but its the other two that might need to be evaluated.
    Facilities are nice to look at.. but last time I checked.. they can’t run or catch.

  15. acchalfbreed 10/17/2007 at 11:37 AM #

    Fire everyone! There, I said it. That oughtta fit right in with Pack fan expectations. What I wanna know is, why was hiring TOB the right move when obviously all his prior team needed was… wait for it… a new coach?

    Sure, he was a great recruiter….

    Where have we heard that before?

    Maybe its deeper than AD? What if we DO get a new AD and find the place that AD leaves flourishes, but we still stink? Where does that leave us? Better to keep things as they are this time, and have a sacrificial goat on facilities grounds. Lord knows the next time we’ll get a someone else’s goat. Oh wait, that happens all the time!

  16. primacyone 10/17/2007 at 12:22 PM #


    You can not have across the board failure and downward direction like we have had the last five years and say “better to keep things as they are this time. . . ”

    Especailly when your school is 20 minutes from UNC who is seemingly playing for a National Championship in every sport.

    We have a sinificant problem at the top. There is no leadership and no management. He’s a good administrative type. A good COO, but dang it, he is sucking bad, really bad, at the CEO posistion on this level.

  17. statered 10/17/2007 at 1:40 PM #

    Someone who can post on the 850 blog go refute that durhamdave guy. The problem we have with LF go way deeper than just the coaching searches unfortunately.

    I’d be willing to bet that if we got rid of LF he’d never get another AD job.

  18. noah 10/17/2007 at 3:41 PM #

    “It doesn’t. Look at Stanford — they’ve won the NACDA Director’s Cup every year since 1994.”

    Michigan. USC. UCLA. Cal. Wisconsin. Washington. Oregon. Florida.

    Not a bad school in the bunch. Pretty good athletic departments as well.

  19. beowolf 10/17/2007 at 5:23 PM #

    ^^ Screw that durhamdave guy. He obviously didn’t read this thread if he thinks we’re complaining just about football, so he won’t read any refutation, either. He has his view of the world, he’s very proud of it, and he won’t allow anything in that might upset his tidy little batshit-wrong order.

  20. KickPush05 10/18/2007 at 11:08 AM #

    I think NC state succs now 6ecause they just arent good this year at foot6all. They 6etter get ready for ECU 6ecause im favoring ECU to win.

  21. BoKnowsNCS71 10/18/2007 at 12:09 PM #

    Should we send flowers to Lee when we get our first ACC win in FB, BB or scoocer this year?

    Maybe we could add a card that says “Congratulations on your first win!”

  22. StateFans 10/18/2007 at 11:17 PM #

    test comment, nothing to see here, move along

  23. lush 10/19/2007 at 11:17 AM #


    what are you 5? or maybe a graduate of ecu? yeesh

  24. PamlicoPack 10/19/2007 at 1:50 PM #

    well, womens soccer picked up a tie… sigh…how many days until basketball season starts?

    FWIW, winter and spring should not be the unmitigated disaster the fall sports were. Wrestling is loaded (I think) coming off the ACC championship season. Gymnastics is always good. The softball team is disappointed with their ACC runner up status last year (imagine that…a team disappointed with finishing 2nd…), and baseball, while it has been clearly surpassed by UNC as the best program in North Carolina and is fighting with Wake for 2nd place, at least Avent’s usually middling performance won’t represent the continuing embarrassment that is soccer, volleyball, and football.


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