Recruiting Boosters

We here at SFN may be a little more interested in more of the business/off-the-field pieces of collegiate sports than some of our peers. So, when we run across quick pieces that share some interesting points and perspectives then we like to share them.

This article from Sports Illustrated discusses the impact of coaches on (important) fund raising. This was an interesting topic in Wolfpackland a few years ago as Chuck Amato immediately took to helping in some direct fund raising efforts to get the Carter-Finley improvements rolling; conversely, former head football coach Mike O’Cain was considered less effective at direct sales and solicitation of donors dollars.

On the basketball side, Herb Sendek appeared to take a more targeted approach with big dollar donors while choosing to neglect spending much time courting the populist movement. Nobody can argue with the effectiveness the strategy had on facility improvement AND his job security.

Check out the following blurb from the article and compare it to the fund raising done at the Wolfpack Club, which is now driving for 20,000 members. Is there really ANY school in America who has received less success for the dollars spent on support over the last 17 years?

At Ohio State, the Buckeye Club raised $8.9 million in 2005-2006, all of which went to funding the school’s $12.7 million in athletic scholarships. Xavier University’s All for One Club, by comparison, solicited just $260,000 during the same period.

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19 Responses to Recruiting Boosters

  1. Mr O 05/08/2007 at 8:33 AM #

    Others can probably confirm here, but someone on Packpride said that Fowler announced that Bobby Purcell is going to receive an award for being the nation’s #1 fundraiser.

  2. Wolf-n-Atl 05/08/2007 at 8:37 AM #

    “Is there really ANY school in America who has received less success for the dollars spent on support over the last 17 years?”

    I wonder how South Carolina matches up against our support in $$$, I know they have a great football following, not sure about basketball.

    SFN: USC was definitely one of the schools going through my mind when I made that statement.

    But, their football support is only one sport. Their attendance at other events like basketball (and women’s basketball) is nothing like NC State’s.

    Buying tickets and attending games is just part of the equation. The money for facilities and the annual success of the Wolfpack Club is a major part of the equation that I don’t think USC comes very close to matching.

    Additionally, don’t forget their success on the baseball diamond over that time frame.

  3. WTNY 05/08/2007 at 8:41 AM #


    And it’s (donations) all tax deductible since athletic programs are considered nonprofit organizations, although Congress recently began to question that status in light of escalating coaches salaries.

  4. packbackr04 05/08/2007 at 8:44 AM #

    Purcell should be our next AD. he should boot ole Jed out o town

  5. lush 05/08/2007 at 9:09 AM #

    mr. o,

    fowler said last night that purcell was the #1 fundraiser in the nation, but i didnt hear anything about an award.

    also last night, OB said that we were picked last in football but we would not finish last, that we would beat carolina, and that if sports writers new what they were talking about they wouldnt be writing about sports.

    c-lowe said that he gets mad when people ask him why dont we do things like the schools down the road, he said we dont want to do things like they do because we are better than them.

  6. noah 05/08/2007 at 9:09 AM #

    So if you give $100 to the WPC it’s 100% deductable? Is that a change? I thought only a portion of it was deductable.

  7. lush 05/08/2007 at 9:11 AM #

    im with packbacker, if purcel is the #1 fundraiser in the country then what exactly do we need lee for????

  8. legacyman 05/08/2007 at 9:12 AM #

    “And it’s (donations) all tax deductible…”

    Someone is uninformed as only 80% of your donations such as WPC dues are tax deductible. I don’t know about a miilion dollar contribution to a building fund but I guess it is the same.

  9. redfred2 05/08/2007 at 9:13 AM #

    ” ” says, “Look down there at all of those small, insignificant little people and fans, Mr. Murphy, or do you mind if I call you Wendell.”

    Murphy, “Not at all, that’ll be fine coach. Hey ” “, what do you really think our chances are of beating either UNC or Duke at least once, in the next five or six seasons?

    Coach says, “Your shoes, they look a little dusty to me, how about I shine them up for you?

    Murphy says, “Don’t worry about that young man, just tell all of these fine ladies and gentlemen, and Wolfpack boosters, again about your grades at Carnegie Mellon, and your theory on BB.”

    ” ” says, “Well, OK,…sure Wendell, blah, blah, blah….”

    2 hours later, men and women drooling all over their tuxs and evening gowns, above all of the snooring, Wendell Murphy slams his hand down on the table and says, “See, I told you ladies and gentlemen that he was a great BB coach!!! Now, we need more funding, and if we don’t get it soon, we’re going to have to more meetings just like this one, twice a week, every week.

    Just that quickly, bill folds flying across the room, currency filling the air like confetti at Mardi Gras, followed by a Chinese fire drill, tripping and elbows flying, in a stampede to see who can get out the door first. Money problem solved.

    Yep, the fund raising was about as unconventional and unnatural as the play on the basketball court, but it all worked out somehow, for Coach ” ” while he was at NC State University.

  10. lush 05/08/2007 at 9:16 AM #

    ^ i think someone might take oh-fense to that red.

  11. Rick 05/08/2007 at 9:25 AM #

    So one of the biggest “plusses” for ol’ LF was supposed to be his ability to raise funds. That seems like a stretch now.

    SFN: It was a stretch at the time that ‘they’ kept saying it in an attempt to justify the ridiculous contract extension they gave him. We left it alone because it is just not worth it.

  12. old13 05/08/2007 at 9:28 AM #

    Foulup is the BIGGEST drag on Wolfpack sports, with the overall school administration second in line!

  13. redfred2 05/08/2007 at 10:11 AM #

    I’m thinking that all Fowler has to do now is to kick some butt in the SID, change some attitudes sports marketing, and stay out of the way, and he’s good to go. The accolades about Purcell pretty much seal the deal, and if Fowler and Oblinger aren’t smart enough to have figured that out yet, then we really do have a huge problem.

  14. wolfbuff 05/08/2007 at 11:46 AM #

    How much money did the Wolfpack Club raise last year? That’s an important piece of information what with all the “#1 fundraiser” talk and all. Also, if the question “Is there really ANY school in America who has received less success for the dollars spent on support over the last 17 years?” is going to be thrown out there, let’s find out. Where do our donations rank in comparison to other schools of like success (or lack thereof)? And, even if we have raised more in comparison than like schools and spent them on some specacularly successful and showy facilities, is that where schools with more success have spent their donations? Just looking for a full analysis.

  15. CarnifeX 05/08/2007 at 12:36 PM #

    I thought dude from Nike (knight?) was the #1 largest donor to Oregon? Thats why they always have to wear those hideous uni’s.

  16. RedTerror29 05/08/2007 at 1:04 PM #

    I’m certain #1 fundraiser wasn’t based purely on our total donations. Seemed to me like it was more of Bobby Purcell’s peers recognizing his abilities. What he’s been able to do has been pretty amazing considering the lack of results on the field.

    Phil Knight used to be the biggest single donor in college athletics. But I think T. Boone Pickens may have passed him with his donations to Ok. St.

  17. packbackr04 05/08/2007 at 4:31 PM #

    I am worried Purcell will be taken by another school. it happened when we lost our assoc AD to Boone (App St) and they have been pretty bad since they got him…….. note the sarcasm…..
    i mean they just won 2 national championships, their merchandise is all over the state, and kids from all over the country are trying to go to school there.. my personal thought is that he(that young guy hired as ASU’s AD) was suffocating under Lee and had to get out.. ASU made the offer to be head AD and he is doing them right by it.

  18. highstick 05/08/2007 at 5:48 PM #

    Some info on the Gamecock Club since I’m a member there too due to child being an alum and it’s a lot closer to go watch SEC football and cheaper thus far. Spurrier is spearheading a new drive that will bring SC up to par with other SEC teams related to facilities for football, baseball, and other sports. They have a very nice new basketball facility, just the program stinks! Baseball facility and offices are going to be replaced and a lot of upgrades/additions to Williams Brice to possibly push it to about 95,000.

    It’ll be interesting to watch how this plays out and how they stack up in the SEC since Spurrier will be very soon dealing with all of his “own recruits”.

    I’m going to have to take a tranquilizer next year when State comes to Columbia. I may have to wear two hats/two shirts and hope I don’t get shot for pulling for State.


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