WizOdds: ‘NCAA Lacks Text Appeal’

This is a link to an interesting blog entry that includes some good links to other sources discussing the topic of text messaging in college recruiting.

The NCAA, unable to get a grip on technology, is about to ban text messaging in college recruiting. Yes, kids do get pestered to death with text messages and there have been complaints about costs by the end user, i.e. the so-called future “student-athlete.”

But Gary Parrish of CBS Sportsline actually did some research into this cost thing and get this: Many cell phone providers, no matter what package you purchase, offer unlimited text messaging for an extra $20 a month. That comes to 67 cents a day! Granted, times are tough, but if you can’t afford the extra 67 cents each day, you probably shouldn’t have a cell phone in the first place.

The truth is that the change in rules has more to do with the NCAA’s inability to keep pace with technology. Ever go looking for something on the governing body’s website? Simply put, it’s a mess. And without a doubt, the best site for college football statistics is not the NCAA, it’s cfbstats.com.

The easy way out for the NCAA is to outlaw text messaging altogether. The new rules will limit electronically transmitted correspondence to recruits to e-mail and faxes. Yes, faxes. That is mid-1970s technology.

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15 Responses to WizOdds: ‘NCAA Lacks Text Appeal’

  1. PackMan97 04/18/2007 at 1:17 PM #

    To be honest, $20/mo IS a lot of money. Heck, I make a good living and $20/mo every month is not something I would want to pay. It’s something I would never pay is a high school kid. Oh gee, only $0.67/day? that adds up to $240/year or $960 over a high school career. Uh, ya…keep thinking that $0.67/day isn’t real money.

    While banning texting entirely is a stupid decision, something certainly needed to be done.

    I am surprised that we haven’t heard about a high profile recruit getting a restraining order against any coaches yet. I wonder which school will be the first to be hit with one 🙂

  2. tcthdi-tgsf-twhwtnc 04/18/2007 at 1:38 PM #

    “$960 over a high school career.”

    If saved the money would pay for text books for the first year of college.

  3. LRM 04/18/2007 at 1:46 PM #

    I’d pay good money to see a transcript of texts to recruits from Bowden or Paterno.

  4. VaWolf82 04/18/2007 at 1:49 PM #

    And without a doubt, the best site for college football statistics is not the NCAA, it’s cfbstats.com.

    I’m not so sure about this. The NCAA site is pretty good and pretty easy to use.

    The NCAA site is not easy to find if you start from ncaa.org; but it’s quite easy to find with google.

  5. Dan 04/18/2007 at 1:49 PM #

    K = n00b. play 4 us & wtfp0wn him 4evr.


  6. highonlowe 04/18/2007 at 1:54 PM #

    $20/mo even seems overstated. I’m pretty sure cingular has unlimited media for $8.99/mo
    Regardless, the “cost” to the student is minor. IMO, the underlying reason is probably b/c it’s nearly impossible to monitor.

  7. noah 04/18/2007 at 2:31 PM #

    Why is this necessarily a bad thing?

  8. packpigskinfan23 04/18/2007 at 3:27 PM #

    while unlimited texting might be $10 or so a month, some companys dont offer JUST texting anymore…. with some you have to buy a whole media package wich includeds pics, videos, music, AIM, myspace and who knows what else.

    also the biggest thing is most of these kids who are being recruited, IF they have a cell phone it is most likely paid by their parents. kids of THIS caliber of talent tend to spend a LOT of time training or on the feild/court or doing other extracurricular activities that would not allow them to work.

    I know if I go over my amount of text messeges alloted I get charged $.10 each. incoming and outgoing…. it can be REALLY expensive if my girlfiend is ticked off at me, and dosnt want to talk… yet still wants to cuss me out. TRUST ME!!!

  9. shellnc 04/18/2007 at 4:06 PM #

    That is pretty retarded to have the thought that if you don’t have $20 for text messaging, then you shouldn’t have a cell phone. Shoot, if you don’t keep costs under control by choosing wisely, then your cell phone bill will be upwards of $100 a month. Does this idiot realize that these kids have priorities other than paying $1200 a year for cell phone service?

    These are kids and their parents are usually paying that bill. Think about it. Housing, cars, food, clothes, house phone, TV, house phone, internet… People get their kids a cell phone, so that they can keep track of them. It is basically a security service.

    I just get sick of reading the trivialities of some dolt reporter. Why is the media always so out of touch?

  10. highonlowe 04/18/2007 at 4:18 PM #

    Those words are from a dolt blogger, not a dolt reporter. I wouldn’t get too jammed up over it

  11. tcthdi-tgsf-twhwtnc 04/18/2007 at 4:32 PM #

    Not to mention a lot of these kids are from low income families trying to keep good credit or may have bad credit and they use prepaid services which can cost even more per message.

    Some of us forget (or maybe never had to worry) about money in the earlier years.

    $20 a month = 200 packages of Ramen noodles.

  12. redfred2 04/18/2007 at 4:56 PM #


    I’d think you would be better off to offer a deal concerning BB and JP’s text messaging where you pay by the word, correctly punched in of course, instead of a lump sum without knowing what’s out there. That would at least insure that you weren’t out anything, when nothing legible, or nothing at all, came back. 😉

    Those two? Techno wizards? I’m thinking not.

  13. GoldenChain 04/19/2007 at 9:02 AM #

    All of you are missing the point if you focus on the cost issue. The real problem is the fact that these coaches want to use every possible and conceivable method to hammer the kids DIRECTLY.
    These are still high school students (minors) and they don’t need that kind of hustle pressure.

    I went to a Rivals.com thing with my youngest last Sunday at Butler HS and a player that’s committed to unx-xh spoke and said he received an average of 33 text messages a day during the recruiting season.
    That’s just plain insane.

    Besides, it’s an expense you have no control over, a kid’s cell is on record with Rivals and Scout.com and any yahoo college coach in the entire country can text them whenever they want.

    I think ALL contact should come through the parents or the HS coach and not direct to the student outside

  14. ToddKeune 04/19/2007 at 11:41 AM #

    Much like the gov’t, laws/rules don’t keep up w tech. Seems to me like the whole texting is just a loop-hole in the rules. The last time contact rules were updated, there probably was not widespred use of texting. There taking away something the should have never had in the first place. I don’t think coaches can call kids on the phone, but kids can call coach. Not alot of diff between a call and a text. At the very least texting needs to be limited. The 33/day mentioned above is rediculous. There should be limits on number of texts, time of day alowed, and should also follow the rules of other contacts as far as quiet periods.


  1. movie rentals » WizOdds: ‘NCAA Lacks Text Appeal’ - 04/18/2007

    […] dggoddard wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerpt… discussing the topic of text messaging in college recruiting. The NCAA, unable to get a grip on technology, is about to ban text messaging in college recruiting. Yes, kids do get pestered to death with text messages and there […] […]

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