Look Who Isn’t Mentioned?

Ahh…what a wonderful, wonderful feeling. It has been about SIX YEARS since NC State’s Basketball program has entered the season without seeing our basketball coach make a preseason list of “Coaches on the Hotseat”.

There will most definitely be more lists released in the near future, and it will be so nice to be able to read them with nothing more than a passing fan interest.

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7 Responses to Look Who Isn’t Mentioned?

  1. redfred2 10/08/2006 at 10:54 AM #

    Ah, the “Honorable UNmentioned” list, that is refreshing.

    This is about as good as it gets from the sports media.

    You can bet that if we’re off to a shakey start this season, they’ll start bringing up issues and cooking something up again. Does football ring any bells? But if we do well, they’ll be jumping on board left and right and all proclaiming, “We knew it all along!!!” It’s when we start to do a little TOO well, that’s the time when you need to watch your back, and then really start worrying about what the media will contrive.

    Media talking heads and meteorlogists, neither of them have to be even close, but people still sit up and listen every time they speak. They’re right only about 40% of the time, but about 90% of the people still take everything they say as the gospel. What better jobs could anyone hope for?

  2. ncsu_kappa 10/09/2006 at 12:44 AM #

    I think we will have a better year than expected. We still have talent on the team we just didn’t haven’t had stellar recruits come in as of late. We will feel the bite from that more next year than we will in this one. I know most people on here hated Herb very passionately and I am part of the minority that supported him. I feel like we can make it out of this year without embarassment which should make recruiting next year a bit easier but that is the year I worry about along with the year after. We have alot of talent on our coaching staff but so do most ACC teams. Look at what Bunting did his first year and what he has done since. What are Sendek hater’s expectations for the next three years? Not at redundant question, i’m a loyal Wolfpack enthusiast like the next, but I would like to be on the same page on what’s reasonable as success and what’s reasonable as failure. Come on Lowe I know you can do it.

  3. redfred2 10/09/2006 at 2:16 PM #

    ^Well I guess if anyone is labelled an HH’er around here, that would be me.

    To be honest, I see this like bringing in a whole brand new university, setting them in center of it all, and telling them to build a basketball program from scratch. No history for any kid out there to relate to, and no visable spirit or tradition to latch onto. I’m a fan, I know it’s there, but I do not expect some 16 year old kid, from elsewhere in the country, to have any concept of what NC State is all about.

    What would you think my expectations would be over the next three years?

  4. ncsu_kappa 10/09/2006 at 5:46 PM #

    This year we should still be in the mix near the top the ACC around 5th or 6th, next year we fall below the middle to about 9th, and then have another season at about 9th, before our program is revived and back to fighting for 3-5th for a few years, and then making a run at #1 in the conference for the remainder of the time with an off year hear and there.

    I think those expectations are fair and realistic, and for the sincere HH’ers would you expect more sooner? Just so I know, what was the 16 yr old kid comments directed at the age of our recruits?

  5. StateFans 10/10/2006 at 7:54 AM #

    ^ I guess everyone is entitled to their opinions…but I don’t have a clue the basis and analysis that went into these conclusions.

    I don’t know how we are expected to be so good this year…and don’t know how Engin Atsur (the ONLY player that we lose after this year while gaining a great recruiting class) is supposed to have that big of an impact on the team.

  6. ncsu_kappa 10/10/2006 at 8:46 PM #

    Honestly as much as I hate to say it I’m not guessing that we will get this great recruiting class that we want so badly. I hope I’m not fortelling the future I really do hope that. I think other teams will continue to get better in their depth while we don’t. On our bench are kids who apparently looked forward to running the NC State offense as designed by Herb. Our fans want otherwise which is cool. But now we are going to ask players that were recruited b/c their skillsets matched one style of play and ask them to do another. Again, I hate to be a naysayer but I’m not very confident it will work out. I’m confident that we have an able coaching staff but so does the rest of the ACC along with good recruits. Don’t mistake my lack of confidence early on as disloyalty because anyone that knows me knows I bleed NC STATE red and white. Again I wasn’t only reffering to the Engin Atsur loss after this year, more so the lack of additions on top of the new style of play. I hope it turns around again in a flash and the top recruits put their faith in us but we have to see

  7. redfred2 10/11/2006 at 10:16 AM #


    I don’t look at things week to week, season to season, this is now a long term problem.

    This is NC State Wolfpack basketball version 6.4, a whole new operating system that has no compatibility with the operating systems of the past. All of those links were erased in the previous version.

    To start, the answer to the question is yes, I was refering to the sixteen year olds as recruits. But I’m refering to a wider age group of young folks as a whole, the next generation, who have witnessed the most uninspired era, and a whole decade, of a dead in the water Wolfpack basketball program. My kids are even younger, when I take them to games or watch on the tube, they can’t even figure it out. It’s always “What happened Dad, that didn’t make any sense?… Sorry dad, maybe next time.” Soon to be followed by a question about why don’t I just pull for the Tar Heels instead. My standard reply is “Just building character girls. Anybody and everybody can be shoved along by the obnoxious crowd. Where do you kids think the word Heel came from? It takes heart to stick by something when it’s down.”

    Sidney Lowe will just have to start from scratch, but there is nothing left to rebuild anymore. Especially not in the minds of this next generation anyway.

    As far as this upcoming season, I do not know what to say. I think/hope we’ll be surprised. I do know that we’ll see various styles and individual players developing throughout the year, and it will be fun. How fast and far Sidney Lowe can lay a whole new foundation to build upon, is yet to be seen. But I have all the confidence in the world that he can.

    As others said yesterday, we use to pick up more players than we had spaces for, and over recruit in the Valvano days. One coach was just five years removed from that legacy and didn’t try or know how to bring back that momentum. Now we’re ten years further down the road and fifteen years away, there is no reaching back.

    It is not about this upcoming season, this is about starting from nothing, and the long haul to becoming a whole new version of Wolfpack basketball.

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