The Real Michael Vick Experience

Michael Vick gets arraigned today…so, it is a good time to link you to this entry and provide the following video. Oh how Vick must long for the days of VSPN.

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28 Responses to The Real Michael Vick Experience

  1. noah 07/28/2007 at 12:13 PM #

    People don’t change. If you’re a piece of crap when you’re poor, you’ll just be a piece of crap when you’re rich.

    Money has nothing to do with it.

    People don’t change.

  2. redfred2 07/28/2007 at 2:30 PM #

    noah, I believe this is a topic that we are in total agreement on.

  3. BJD95 07/31/2007 at 11:36 AM #

    I think we can safely say that the Vick family is just bad news (newz?) all around. Who would have thought that the brother who smoked dope with and banged a 14-year old while in COLLEGE would turn out to be the GOOD Vick brother? A bad seed mixed with a strong sense of entitlement is a really bad thing.

    I also think there’s a special place in hell for people who do awful things to children and animals. Fortunately, there’s also a “special” place in the prison social order…

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