Whit on Sid


Whittenburg was asked Saturday (after his Rams lost to Charlotte 72-68 at Halton Arena) if he ever heard from the Wolfpack last spring about its then-vacant coaching position.
Whittenburg just smiled.

“I’m happy for Sidney,” he said of Sidney Lowe, his former Wolfpack teammate and now N.C. State’s coach. “It was the right opportunity for him and I’m very happy where I am now.”

The Wolfpack coaching search lasted several weeks. Whittenburg said during that time that he hoped to hear from athletics director Lee Fowler, but never did. He said he’s not bitter.

“Not at all,” he said. “I’m just wishing my teammate well and a lot of success. I’m very proud of him. And I knew they would beat (North) Carolina!”

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General NCS Basketball Quotes of Note Sidney Lowe

19 Responses to Whit on Sid

  1. beowolf 02/12/2007 at 9:30 AM #

    So nice of the Charlotte guys to pick that scab.

    Good for Whitt for showing them (and us, not that we forgot) what a class act he is.

  2. burnbarn 02/12/2007 at 9:47 AM #

    ^ I’m glad someone picked it. It is good to get a version straight fromthe horse’s mouth. I am thrilled to have Sid as our coach, but I wish lee could have interviewed Whit… if nothing else it would have ‘elevated’ Whit to some degree.

  3. Texpack 02/12/2007 at 9:58 AM #

    At least this should eliminate any Lowe/Whittenburg fued articles. Having watched the two of them together during my time at State, this is the reaction I would have expected out of Dereck. You know that Dereck was very disappointed not to get the opportunity to interview because he has the very same passion for NC State basketball that Sidney does. You also know that Sidney would be Dereck’s first choice if he couldn’t have the job. I hope Dereck continues his climb up the coaching food chain. He will land in a major conference before long. It would be nice to have him “ready” in the eyes of the administration to take over the job if Sidney ever decided to go back to the NBA.

  4. PapaJohn 02/12/2007 at 10:16 AM #

    Well said Whitt, the perfect response from a State gentleman. It’s nice to think that either Sid or Whitt would be a good choice for our coach. I hope that Whitt gets a shot at a higher level coaching position. It would be great fun to have them on the schedule each year.

  5. beowolf 02/12/2007 at 10:49 AM #

    A good point, Tex. But don’t you think Charlotte would love to pretend there’s a “Lowe/Whitt feud” — or at least make it sound that way?

    Nobody who watched them play and win together would believe in a feud. As you said, that was the expected reaction from Whitt.

    And I’d love to see him continue to climb the coaching ladder, and fully expect he will.

  6. old13 02/12/2007 at 10:56 AM #

    Things have quieted down very much since TOB came aboard as HC and FB signing day has passed. But our fearless Foulup has missed golden opportunity after golden opportunity to get the ‘Pack into headlines and move the programs forward nationally. HE IS USELESS! Can we just slide hi under the carpet as no one in charge at NCSU seems to care of we have athletics or not!

  7. highstick 02/12/2007 at 11:48 AM #

    I’m wondering if someone has put a muzzle on Fowler. He sure has been quiet lately. Maybe he’s preparing to exit!!

    When do we start the “Lunatic Fringe” for Fowler???

    Anybody see the pictures of the Tar Heel “lovefest” in the Charlotte Observer over the weekend. As much as I admired his play, Jordan dresses like a pimp!

  8. tcthdi-tgsf-twhwtnc 02/12/2007 at 11:56 AM #

    I hope Whit gets a shot at a bball school soon. He has achieved amazing things a the small schools he has coached and he as earned a look by some quality programs. At very least I hope Fordham is on the schedule next season.

  9. brown pelican 02/12/2007 at 12:05 PM #

    whit and sid reflect their early training from coach wooten—great men who were taught by a graet coach—the fact that they both are carving out successful careers speaks to the influence of coach wooten and coach v—we are blessed to call them our own—go pack

  10. Delete-Me 02/12/2007 at 12:32 PM #

    Would Towe, Stickland, and Harris come if Whit was the coach? Harris, probably yes, but I’m not sure who the others would have been.

  11. beowolf 02/12/2007 at 12:32 PM #

    “hope Whit gets a shot at a bball school soon. He has achieved amazing things a the small schools he has coached and he as earned a look by some quality programs.”


  12. BoKnowsNCS71 02/12/2007 at 1:05 PM #

    Just hope that if does switch to another school, it not some place like Wake Forest. They may be the next ACC school to change a coach — unless some progress is shown.

  13. ShootingGuard 02/12/2007 at 1:31 PM #

    Why should Whitt be mad at Sid? If anything, they both should be bonded in their gripes vs Fowler…

    After being given the heisman by Fowler for weeks, Sid finally got the offer he was begging and begging for throughout the whole search. Of course, it only came after Fowler publicly fumbled offers and investigations of interest with about every conceivable and inconceivable candidate in America—well, save Whitt.

    Fowler’s treatment of Whitt shows Fowler’s utter detachment from the history of the State basketball program as well as common decency. Gee, even Dick Baddour gave Larry Brown a courtesy interview first time around on UNC’s search, even if he did so with ineptitude 2nd only to Fowler. Boy, you really know how to show grace and help an alum and playing legend with his coaching career there Foulup—it really looks great for Whitt when he can’t even get the AD at his alma mater to even talk to him during such a long public catastrophe of a coaching search.

  14. Pack Laddie 02/12/2007 at 1:44 PM #

    The decision to not interview Whitt came from above Fowler.

    There are a lot of things over the course of the search that you criticize Fowler for, but not contacting Whitt is not one of them.

  15. beowolf 02/12/2007 at 1:54 PM #

    ^ That’s what I had heard, also.

  16. tractor57 02/12/2007 at 2:10 PM #

    Whitt just proved he is adept at handling the media – if there is a feud with Lowe (and I don’t think there is) he said all the right things as Lowe has done in the past as well.
    Under the circumstances I can see why Whitt wasn’t considered (too close to V). I’m sure that slight stings but he has been very careful to not let that issue taint the Lowe staff.
    He is going places and I wish him all the success (except when he coaches against the Pack).
    First class.

  17. PapaJohn 02/12/2007 at 2:19 PM #

    Gotta love Whitt – he was interviewed on 620 during the lunch hour. Little mention of State, none about the coaching job. The announcer asked, “how often are you asked about that last second shot?” Whitt responded, “Every day. And I answer the question the same every time. IT WAS A PASS!”

  18. newt 02/12/2007 at 2:27 PM #

    Whitt proves with his comments that those who didn’t want him interviewed were way off base.

    That said, I for one “misunderestimated” what Sid’s NBA experience would bring to the table. Our incredibly high field goal percentage is a function of Sid’s coaching an NBA-style offense. I think the use of NBA sets has proven very effective and distinguishes us from other programs, which hopefully will pay dividends in the future.

  19. class of 74 02/12/2007 at 7:24 PM #

    Pack Laddie:
    From above Fowler? That only leaves two choices Dr. O. or The BOG. Some of us think the BOG still has too much sway with the way all system schools operate other than the one in Orange county.

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