Chip Alexander @ a Chuck Amato Presser

This video is just too amazing and nationally popular right now not to link. I can only imagine that this is waht Chip Alexander used to feel like at Chuck Amato’s press conferences.

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53 Responses to Chip Alexander @ a Chuck Amato Presser

  1. bTHEredterror 09/21/2007 at 3:02 PM #

    Brutailty may be inevitable, but should never be tolerable.

    I’m reminded of a BDP song, “Who protects us from You?”. Tolerable or not, what can be done about it? As I see it, when you give tacit permission to anyone to administer authority over the populace, there will be breaches in civility. They have the responsibility to think in terms of the greater good, and that leaves openings for interpretation. And it almost always means one loud jerk presenting any level of upset in a crowd, is a target for arrest. So as long as their are bullies (forever in other words) there will be some cops who sully the reputation of the majority, who sincerely see the profession as an opportunity to serve the public.

    For that reason, if you challenge that authority, you are putting yourself at some risk, whether justified or not. I’m not speaking in idealistic terms, just being pragmatic.

  2. tcthdi-tgsf-twhwtnc 09/21/2007 at 3:39 PM #

    Once again, the reason we put cops in uniforms is so we know who the criminals are.

  3. redfred2 09/21/2007 at 7:52 PM #

    If the kid/student/whatever he was, had something worthwhile to say then I’m sure he would have been granted, as a matter of fact he was anyway, an opportunity to say what he wanted to say.

    Once again, I think you’re all forgetting that this was a PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE speaking in a public forum, with a loon loose in the room. Just how much leeway do you think is “fair and appropriate” in this day and time?

    “That hurt!” was what I think I heard the guy say right after he was tasered. Man, I truly hate that for him, what a terrible thing. Then he went right back to his rant. Now I’m sure there are those who believe he deserves about a forty million dollar settlement for his mishandling along with his his pain and suffering.

    I don’t know if it’s this way everywhere, but police officers I know here have to submit to “tasering” as training, so they’ll know what they’re doing when they use it. They’ll tell you it HURTS like hell and definitely stops you in your tracks, especially when you’re just sitting there expecting it to happen, but it’s a different feeling to anyone whose adrenaline is already flowing and especially someone whose focus is set elsewhere, like in fighting an arrest.

    Anyway, they do say it HURTS, then somebody stops resisting, then it’s over with for everyone. Just that quick.

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