Poll – Week 4

Well, it’s still too early in the season for a poll, but at least now some things are starting to shake out. Notre Dame was clearly exposed this week; however, considering the timing of the loss and the short term memories of voters, don’t be surprised to see Notre Dame in the NCG if it comes down to teams with one loss.

Of course, right now that looks doubtful. The Big 10 looks almost certain to have an undefeated team at the end of the season between Michigan and Ohio State. No one in the Pac 10 is going to beat USC. Not that USC is as good as years past, but Cal was obviously over-rated, and despite the win over OU, Oregon has been anything but impressive. Also, with Louisville’s win over Miami, the only obstacles in UL or WVU’s path are each other; so the Big East should offer up an undefeated team as well.

The SEC looks to be too deep to have an undefeated team. With the victory over LSU, Auburn is the best bet, but they still must face the other undefeateds – Florida, Georgia, and Alabama as well as the SEC East Champion. Florida may be improved, but with remaining games against LSU, Auburn, and Georgia, they won’t go undefeated. For Georgia, the bulldogs haven’t been tested yet; so it’s too early to rule them out until they play a solid SEC opponent. However, with games against Florida, Tennessee, Auburn, and Georgia Tech remaining, an undefeated season for the Bulldogs seems unlikely.

For the ACC, things also don’t look so good for an undefeated season. Of the three undefeated ACC teams, it’s fair to immediately rule out Wake as a possibility though with upcoming contests against Ole Miss and Liberty, they do likely start out 5-0. With two overtime victories, and a seven-point decision over Central Michigan, BC fans shouldn’t plan any trips to Arizona either. VPI does have a shot. The schedule is manageable, but the Hokies have yet to face a real challenge, and on paper, this is a good but not a great team.

Normally, the Big 12 has an easy path for an undefeated season, but its not likely this year. The undefeated foursome of Kansas St., Missouri, Oklahoma St., and Texas A&M won’t strike fear in anyone’s hearts. Keep in mind that even though no other conference has sent a non-champion to the NCG, the Big 12 has done it twice – Nebraska ’01 and OU ’03. So, you can never rule out a participant from this conference. However, the three best teams in this conference, Texas, OU, and Nebraska, already have losses.

1.  Ohio State
2.  Auburn
3.  Southern Cal
4.  Florida
5.  LSU
6.  Michigan
7.  Georgia
8.  Louisville
8.  Texas
10. West Virginia
11. Tennessee
12. Virginia Tech
13. Notre Dame
14. Oregon
15. Iowa
16. Florida State
17. Oklahoma
18. Clemson
18. Boston College
20. Arizona State
21. Georgia Tech
22. TCU
22. Penn State
22. Nebraska
25. UCLA

Dropped Out
Miami; Texas Tech

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9 Responses to Poll – Week 4

  1. packpigskinfan23 09/20/2006 at 2:46 PM #

    you guys are still giving BC way too much credit, and Clemson not enough

    -I just want WV to have a chance at the championship game just to see if they can do it… they are gonna roll all over ECU this weekend, but they have talent to compete with the top teams…

    WV vs Auburn in championship game… that would be the best match up.
    maybe not the “undefeated teams” but still the best IMHO.

  2. redfred2 09/20/2006 at 3:01 PM #

    I’m just glad to see the name Notre Dame back down lower closer to where it belongs. There’s only so far that a name carry you, but they sure get more than their fair share of free, and always so positive publicity year after year after….

  3. WolfPup35 09/20/2006 at 5:53 PM #

    Notre Dame was exposed by Michigan the same way State exposed FSU in 1998…piss poor deep pass coverage. Tennessee won the National Championship over FSU by going long, just like MOC’s Wolfpack tandem of Holt and Barnette!! The 6 INT’s helped, but go deep, and go deep often beat FSU!! If a team has a speedy WR or two, ND is in deep doo-doo (watch out for Michigan State).

  4. WolfPup35 09/20/2006 at 5:53 PM #

    Oh, yeah WVU better not look past those damned pesky Pirates this Sat.!!

  5. packpigskinfan23 09/20/2006 at 6:06 PM #

    hahahah… ECU held it together last weekend against Memphis in the 4th… but I dont see WV having much of a problem with them…

    -this is comming from a guy who has all respect for ECU…

  6. ChuckChuck.us 09/20/2006 at 7:45 PM #

    I dont see why UCLA has made this list since they haven’t beaten anyone of consequence and had a tough time against Rice at home. Lets see how they do against Washington away before you place them on the top 25.

  7. redfred2 09/20/2006 at 8:05 PM #


    Notre Dame, UNC, UCLA… take your pick. If it’s hasn’t already been boldly proven otherwise, those media darlings will always get the benefit of the doubt and stay right ‘up there.’

  8. Wulfpack 09/21/2006 at 6:47 AM #

    Boy do we ever have some great games to look forward to the way this is shaping out.

    Ohio State-Michigan

  9. Dan 09/21/2006 at 11:16 AM #

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