Fan Video of “The Catch”

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25 Responses to Fan Video of “The Catch”

  1. burnbarn 09/24/2006 at 3:38 PM #

    It was very cool to be there. Everyone was jumping up and down and high fives everywhere. A very exciting finish!

  2. packman89 09/24/2006 at 3:52 PM #

    Does any one know the name of the video on youtube??? Oh and……. EVENS DID IT!!! EVANS DID IT!!!! [taken from BC legend doug flutie]

  3. Andy 09/24/2006 at 4:20 PM #

    Not sure what you mean by the name…. this is the youtube link

  4. packman89 09/24/2006 at 4:30 PM #

    OK..thanks man..thats what i meant

  5. beowolf 09/24/2006 at 5:22 PM #

    ROTFL …

    That. Is. AWESOME.

  6. CarnifeX 09/24/2006 at 5:39 PM #

    the stadium was hype, that was a great finish!!!

  7. thebigwood 09/24/2006 at 7:54 PM #

    does anyone know anything about the recruits that were at the game?

  8. packman89 09/24/2006 at 9:07 PM #

    Bo Williams, a 4 star Rb out of Florida was there…Adewale Ojomo, DE out of Florida was there…..Micah Grimes, OT out of Florida was there…… and basketball recruit, J.J. Hickson was there.

  9. thebigwood 09/24/2006 at 9:38 PM #

    thanks packman…what a great game to have some recruits visiting

  10. 98st8 09/24/2006 at 9:42 PM #

    Does anyone know how to get the actual soundbyte from “The Catch” from the WolfpackRadio Sports Network?

  11. WolfPup35 09/24/2006 at 9:43 PM #

    I have heard more than one person say the ‘Pack was lucky. Bullshit! That win was the direct result of three things…Confidence, Determination, and Execution!!! This win will boost not only the confidence of the team, but will provide a much needed boost to the fan base! GO WOLFPACK, BEAT FSU……AGAIN!!

  12. spudmarsh 09/24/2006 at 10:58 PM #

    I was at the BC game. It was great to be a Pack Fan last night. The crowd encouraged Evans and the team all night. Amado was cheered as he left the field. We were good hosts to the BC fans there (I guess that they are more tolerable than Maryland or Clemson fans) It was a proud and classy evening in the Wolfpack Nation

  13. Pack92 09/25/2006 at 7:50 AM #

    Yeah, we were lucky. Ben Franklin said the harder I work the luckier I get. The defense got better the longer the game went and we made our own “luck”. Why is it if Fla. State throws up a jumpball and their receiver catches it they are using their “athletes” but if NC State does it we were lucky? Congratulations Daniel and that awesome defense! THAT is how a football team should play.

  14. class of 74 09/25/2006 at 8:01 AM #

    Dunlap is this team’s J. Cotchery. The catch was pure determination.

  15. packpigskinfan23 09/25/2006 at 8:16 AM #

    BOTH catches in the last drive by Dunlap were amazing!! I hope all the recruits stayed the whole game!! My girlfriends father was there, and left before the play… and to add insult to injury, he had an extra ticket but didnt offer it to me…. ouch. hope thats not a sign of things to come.

  16. for2n8son 09/25/2006 at 8:28 AM #

    When BC made the interception, I figured well that’s it. My son said “that’s the game. Let’s beat the traffic”. I told him that’s the same thing you said two weeks ago and we darn near won that one. I staying if just to cheer the team off the field. They played a heck of a game. Man am I glad I did!!!!

  17. noah 09/25/2006 at 8:48 AM #

    Looks like the key to that play was the slot receiver breaking over the middle. That tied up the free safety just for a second. The inside corner let him go, knowing he had safety help and froze just long enough to let Dunlap get behind him….that put Dunlap in single coverage.

    Watch Dunlap reach back with his hand to locate the guy, knowing he had to get inside position. The DB was looking at the ball and never looked at Dunlap and didn’t seem to realize that he was out of position.

    The free safety comes over to make an unbelievable hit (he put his helmet right under Dunlap’s chin), but he was a fraction of a second late.

    The difference between success and failure in football is often the tiniest of cracks.

  18. Dan 09/25/2006 at 9:20 AM #

    So what if there was some luck there? We’ve had plenty of bad luck lately. Everything is some part luck. But you have to put yourself in the position to get lucky.

    Flutie was lucky. So was Brady in that first AFC game vs Oakland. The Immaculate Reception was almost 95% luck. The ’86 Mets? Everything is a little lucky. We’ll, everything except 52-7 type games. That’s something not even luck can affect.

  19. WTNY 09/25/2006 at 10:03 AM #

    Game highlights plus multiple angles of the game winner:

  20. Mike 09/25/2006 at 10:23 AM #

    The old adage I’d rather be lucky than good. Give me 10 lucky wins per year and I will be happy.

    I wonder if Butting said anything about luck. “A few lucky plays and we could have won that game.” Yeah, a few lucky plays and Clemson showed up on Sunday by mistake. Bowden could have pulled people from the stands and run through that D. Go Brown and Baker!

  21. noah 09/25/2006 at 10:39 AM #

    I would imagine that a great deal of the games out there have a single pivot point where things can go one way or another and luck (for lack of a better word) ends up dictating the outcome of the game.

    Remember last year’s Carolina game? We came back and took the lead and had all the momentum. Carolina was backed up in a hole and on third and very long, their QB got lucky on a long pass. Stephen Tulloch came flying in and their RB stayed back to block. He couldn’t make the block, so he just grabbed Tulloch and tackled him and no hold was called.

    Had the RB gone out in the flat as a receiver….we make the sack, get the ball back at midfield and the game is likely over.

    Had the RB not made the block, same result

    Had the RB been called (rightfully) for holding, that would have forced them into an even longer (something like third and 28) situation that would have basically had no chance of succeeding….and we win.

    Remember the Ga. Tech game from the Gator Bowl year? Remember Chapman’s sack on the QB that was nullified because of a delay of game penalty?

    It’s the truth in the opening scene of Match Point. The ball teeters on the edge of the net and it can either fall forward or backwards. It hangs just for a moment and success and failure are utterly dependent on how much momentum and resistance are left.

  22. for2n8son 09/25/2006 at 11:27 AM #

    The only luck I saw was when BC’s fumbled on their last possession. They may or may not have gotten a first down and run the clock out otherwise. BUT, from then on out, everything else looked like well called plays and darn good execution to me.

  23. RAWFS 09/25/2006 at 11:44 AM #

    They say you have to be in the right place to take advantage of good fortune.

    Dunlap was, Evans was, and before that, so was Pat Lowery and Tank Tyler. If we were lucky it was not once, and it was because on each oppurtunity we took advantage of the chance that was given.

    It was a cascading series of events that led to the perfectly (and intentionally underthrown IMO) pass that Dunlap kept in the mitts.

  24. Wolfpack4ever 09/25/2006 at 8:04 PM #

    WolfPup35 Says:

    I have heard more than one person say the ‘Pack was lucky.’

    Were they wearing whina-lina blue? Maybe we were lucky, luck being the residue of hard work.

  25. Wolfpack4ever 09/25/2006 at 8:14 PM #

    Said this on another thread but Tank Tyler moved the line of scrimmage into BC’s backfield on the 4th and 2 play. Lowery and friends mopped up. I don’t know what happened in Mississippi, but that Defense has me thinking this isn’t our last big win. Evans can only get better.

    Chuck is getting better, too. He’s one of us. I want the very best for him.

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