Holtz & 850 Buzz: Nailing The Predictions

We like to give credit when & where credit is due. In review of the comments made before and during the NC State-Florida State football games, we wanted to give some specific credit to two sources that really deserve mention.

* Prior to the Pack’s 24-20 win on Thursday night, 850 The Buzz Blog’s Adam Gold NAILED the game analysis before anyone took the field. You can read Gold’s comments and see his NC State 23 / FSU 20 prediction by clicking here.

* At halftime of Thursday’s game, ESPN color analyst Lou Holtz made the following quote, “if NC State can keep it close with six minutes to go, Daniel Evans will find a way to win.” We conceed that Lou comes across as a little senile in some of his comments as an analyst on ESPN, but when he hits a homerun he really hits the homerun – had you wagered on Lou’s bowl picks last season you would have made quite a return on your ‘investment’. Take it from us.

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'06 Football General Media

7 Responses to Holtz & 850 Buzz: Nailing The Predictions

  1. GoldenChain 10/07/2006 at 1:32 PM #

    Was it mentioned that Holtz had recruited Daniel’s dad to NCSU?

  2. StateFans 10/07/2006 at 1:59 PM #

    it was not

    great piece of info

  3. redfred2 10/07/2006 at 10:38 PM #

    ^^I watched the halftime show and I’m pretty certain that wasn’t mentioned. They also mentioned Johnny Evans as just a former player, no All American, no accolades.

    Primetime, Nationwide, Thursday Night…nothing.

    Does anyone in the sports information department do anything at all, or even try to come up with the blatently obvious and positive angles of NC STATE athletics???!!!???

    Maybe their only jobs are to duck and run for cover when something bad happens.

  4. redfred2 10/07/2006 at 10:41 PM #

    ^Herbstreet did talk about the Evans quadruplets because he has twins himself. I think he mentioned J Evans playing days but not anything about how good the father really was.

  5. tractor57 10/09/2006 at 11:18 AM #

    With Holt’s TV appearances they seem to try to aviod any mention of his ties to former jobs – I think a remember a mention of J Evans being an All America but it was only in passing if it was mentioned.
    If D Evans keeps up his exploits he will be fodder for many ESPN comments. They love stuff like that.

  6. bTHEredterror 10/09/2006 at 9:45 PM #

    Hey, in fairness to ESPN, they did have a flashback reference to J Evans during the BC game, where theymentioned his All-America Punter and All-conference QB status, and showed the long TD run against Pitt in the Tangerine Bowl.

  7. redfred2 10/11/2006 at 11:49 AM #

    It’s the NCSU sports information department, that supplies ESPN and every other media outlet with said necessary fodder, that has the foresight of a mayfly.

    It is/was a great storyline, that was just…mentioned.

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