Miami Suspends Hicks

Potentially good news for NC State’s Basketball team who will travel to Miami on Saturday for a big match up vs the Hurricanes – the Hurricanes have indefinitely suspended forward Raymond Hicks.

Miami, already down two starting forwards due to injury, suspended forward Raymond Hicks “indefinitely” for violating team policy. Hicks, a 6-7 junior, started the Canes’ last game and averaged 5.6 points and 2.7 rebounds per game.

The Hurricanes (9-14, 2-7) will have just seven scholarship players on their roster for tonight’s game against the Eagles (16-6, 7-2) at BankUnited Center. Forwards Anthony King (wrist) and Jimmy Graham (thumb) are also out for the season.

State needs to add two more wins to the record to insure a winning regular season record in Coach Lowe’s first season and (probably) secure an NIT bid. Any dream of an NCAA berth took a severe hit last night when the Pack lost at Georgia Tech.

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43 Responses to Miami Suspends Hicks

  1. choppack1 02/07/2007 at 5:39 PM #

    Should be an interesting game Saturday. We should have an advantage since we’ll have an extra night of rest. It will be nice to see if we can dominate the U the way dominated Tech for 30 minutes last night.

    Regarding our NCAA hopes, I had our magic # as 6 of our remaining 9…now that’s 6 out of 8. To do that – we’ll have to beat at least 1 team w/ a winning record in conference out of FSU, VaTech, and UNC and beat Miami, WFU, and UMd twice. It can be done…but Atsur will need to be healthier or we’ll need to find some more bodies to do it.

  2. beowolf 02/07/2007 at 5:49 PM #

    I wouldn’t go so far as to say our NCAA hopes (a phrase we weren’t using last week!) took a “severe beating.” It was certainly a setback.

    I’m trying to remain “realistic” despite the two upset wins. This is still a very young, very thin team. And right now they’re playing better than anyone realistically expected. They’ve already given us the signature win we’ve been hoping for.

  3. TNCSU 02/07/2007 at 5:54 PM #

    Even with a 6-10 or 7-9 record in the ACC, if we’re hitting on all cylinders during the ACC tournament, and get to the final game, we’ve got a chance to “shock” some folks! All we can ask, is that we keep improving. With Engin slowly getting back into game shape, I think we’ll do that!

  4. coppertop 02/07/2007 at 6:03 PM #

    Agreed, I think it is not out of the question yet that we go to the NCAA’s however, we keep giving up big leads and exposing our thin bench we may have more problems before the season ends. I think the end of the GT game was a hiccup of being emotionally drained and just plain ol’ beatin up from the press. I hope with a 7 on 7 scholarship player sitiuation against the U we should be alright. Our boys are used to having a short bench, should be interesting to see how they handle BC tonight.

  5. StateFans 02/07/2007 at 6:17 PM #

    I would guess our NCAAT chances are, at best, 5 percent.

  6. REDforman 02/07/2007 at 6:29 PM #

    and there is no way we make it to the finals with the bench we have (we are going to have to play 3 games in 3 days to get there)

  7. vtpackfan 02/07/2007 at 6:41 PM #

    Love to see Davis bang inside for a few minutes, and maybe Ferg steal two or three against Miami. Atsur almost looked like he died last night. Lowe has to give hime a rest, even if we give them a power play. It’s only humane.

  8. tooyoungtoremember 02/07/2007 at 7:09 PM #

    Any rumors about what team policy was violated?

  9. fenric 02/07/2007 at 8:06 PM #

    Rumor is he was emulating former BC star Sean Williams, for at least the 2nd time… according to a UM Hoops message board.

  10. burnbarn 02/07/2007 at 8:07 PM #

    I agree.. NCAAs are probably out of the question. I think we will have a respectable season… a winning season would be great for this team. Our schedule was not the most favorable for us this year particularly WHEN we played certain teams and also where we play them.
    I am thrilled with this year’s team and the job the staff has done. It would be nice to make the ACC semis and maybe make a little run in the NIT, but I am satisfied nonetheless.

  11. jamieinkorea 02/07/2007 at 8:12 PM #


  12. highonlowe 02/07/2007 at 8:29 PM #

    A few more quality wins, spoiling someone’s ACCT dreams, and an NIT berth will please me just fine for 2007. I’ve had a hellavu good time watching this team this year (more than the past few regular seasons combined) and I expect to continue to throughout March.
    Here’s an early thank you, Sid.

  13. DaPackster 02/07/2007 at 8:45 PM #

    Be glad we are in the ACC Tournament
    Be satisfy we have a winning record and appeared to be headed to the NIT
    Be thankful we beat Carolina
    Be happy about the direction of our program
    Be excited about our future recruits

    Forget about the NCAA Tournament this year 0% chance. We have played 22 games so far. We looked like a NCAA team 2 games, and the other 20 we look bad, good, okay, inconsistent, an average team at best. What is wrong with being in the NIT. Wake up Pack fans its not going to happen.

  14. Woof Wolf 02/07/2007 at 9:13 PM #

    The more HICKS we can get out of the league the better.

    jamie: I know you were tongue-in-cheek, but in ’97 when we made that play-in to finals run we were playing more guards than anyone could match up with. This year Fells is the only thing that resembles a healthy guard on the team.

    If we can win Saturday and beat Wake at home, I would love to see a NIT home game. Any thing beyond that would be more than any of us hoped for at the beginning of the year and we are one hamstring tweak away from not winning anymore games this year.

  15. bTHEredterror 02/07/2007 at 9:14 PM #

    We all knew coming into this year the Tourney was a reach. I for one feel we are not dead, but it is going to take some breaks to help us out. We need to go 5-3 down the stretch, meaning we have to steal a game from FSU or Maryland on the road, win against Wake and Miami, and Maryland and Va Tech at home. Then we MUST be in the top 8 of the conference to avoid the 4 team play in, and win 2 in 2 days and roll the dice on Sunday in the ACCT. Tall order for any team, and unlikely, but the ’83 championship was more unlikely. If we go 4-4 and still get to Sunday with an upset, the Atsur injury becomes a reasonable argument to the selection committee. Just taste the gravy this year, knowing we eat good next year.

  16. Woof Wolf 02/07/2007 at 9:23 PM #

    It’s a eight team play in. Only four teams get a first round bye.

  17. Astral Rain 02/07/2007 at 11:19 PM #

    This is somewhat unrelated, but Atsur might be playing his way with his play of late into the NBA draft. is projecting Atsur as the 51st pick. Admittedly, it isn’t a lock- but he might be playing in the US next year, and not Europe hopefully. Good for him.

  18. stateguy08 02/07/2007 at 11:34 PM #

    yeah, I dont know about good enough for the NBA, but I’m def glad he’s back, we’re a completely different team with him on the court. Just wish he wasn’t graduating

  19. Jeremy Hyatt 02/08/2007 at 3:47 AM #

    Former center becomes first openly gay NBA player

    Injured Philadelphia Sixers forward Shavlik Randolph acknowledged it’s a new situation.

    “As long as you don’t bring your gayness on me I’m fine,” Randolph said. “As far as business-wise, I’m sure I could play with him. But I think it would create a little awkwardness in the locker room.”

    ^^^he must be relieved he doesn’t have to play with Jon Scheyer.

  20. choppack1 02/08/2007 at 8:46 AM #

    On another unrelated note…Watching Hansbrough in the Duke-Keroliner game last night and noticed how jacked up and physical he was getting. Granted, there was a lot of back and forth. However, he certainly doesn’t back down from contact and more often than not is initiating it. I think he may be heading for a Chris Paulesque moment.

    Face it – he almost slapped Costner but thought better of it – and watching him in the Duke game last night, there were 2 or 3 times when it looked like he was about to snap. It will be interesting to watch – keep an eye on things. There’s no doubt opposing coaches are picking up on this on tape and realize that Hansbrough is “on-tilt”.

  21. Rochester 02/08/2007 at 8:50 AM #

    I missed all but the early lead and the final collapse on Tuesday. What’s Horner’s status? Was his nose broken?

  22. primacyone 02/08/2007 at 9:14 AM #

    In regards to Hansbrough, I am starting to wonder if he is on steriods. I don’t mean that jokingly. To me, he appears to possibly be on steriods.

    I have never taken any sterioids, but I did have three football teamates that took them, and one of then just became a tirant once he started them. That’s what brought the possiblity to my attention. Watching Hansbrough over the past two game brought that 20 year memory right up top.

    I’ve heard of other situations where the drugs cause the temper to become uncontollable, etc. Don’t kill me with your responses, I’m just thinking out loud, but anybody else have a similar thought?

  23. noah 02/08/2007 at 9:20 AM #


    You mean as long as he somehow manages to resist raping you in the shower, you’re fine? How big of you, Shav.

    Try not to step on Tom Cruise’s toes in that closet.

  24. PapaJohn 02/08/2007 at 9:22 AM #

    What I’d like to see is Engin get a ‘signature’ win. A game in which he’s as close to full speed as we’ll see this year and he puts some points on the board. He’s had some fine games in his career at State, I hate to see him limp into the sunset. He’s not really a point guard, never was, but he’s had to play that role much more than I’m sure he’d prefer – and he’s done a good job.
    I hope he does get a shot in the NBA, he’s a very solid, complimentary type player that doesn’t make many mistakes.

    As to our post season chances, I’ve been doing the numbers like everyone else and was thinking if we’d finished the game at GT and then won at Miami perhaps we had a chance. But it didn’t happen. So let’s hope for the NIT. I hate the NIT because it gets no respect, and there is very little media coverage – I suspect those two facts are connected – but let’s keep in mind that we have a new college coach. This year he can get his feet wet in the ‘little dance’ and then beginning next year, I don’t think we’ll see the post season NIT for a while.
    Sidney – nice job in your first year, you got the big win we hoped for
    Brandon – Keep it up, you’re getting nice ROY talk – tough to do with the pre-conceived notion out there that one of the three ‘shining stars’ from Chapel Hill have it wrapped up
    Engin – We know you’re hurting, thanks for leading your team
    Everybody else – We’re starting out on the right foot!
    GO PACK!

  25. choppack1 02/08/2007 at 9:51 AM #

    Primacy – I don’t know about that – he doesn’t have much acne and he’s not huge. He’s just ultra-aggressive. It’s pretty much the same thing I noticed w/ Chris Paul.

    These guys are targets – and once an opponent sees that they are reacting w/ physical force, more of those little things that cause the reaction will be applied. Think of the World Cup and how it ended for that guy from France (Zidane?). The Italian guy knew what he was doing. If I’m a coach and I’m going against Tyler, I’m going to do every thing I can to set him off.

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