He’s Baaack; Fowler in (at least) 3 Papers in 2 Days


If you searched the last two years of entries on SFN for “Lee Fowler” you would find at least a dozen entries where we took time time to highlight (and criticize) the most interviewed Athletics Director in America. Not that those were the only times that we could have commented on Loudmouth Lee’s media appearances, but those were just the ones that we chose to highlight.

Fowler and his “Q&As” and interviews have become great comedy for Wolfpackers through the years. Many fans have learned that even when Fowler has nothing to say about NC State he will comment on something to get into a newspaper. For example, last year there was the N&O’s “you ain’t seen nothing yet” article in the Life section of the paper about late bloomers that Fowler proudly interviewed for. And this summer we had this entry when old “Coach” Fowler decided to be the only local AD talking about an issue that the conference commissioner wouldn’t even discuss.

Well…after taking it slow with the media after proudly boasting that he lost 25 stress-related pounds because he couldn’t hand his responsibilities as AD to hire a basketball coach…everyone’s favorite AD BACK with a vengence! (Back in the media, that is) It must be a seasonal thing because just about this time last year we were comparing the disproportinate Lee Fowler’s media

Earlier in the week we highlighted recent comments from “Coach” Fowler (as he likes to be called within the Athletics Department) in the Fayetteville Observer. No big deal. Understandable comments as the Fayetteville Observer is running a fantastic series on NC State Basketball right now. Unfortunately, it appears that LF’s comments cranked his engine from 1st gear to 5th gear and we are now in the midst of an all out Fowler media blitz. God help us all.

Today, good old Lee found himself in at least two different newspapers discussing two different topics!! Get ready everyone.

First, check out today’s USA Today’s profile of Bob Huggins return to coaching at Kansas State in this link. What does Bob Huggins and K-State have to do with Lee Fowler? We asked the same question of ourselves. But, has relevancy or discretion ever kept old Lee’s mouth from running? Especially when the reporter on the line is from a NATIONAL newspaper?

No one is suggesting Huggins broke or even bent the rules, and in a recent interview with The Kansas City (Mo.) Star, Huggins would not admit to active recruiting.

But North Carolina State athletics director Lee Fowler, who heads the NCAA’s Basketball Issues Committee, says the recruiting loophole he might have exploited likely will come up for discussion.

“You would think it crosses the line of ethical behavior,” Fowler says, adding he heard of Huggins’ activities from the N.C. State staff. “I’m not saying he did it. I’m just saying that somebody who’s been in the business a long time, gets out for a year and recruits while he was out knowing he was going to get back in, it seems to me it’s not a level playing field by any means.”

Holy crap! How f*#&@-up is it that a former assistant coach on one of the most corrupt staffs in basketball history – Lee Fowler at Memphis State University in the early/mid 1980s – sits on top of the basketball issues committee and dares to hypocritically publicly criticize another coach’s ethics?

Poor Sidney Lowe. As NC State’s new coach tries to build credibility and earn acceptance into the college coaching fraternity, the professional equivalent of his daddy is running his mouth to a national newspaper (in an article designed to criticize another coach) that Sidney has tattled on Bob Huggins. That will go a long way to acceptance!!

We have commented so much on this previous stuff that it leaves us too tired to comment on the N&O’s comments from Fowler today in this article. We will leave comments on the N&O’s article to you all and will elevate some of the best comments up to the entry for archival.

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30 Responses to He’s Baaack; Fowler in (at least) 3 Papers in 2 Days

  1. SixPack 11/09/2006 at 10:56 AM #

    We won’t get a bowl game even if (by a miracle) we’re 6-6 ! 6-6 teams can only go if a conference’s bowl commitments don’t have enough 7-5 teams to fill them.

    The ACC should have plenty of teams to fill the slots sans PACK !

  2. redfred2 11/09/2006 at 12:11 PM #

    I don’t mind that Fowler is out there still supporting Amato, that’s the noble thing to do. It’s just that every once in a while the guy really needs to get a clue, talk about, and put THE UNIVERSITY FIRST, before he goes off on a another tangent defending his coaches, his own decisions, and why everyone should agree with them.

  3. cfpack03 11/09/2006 at 1:33 PM #

    that Gillispie info is kinda surprising – not surprising that LLF contacted him (seems now that he contacted everyone short of Roy and K), but surprising that it was a PRIVATE rejection.
    Was 4, now 5; I wonder just how many lines ol’ Lee threw out?

  4. Cardiff Giant 11/09/2006 at 1:44 PM #

    Teams that lose to Virginia and Akron neither deserve to be nor, normally, are invited to bowl games.

  5. highstick 11/10/2006 at 2:21 PM #

    Our bowl will be against the Tarholes and is named the “Who Sucks the Worst Bowl”!

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