Football Recruiting Primer

Tomorrow is college football signing day, so we thought that we would offer up a quick, relevant entry on the topic. This will require your clicking to previous links.

Our own Bayou Bengal asked the question, “Does Recruiting Matter?” last year in a good piece.

There seems to be different ways to judge the answer to this question

* Rivals gets it right is a really good analysis at some of the individual projections of past years.

* The Wizard of Odds is tackling the topic today in this entry that focuses on this great article from a San Diego newspaper. There is a nice .pdf file associated in the article that includes both NC State and UNC-CH.

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Football Recruiting General NCS Football

27 Responses to Football Recruiting Primer

  1. BoKnowsNCS71 02/07/2007 at 10:17 AM #

    UNX has 11 LOIs with 9 pending per Rivals. State has 18 in hand with 6 more pending. The kicker is on the West coast so hopefully he just needs to wake up and get to a fax.

  2. noah 02/07/2007 at 11:36 AM #

    Little was committed to Notre Dame. Carolina ended up getting Dwight Jones as well.

    They’re going to have a HUGE wide receiving corp. Talented too.

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