Kenan Expansion: The Tarheel Spin Machine in Motion

While breezing through some articles this morning on the internet, I came across this piece titled, “Plan to expand Kenan excites Davis”.

My initial reaction to reading the headline was, “Uh oh…there goes our football facility advantage over the Tarheels…and here comes another decade of built-in excuses by Lee Fowler and his coaching staffs about how unfair that it is for anyone to even try to win at NC State without the best facilities in America at their disposal.” (You see, losers are ALWAYS looking for a reason – usually outside of their control – to rationalize why they don’t do better).

Then I read the article and realized what was really going on here – spin. In Chapel Hill, this is also known as stretching the truth. It looks like Butch Davis has already picked up on how to old Tarheel propaganda at work.

Read the article and identify the obvious difference between the current reality of Kenan expansion and what Butch Davis is selling. You need to look no further than the comments of the Athletics Director to see the truth around the current situation regarding Kenan expansion.

PINEHURST – North Carolina football coach Butch Davis said Monday the school is hoping to begin a $100 million renovation of Kenan Stadium within the next 18 months.

Although athletics director Dick Baddour said through a departmental spokesman that the plan is “still in the early stages,” he confirmed that he held his FIRST meeting last Thursday with a special task force to discuss the expansion. Baddour, who was on vacation, would not put a price, start date or time frame on the project, but the athletics department is working with an architect and a consultant.

Carolina has had tentative plans for several years to to fill in the East end zone (forming the stadium into a complete bowl), add luxury boxes, and build a new academic support center.

On Dec. 4, the Chapel Hill Town Council approved a plan that would add about 8,800 seats to the stadium, but the details of the project would still need to be approved by the Board of Trustees. It also would likely require a fundraising effort by UNC’s Educational Foundation.

So, Carolina has had these exact same plans on the board for ‘several years’ and the Board of Trustees have not approved the project and the Ram’s Club has not begun raising money for the project…but, Butch Davis is telling high school kids:

(Davis) said recruiters will be able to tell prospects: “Hey, you’re liable to play the very first game as a freshman, you’re liable to run out there in the stadium, and this be a finished product.”

I know that I don’t know much about “Curry Math” (aka “Carolina Math”)…but I have a hard time making those numbers work.

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28 Responses to Kenan Expansion: The Tarheel Spin Machine in Motion

  1. tractor57 07/26/2007 at 4:06 PM #

    There are two places I will NEVER attend a football game again – and both are called Carolina.

  2. highstick 07/26/2007 at 9:53 PM #

    I hate going to Kenan, but will again this year at the Carolina-Carolina game. After my experience there when “they took the points off the board”, I swore I’d never go again, free tickets or not! I’m just hoping that Spurrier lays a “butt kicking on them”. My UNC ticket source is going to insist on going to the Carolina Room before the game, then wants to take me to the SAE House where his son is member after the game. I gonna wear two hats that day, one garnet and the other red and white!

    Last time I was in the Carolina Room with him before that game with State, the Ram who was killed last year kept messing with my NC State hat! It’s a rather vile place with all the wine and cheese! Isn’t cheese a bait for rats???

  3. Primewolf 07/26/2007 at 11:53 PM #

    I hope they built it soon, so there will be even more empty seats. They aren’t good at math, so they may be the first D1 school to turn a football program that makes a little money into one that losses money.

    They will have to give the tickest away.

    Butch, I don’t think this is going to be a good year to be a heel.

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