ACC’s Point Guard Situation

Caulton Tudor focused on the point guard situation in the ACC in today’s N&O:

State, with four returning starters, is best prepared to deal with the dilemma. If Sidney Lowe can find a solution, his second team could be exceptional. If not, the Wolfpack should still be good enough to win eight or nine league games and get back to the NCAA Tournament.

Some random comments:

* We’ve talked about the impact of Crittenton at GT in the past. This season was supposed to be set up for Paul Hewitt and the Yellow Jackets to make a run. It won’t happen now and the Yellow Jacket fans are closing ranks on Hewitt.

* Greg Paulus got a lot of heat during Duke’s mid-season swoon…but, to be fair…he played a lot better at the end of the season.

* The importance of Sean Singletary’s return to Virginia cannot be overstated. Additionally, Coach Leitao is optimistic about his inside players.

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127 Responses to ACC’s Point Guard Situation

  1. brickman 06/21/2007 at 7:29 AM #

    as far as dean smith goes look at the talent that guy had and to just have two national cham. on a bad pass , and a time out . great teacher of the game . but to say the 4 corners was great coaching . is saying the pricton off. is great coaching and for ten years we found out what happend there!!!!!!!

  2. Sw0rdf1sh 06/21/2007 at 7:33 AM #

    I’m with Noah. I don’t see ROY going anywhere to coach ever again. He’s locked in and I dont’ think he will ever get himself on the hot seat.

    I could be wrong, but looks what he has done since he has been there….look what he did at Kansas. He is a great coach.

    When he loses to Duke and the Pack it’s because there are good coaches and players playing like all get out against one of the most highly marketed and watched teams in the Country.

    And another thing…I travel all over the US for a living, and every time I see a Carolina hat in an obscure place, I like to give the person the sign of the Pack. Hell, half of them probably don’t know or think its the Texas Longhorns. Following like sheep, they wear it because they think it’s popular.

  3. Pack92 06/21/2007 at 7:55 AM #

    ^Isn’t it interesting their mascot is a sheep?

  4. doatesjr 06/21/2007 at 8:01 AM #


    ONLY 2 national titles for Dean? I bet most coaches would give their left nut for 2 titles, not to mention all the wins and ACC titles he had.

    Most people seem to forget that UNC had the lead in the ’82 game when Worthy caught that pass, so even if it had not happened G’town still needed to score with not much time left. And in ’93, UNC again had the lead and was in control of the game, and Webber called that timeout due to some good defense (not to mention the blatant walk he wasn’t called for earlier in the possession). Usually, when two very good and equally matched teams play (as was the case in both ’82 and ’93), the winner is the team that did the little things right and made fewer mistakes. That was what Dean Smith coached teams were known for, the fundamentals, things like knowing where your teammates are at all times and how many timeouts you have….

  5. doatesjr 06/21/2007 at 8:07 AM #

    As a UNC grad I don’t particularly like seeing the ubiquitous nature of UNC merchandise either, especially when I see some of the people wearing it, but what can you do? And you’d better believe that if State was as popular as UNC across the country, random people in Idaho would be wearing State hats and t-shirts. That comes from winning ballgames, and Wal-Mart carries what sells folks. Every school wishes they had that kind of mass appeal, because that puts money in the school’s coffers.

  6. Rick 06/21/2007 at 8:38 AM #

    “As a UNC grad”

    Get back to your fryer please.

  7. noah 06/21/2007 at 8:45 AM #

    Random people did used to wear NC State gear.

    It’s what Lloyd Daniels was wearing when he got busted at a Vegas crackhouse.

    Wasn’t that fun?

    I’d rather NOT see the gear on random people.

  8. BJD95 06/21/2007 at 8:49 AM #

    IMHO, Roy is a better coach (overall – recruiting DOES count) than Dean or Roy. I expect his end of career accomplishments to bear that out.

  9. Big Worm 06/21/2007 at 9:16 AM #

    “That comes from winning ballgames, and Wal-Mart carries what sells folks.”

    Wrong. Lots of programs (Duke, Indiana, UCLA, Kansas, etc.) have won ballgames and not had nearly the merchandising success UNC has had. UNC merchandise is ubiquitous for one reason – the best NBA player of all time went to UNC and was the subject of the most successful sports marketing campaign/empire of all time – Nike’s “Jordan/23/jumpman” branding.

    Without Jordan, UNC merchandising is still very popular nationally but nowhere near the money-printing monolith that it has become.

  10. beowolf 06/21/2007 at 9:22 AM #

    Let’s also not forget that UNC’s signature color makes it a gang color — UNC gear is used as gang ID in many places. I’m sure that wouldn’t be the case were it not for UNC’s success on the court, but it does explain in part why other successful programs with less unique colors haven’t sold as much.

  11. Rick 06/21/2007 at 9:36 AM #

    How can such a femine color be considered “gang tough”. It is a mystery to me.

  12. chris92heel 06/21/2007 at 9:40 AM #

    Noah, you do a fine job of defending Roy. Kudos bro ;>

    My realtor is a wuffie – I’m treating him like crap just because of comments like Ricks.

    As for the UNC gear – the gang stuff is a small part of why our stuff moves. Its 1) MJ….. 2) unique color……3) Success

  13. noah 06/21/2007 at 9:44 AM #

    Probably because most people don’t see light blue as feminine. It is, afterall, the signature color of a male child being born.

    And, btw, if you don’t think casual fans wear Dook gear, you must be younger than I am. When I was growing up, you couldn’t find a Dook fan with a flashlight and a pack of hounds. After 1986, they were like mushrooms. They weren’t there the night before, but they were there now.

  14. doatesjr 06/21/2007 at 9:55 AM #

    Big Worm,

    I’ll concede that MJ has certainly propelled UNC to another level, but I think continuing to win on a national stage helps keeps them there.


    I assume that you are implying that my degree could get me no more than a menial job at McDonald’s. I regret to inform you that I have a chemistry materials science degree from UNC, taking many of the same types of courses as my brother-in-law (a chem engineer from State). This degree has allowed me (along with my wife, a pharmacist from UNC) to become very successful and live quite well, thank you very much. Just because you don’t like UNC on the playing field doesn’t mean that it is not a top flight institution that produces highly intelligent and successful graduates, just like NC State. But maybe I should put this argument in terms that a redneck like you can understand: kiss my ass.

  15. lush 06/21/2007 at 9:59 AM #

    since when is baby blue a gang color??? black, red, and dark navy blue are gang colors, i have never seen or of heard anyone using carolina blue as a gang color.

  16. TNCSU 06/21/2007 at 10:22 AM #

    It’s the U-N-C as well as the color, but I think U-N-C stands for “something??? – NO – CRIPS” I think I saw that on a 60 minutes special, so it’s got to be true…

  17. lush 06/21/2007 at 10:25 AM #

    oh, well, since you saw it on 60 minutes

  18. chris92heel 06/21/2007 at 10:39 AM #


    Its just ‘NC’ – they wore interlocking NC stuff.

  19. noah 06/21/2007 at 10:41 AM #

    My favorite is the “Blood Kings” wearing Burger King gear.

  20. doatesjr 06/21/2007 at 10:44 AM #

    Yeah, I read that the Crips wear NC for “Neighborhood Crips”, and much of the UNC apparel is a darker blue which ties in to the Crips as well.

  21. Pack92 06/21/2007 at 10:57 AM #

    Yeah doates, lawyers and drug dealers, That’s what NC needs. The only reason you could get your degree is unx needed a copy of the successful one offered at THE STATE university of NC – Materials Engineering.

  22. Pack92 06/21/2007 at 10:59 AM #

    ^Sorry chris, I have actually had a very competent attorney during a house contractor dispute. He went to Duke.

  23. doatesjr 06/21/2007 at 11:14 AM #


    What bit you on the ass today? I went to UNC because I wanted to, and I got good scholarships there too. I could have gone to State, heck some of my family went to State, and I’m sure I could have gotten scholarships there as well. I learned just as much at UNC as I would have at State, and got just as good a job. I don’t hate State, at least not from an academic standpoint. I also am not stupid enough to believe that State offers a better education than UNC, or vice versa. Granted, State is known for it’s tech degrees, but you aren’t any better or smarter with a State degree than one from UNC.

    Many posters on this site accuse UNC’ers of being arrogant, but comments like the one from Pack92 and Rick smell like arrogance to me. I sure hope they don’t represent the way that the majority of you feel, just as I hope that when you see one or two a-hole UNC fans/grads that you don’t judge us all that way.

  24. Rick 06/21/2007 at 11:15 AM #

    “But maybe I should put this argument in terms that a redneck like you can understand: kiss my ass.”

    He might just be eloquent enough to move up to the front.
    You’re taking orders BABY. Yeah!!!

  25. chris92heel 06/21/2007 at 11:18 AM #

    “Sorry chris, I have actually had a very competent attorney during a house contractor dispute. He went to Duke.”


    doates, you gon’ have to have a lot thicker skin to hang out in these here parts.

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